fish oil supplements


New Member
I have heard good things about omega 3 fish oil supplements, such as it promotes muscle tone, weightloss, more moisturized and clearer skin, and more relevantly...speedy healthy hair growth. Any one been taking these and what their results have been??

(I searched the threads but only found old posts)
Hi, sizefouramour!

I have been taking a fish oil supplement for a few months now; it is really hard to say what is working since I take a "cocktail" of supplements (see my siggy). I will say that my nails are harder (could also be the biotin), my skin is smoother and more supple (could also be the Bio-Sil, MSM, NAC), and I generally feel better than I did when I ate bad and took no supplements (could be the multivitamin). The fish oil supplement that I take is called Nature's Way Efa Gold Mega EFA Blend - 3/6/9; it is sold at Whole Foods (haven't seen it anywhere else), and is on sale for $16.79 (reg. $19.99) for 90 softgels, which is a 30-day supply if you take the recommended dosage of three a day, which I do.

As far as the hair benefits, I am 8 weeks post relaxer (exactly 8 weeks on March 25th), and my hair is real, real thick (could also again be the biotin), with what looks to be an inch of new growth. The new growth is softer (could also be the MSM), and I can actually comb through and get a lot less shedded or broken hairs (could also be the Henna).

Bottom line, it's hard to tell, but I like the results of what I am taking, and would definitely add this supplement to your regimen not only for the hair health, but for all the other overall health benefits.

HTH! :)
I have been taking fish oil for 3 months now and my hair texture has completely changed. My hair is softer, stronger, shinier, and thicker. It was kind of weird at first and freaked me out. When I touched my hair, it didn't feel like my own hair at all. Additionally, my eyebrows became thicker, shinier and thicker. My skin now has a great glow and color to it. I almost don't recognize myself at all! =-)
I take the fish oil and my skin is beautiful with it. I noticed when I stop taking it, I had those lil break out again. I will continue to use them.

Sidenote: *I also use other stuff for skin. but it looks it best when i add this to the equation.*
yes girls this stuff is amazing.

not nessessarilty (sp) just fish oil either, aslong as your supplement have omega 3,6 + 9 your good to go..

please please please if you take these supplements consider taking the OIL ITSELF...its soooo much better, cheaper on your purse and have more would have to take about 8 tablets to get the same dose in 1 tablespoon!!!!!!!

i take flax oil....i actually like the taste now....its your queemish, try it in a smoothie or a milkshake :-)

hair and skin moisture will be restored. You may even live longer and become fitter as your insides will be well lubricated!
I have taken fish oil supplements for over a year now. My reasons were for the health benefits they have. I have not noticed anything different in my hair texture, length or thickness as the the other ladies have. However after I began taking them my skin appeared healthier and the breakouts lessened. Until I joined this site, I was unaware that fish oil supplements promoted any kind of hair benefits.