Flat ironing b4 a relaxer.. does it make a difference...

Hi,, ive been natural for a while now due to the extreme damage i suffered from relaxers... but i wondered recently whether the fact that most of the times i relaxed the NG was already flat ironed straight ( now i dont mean i overlapped becuz i didnt when i did my own ),, just the fact that he NG is already straightned by heat,, would this cause problems such as overprocessing since the hair is already straight by heat...?
um, I would have to say that flat ironing before a relaxer sounds like a bad idea to me.

Just because of the manipulation to your scalp, heat forces your pores open, if you burn your scalp it would be a mess, etc.
to me its a bad idea.. cause its harder to see where the new growth is..and you a good chance of overlapping.... i wouldnt do it..
Actually the only way that I can do a decent self-relax is by flat ironing my new growth 24 hours prior to the chemical service.

Not saying that you should do it, but it's the only way that I can get through my bulky hair.