First Date with the DHL guy...kinda long sorry


New Member
So we went out.

It was pretty casual, I wore black Uggs, brown cordory shirtdress and tights, but I did my hair and makeup cute but natural. He had on jeans, t-shirt and track jacket with some fresh nikes.

I was late by 15 mins traffic. He was totally cool about it. Then the Hawaiian place I picked was closed cause it was a Japanese holiday--crap! He was totally cool about it also. We ended up going to this random bar/restaurant with a Native American history theme to it. It was actually pretty cool place.

We talked about music, which we have similar tastes in, and he totally passed his iphone to me and let me scroll through it and all his apps, videos, and photos--no hiding anything. That was kinda a plus...maybe?
I question everything, since my ex was a nutjob--so I wanna totally make sure DHL dude isn't weirdo.

Well I had plans to meet up with friends after and they kept emailing me, but I was having such a good time, chatting with him. Plus the food and atmosphere was fab! Around 9:30 (when I was planning to go) he said "You have to go, but I want you to stay a bit longer. Is it ok?"

So I emailed my friends and they were like "Stay, it's cool" (but I didn't tell him that) I said I could stay another 30 mins. He paid for everything and seemed slightly insulted when I offered. Ended up walking him back to the station (I drove, he took the train), hugged. (In Japan ppl always bow, when they meet, but I said "I'm American, I like hugs or handshakes" and well a handshake seemed awkward on a date..) He was pretty happy to get a hug.

I left really **happy**! He seems totally normal, a tad shy, but funny.
No warning signs so far. He said his last realtionship ended 2 years ago cause she was always bossy and angry. (I'm sure he has dated around and such since then) He's never dated a foreigner before--and only has one American friend who is married. He looks very cute in his DHL outfit.

And he did ask why I'm single, I joked that "I'm dating a 5yr old in my school who asked me out in a letter" (true, but not dating for real.) I just said "I want to meet someone who can be a good friend, but also that I have stuff in common with"

So he texted me three times last night. Once to say he had a great time, wants to meet again, blah blah. Second to say he got home, did I get home ok? And the last was a need word he taught me in Japanese.

Do I text him back or wait for him? I'm super giddy cause I haven't went on a date with a normal dude since well I found out my ex was butt-bumping back in Feb/March.
Write back, he seems interested, a short text would be the polite thing to do. Don't be too enthusiastic nor too coy. Best wishes..hope it brings you joy.
Yes, I'd respond - with a short text only. He should (hopefully) then ask you out again! Sounds like it went well. Good luck! :)

I agree with everything Brooklyn said!
Last edited: ma' I need to find a thread or something?...:lachen:

Happy for you that you had a great time! That was awesome...if he text you why wouldn't you text him back!?! He seems totally interested and you had a great time...texting is cool as long as it isn't ya'lls main way of communication...just chill, smile, be happy and enjoy! Now I'm off to find that butt-bumping thread...:lachen:

So I did text him back, just a short text. And he replied back late at night. (He said DHL was so busy with holiday shipments that he didn't get home til late)

And he asked if we could meet again before I leave for Okinawa (On the 27th!!) So now with Xmas Day and the 26th left before I go, should I say we can meet for dinner (maybe 26th?) or say I'm kinda busy til I come back? (after the new year...) I am kinda busy, but I do wanna see him again.

BUT I don't wanna seem desperate...which well, I kinda am LOL.:lachen:
Def text back! Hope there are more good dates to come.

UPDATE-He knows you're leaving on the 27th and wants to see you before then so suggest the 26th. Either way he is interested so he'll find a way to see you.

So I did text him back, just a short text. And he replied back late at night. (He said DHL was so busy with holiday shipments that he didn't get home til late)

And he asked if we could meet again before I leave for Okinawa (On the 27th!!) So now with Xmas Day and the 26th left before I go, should I say we can meet for dinner (maybe 26th?) or say I'm kinda busy til I come back? (after the new year...) I am kinda busy, but I do wanna see him again.

BUT I don't wanna seem desperate...which well, I kinda am LOL.:lachen:

:dinner: sounds great! I say why not if you feel that you have the time before you leave on the 27th and you won't feel like rushing...(getting ready for travel and all)...then go for it!? He did ask so he will understand if you don't have the time and will wait for you to get back! You do what your heart I need to strike up the LHCF :band: so ya'll can get some dancing going on?...:lachen:
Gurl its not eager and...there is no looking desperate if you like him go for it...Do you have any idea of where you would like to go? are you gonna try the Hawaiian spot again?
Ok literally just got a reply from him.

He said: Hey I have to see about the 26th now. Can I email u later? Today (XMAS and not a Japanese holiday) is so busy at work, I won't finish until 2300. Have a wonderful day!

Hummmm....what to think of that? Am I lame that I'm asking every question about this guy on LHCF????????
Ok literally just got a reply from him.

He said: Hey I have to see about the 26th now. Can I email u later? Today (XMAS and not a Japanese holiday) is so busy at work, I won't finish until 2300. Have a wonderful day!

Hummmm....what to think of that? Am I lame that I'm asking every question about this guy on LHCF????????

I would have waited until coming back from Okinawa because you are busy. In any case, maybe send him a message and tell him no worries and that maybe when you come back will be a better time.

Sounds like you both had a really nice time. Keep us updated :)
I agree with janiebaby...I might jus be a hopeless romantic. Hey, life gets in the way of stuff, if you have to reschedule, so be it! That will make it all the more exciting the next time you see him.
Ok literally just got a reply from him.

He said: Hey I have to see about the 26th now. Can I email u later? Today (XMAS and not a Japanese holiday) is so busy at work, I won't finish until 2300. Have a wonderful day!

Hummmm....what to think of that? Am I lame that I'm asking every question about this guy on LHCF????????

Lol....yea....he got a little busier than he was anticipating which is cool being its DHL, UPS, Fed Ex...all those companies are extremely don't take it personal if he say not able to make it and let him know that ya'll can just meet when you get biggie...he was trying to see you before you left and thats what counts! :drunk: like someone else said Real life stuff just got in the way thats all! Don't make it nothing more if he can't make it:nono:...because when you get back and his job has slowed down you better believe that he will be trying to get together then as well!:grin:

BTW...Merry Xmas to you as well and no your not lame for asking every ??...but it does tell me that you are trying to calculate :look: every move to make sure that its the right one since the "bumper" I would tell my gurls its not a way to calculate stuff like this per se...I say do what you excited and look forward to seeing him when you get back and have a wonderful New Years trip!

Me...I'm getting ready to go over to my future SIL house and bring my nephew his presents and take some Banana Cheesecake Pie and Baked Maccaroni with me...So ya'll have a wonderful Xmas and I'll be back on the 26th! (lol...a whole day away from LHCF)

***side note***...Bunny77 has alot of great posts and I would look up her name and read some of her posts if you have time...she gives good guidance/advice about handling men from her experiences...:yep:
yokoyokogirl ... I hope this ends up being a positive experience for you, I really do.

I wish that my humour wasn’t getting the best of me right now. What I thought of when I saw DHL … :giggle: It wasn’t anything mean … just naughty
A little update...

I decided not to meet up before I left, simply because of the lack of time and also I didnt want to seem too eager. But DHL guy asked if we could drive to the beach before I headed out. Simply no time, so I said when I get back.

Well I came to "sunny" Okinawa for vacation and it has turned out to be not so sunny. But I`m still having a fab time here and decided not to worry about the DHL guy but----he has emailed me everyday since being here. Just asking how my day is, hows the weather, what am I doing and such.

He tells me about his day, which doesnt seem really exciting, but I think its cool that he tells me stuff.

Im really getting into him...ahhh:cupidarrow:

(But since being here in Okinawa, Ive had three guys approach me!!!)

Anyways I hope you ladies are having a great holiday season.:yep:
Get it gurllllllllllllll!!!! exciting and cool...Its awesome that this is working out so well for you...all the best for you...I always say positivity attracts men and since your having a great time w/ friends, your being adored by you admirer...I can just bet your a$$ is just glowing and thats what life is all and playing all the cards that you are dealt strategically! Have a wonderful time and keep us updated!
Nope DHL is out of the picture. He just stopped calling and explanation why...

New guy tho is working out very well. He actually found me--online! He's 34, went to Alabama A&M, very funny, works for a good company in Tokyo.

But he smokes (is trying to quit, but thankful doesn't smell or do it in his car and is the same height as me....ugh...

Not complaining tho, cause he is really fab other than those two minor thingys.:yep: