Flat ironing your hair and hair already straight ?


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever see anyone that has absolute straight hair and they still flatiron their hair? But you say nothing but say to your self I would of just washed blow dried it and called it the day. If you haven't saw that take a look at this video
Like she is literally putting her hair in danger for no reason at all. And the before picture she has a little more body than the other and the the before picture all she had to do was comb it down a little more and it would look just like the after. But to each their own OHWELL
Why you posting this crap?!?!?!?!?!?! You know good and durn well this was just some crap to show how to use a flat iron so you would go out and buy said flat iron.

An advertisement. An a four year old video. :lachen:
Yeah there are people with like 1b hair whatever that is who just want it stick straight, or they use it to smooth out frizz or damage.
When I blow dry my hair it doesn't have the same sheen that flatironed hair does, so maybe that's why also.
Her hair was straight, but I could tell there was some frizz. Flat irons give hair a more polished, sleek, and done look. Blow drying the hair absorbs moisture which makes the hair look dry and dull, which is why I dont use them.