Fix It Jesus: What Would You Do If You Were The Bff

I would tell my girl. I'm not in the business of keeping secrets like this from someone I consider a close friend. I would support her in whatever her decision is after the fact.
I'd send her an untraceable anonymous email. I don't know how to make an email untraceable, but I'd figure it out. :lol:
I would tell my girl. I'm not in the business of keeping secrets like this from someone I consider a close friend. I would support her in whatever her decision is after the fact.

tough dont want to ruin her happy ending but i would want my homegirl to tell me...

good luck....

But she was sworn to secrecy. Typically I would tell but if I promised not to tell, I'd keep it to myself.
I would be looking at my boyfriend cross eyed. If your boy boinked the skripper, what were you doing? I'd consider dumping all 3 parties.
NO snitching.

I'd keep my mouth shut unless I was asked.

Now if you ask..... everybody knows I do have a level of integrity, I'm not going to lie.....
I would be really upset at my BF telling me, then swearing me to secrecy. He has put her in a very tough position. It would really weigh heavily on my conscience.
Anonymous note.:look:

Then I would hype her up about it like

Would anyone call off the wedding if they were the bride and found out? :look:

I think most brides know what kind of man they are married to.

TBH I don't think most best friends in this situation would bother telling the bride because they've probably been trying to tell her for months-years that the man she's marrying is trifling.
My first instinct: I would be furious with my BF for telling me and then making me promise not to tell. My conscience would be telling me to tell her.

With a few more minutes of thinking, I'd probably keep my mouth shut. I've learned over the years that cheating is not as big a dealbreaker as a lot of folks (specially women) loudly claim it to be. And the bride calling off the big expensive wedding at the last second because of it?? I really think that's a one-in-a-million scenario.

What is likely to happen is the bride goes through with the wedding in spite of the confession, then you (the BFF) will be ostracized by the couple for 'trying to break them up.' The bride will also be hating you for 'ruining' her wedding by dampening her happiness on that day.


I'll show up to the wedding looking cute and will dance my buns off. :yep:
I'd never agree to keep such a secret. DH would probably tell her after explaining why he beat the crap out of his friend (for putting him in the predicament, not the sex) or he'd make the guy confess. I know that cheating is a deal breaker for DH and BFF. We had the discussion years ago and she would want to know if I saw or heard about her guy doing anything suspicious.
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Would anyone call off the wedding if they were the bride and found out? :look:

No. That's stupid imo. Isn't that the purpose of a bachelor party anyway, your last night as a single person? Do what you do but don't tell me about it and don't tell anyone that would tell me...we'd get married and he'll be making it up for a while.
What if you and the girl go back further than the BF... Whats the timing on friendhsip and relationship... I couldnt imagine a friend keeping that from me, or me from her...
And he better wear a condom:look:
No. That's stupid imo. Isn't that the purpose of a bachelor party anyway, your last night as a single person? Do what you do but don't tell me about it and don't tell anyone that would tell me...we'd get married and he'll be making it up for a while.

Unless this was a regular thing.
So those of you saying don't say a thing... I take it were the roles reversed and later you found out hubby's cheated and BFF knew, you'd understand?

I'd want to know. There's no such thing as "But baby, it was only this one time!"
If you believe that? I got a bridge to sell you!
So those of you saying don't say a thing... I take it were the roles reversed and later you found out hubby's cheated and BFF knew, you'd understand?

I'd want to know. There's no such thing as "But baby, it was only this one time!"
If you believe that? I got a bridge to sell you!

For me:

Either I find out myself or I don't want to know.

It wold be in my friend's best interest to shut their mouth because I'd think they were busy runtelldat. Truth be told, if they know I probably already know.
So those of you saying don't say a thing... I take it were the roles reversed and later you found out hubby's cheated and BFF knew, you'd understand? I'd want to know. There's no such thing as "But baby, it was only this one time!" If you believe that? I got a bridge to sell you!
Sure there is...the first time. But seriously mind your business. I know who I married, and remember that adultery isn't a deal breaker for everyone. I have to remember that not everyone lives life the way I do, or how I think they should. I've learned to shut up and mind my own marriage.
I think I would keep my mouth shut on this one UNLESS I knew for sure that he didn't wear a condom. Feelings can be soothed/smoothed, but STDs or AIDS cannot.
Sure there is...the first time. But seriously mind your business. I know who I married, and remember that adultery isn't a deal breaker for everyone. I have to remember that not everyone lives life the way I do, or how I think they should. I've learned to shut up and mind my own marriage.

My bff

I'd want to tell her but knowing her she'd believe me, confront him, and then I'd get in trouble since I was sworn to secrecy so it's something I'd have to think long and hard about. Anonymous e-mail isn't easy in this situation because it's just a process of elimination.

Any other friend of mine, I'd keep my mouth shut. They can't handle the truth.

Actually, if it was my bf, he'd probably get very upset and wouldn't want us to even go to the wedding any more far less stand behind the groom.