Flexi Rod Mayhem


New Member
So yesterday, I relaxed my hair and rollerset with flexi rods, hoping to have nice bouncy curls, when it dried I took the rods out and my hair was stuck to my head and my roots were fuzzy and hard. I moisturized each curl with qp mango butter and it felt and looked better but the curls still didnt have any swing, so i decided to blow the roots ot a bit so I can wrap it to no avail. So i just pinned my hair and wrapped it up and went to sleep. I woke up this morning and thought about flat ironing my hair straight but It was such a fuzzy mess :nono: that I just got in the shower and washed it again, Im sitting here deep conditioning with Miss keys until I can figure out what to do with my hair, Here are my options.

1. Rollerset with plain ole magnetics (maybe using the ponytail method)
2.Try these flexis again, I think I went wrong when rollling because they are small and I kind of layered the hair on top of eachhother instead of spreading it out.
3. blow dry and flat iron (my usual escape):ohwell:

If any of you ladies have any suggestions pease let me know:grin:
You can't go wrong with a nice rollerset. But if you like the curl of flexirods, try them again. They may have been stuck to your scalp and became brittle due to neutralizer left on the hair & scalp. it's happened to me before. you did good by rewashing it. I also suggest doing a dc. That may help with making the hair softer and more manageable for the rods
I would try the flexi's again in my opinion (if you have the time). I wouldn't use the heat since you just relaxed because there really isn't a need. Save the heat usage for another time when you will need it more.