Flirting ideas...


New Member
Okay, so there's this guy who I see through my job. (We don't work together, but we both work for companies that do the same thing so I see him at least twice a week).

He's cute, but he seems a bit young and immature -- like he seems like a big party type. However, I noticed that ever since he came to my birthday party a few months ago, he's been a lot more flirtatious and friendly with me... and I've been dealing with him for about two years.

So I'm thinking I want to flirt back more for fun... like tonight, I had to reach over him to get something and he pretended like he was going to bite my hand. I wanted to do something back, but I didn't think about something until it was too late.

I dunno, I guess I'm just in a flirtatious kinda mood these days... so I want to play around with this a little bit? Any tips to show him that I'm feelin' him and his recent flirtations?
Aaaawwwwwww, that is soooo cute. I don't have any really good suggestions but I just LOVE that flirting stage w/ a new guy. Remember it well because it will/might fade away once yall get involved.

Do yall share a breakroom/cafeteria together? Invite him to have lunch or a 15 minute break with you. Do yall work the same shift? When yall leave, ask him if he could lend his strong self out to your car to check the tire or something made up.

Ask to borrow his pen/notepad/office something, etc all the time and don't give it back. That will give him an opportunity to HAVE to talk to u more to get his stuff back.
Great tips! I'll definitely use some... come to think of it, he did need to borrow a pen from me on Monday! I'll have to borrow one from him tomorrow! ;)

(And yeah, he is strong... lifts weights, played basketball in high school and baseball in college... nice bod... yeah... :love:)
I would flirt back when he initiates. I guess I need to know more about your interactions so I will know exactly how I would do it. I like to flirt discreetly so that the guy is like she MAY be flirting...but I am not let me flirt a little more so she will go ahead and do it if she is...LOL
It's like giving them a lil challenge...LOL
I would flirt back when he initiates. I guess I need to know more about your interactions so I will know exactly how I would do it. I like to flirt discreetly so that the guy is like she MAY be flirting...but I am not let me flirt a little more so she will go ahead and do it if she is...LOL
It's like giving them a lil challenge...LOL

When he pretended to bite my hand, I was gonna slap it back or playfully punch him (lightly, of course)... but there were like umpteen other people around and I didn't want to attract attention!

Our interactions are basically that we see each other about 3 times a week and he always singles me out by name... "Bunnnnyyyyyy..." (okay, that's not my name, but you know). Last week, I asked him if he was going to a basketball game this week and he said yeah and I said I'd see him there and he said, "Oh yeah, you bet."

Then I said something like "The game starts so late at night, I hope my work isn't crappy the next day." He responded, "Your work is never crappy!"

Okay, so that's just a snippet of what went on last week. He never really talked to me much besides polite hellos/goodbyes, until I invited all my co-workers to my impromptu birthday party in November... then he totally changed! Another co-worker mentioned that we should get together, so maybe they've noticed too.

Whee! This is fun! :drunk: