First Christmas!


New Member
Oh my gosh. My SO just invited me to spend a few days after Christmas with his family. I'm pretty sure at least six+ members of his family are going to be there. I am so nervous! I'm a shy person and the last time I was there I barely said anything to anyone. I felt so awkward and bad!

We're in an LDR and he told me he'd pay for my bus fare to come visit them. This makes me feel great, but at the same time puts the pressure on. I really want to make a good first (and second for a few of them) impression!

We've been dating for four months and his Mom came by and surprised him for Christmas. (She lives out of town.) So of course he invited me to meet her. I hope it goes well! I want to bring them a gift but then I'd have to buy gifts for all 6+ family members. :laugh:

Anyone else have first-time-meeting-family woes?
don't have any advice but good luck!!!

why don't you bring something for the house/ the dinner instead of each person?