Finger Combing Success, Finally! (super short vid)


Well-Known Member
I must say that I am proud of myself, yet again.
It seems like when I put little thought into styling or taking care of my hair, that's when I reap decent results.

Finger combing was a :rolleyes: to me back in the day. I was so used to using a regular comb to detangle my hair. I tried the technique once in the past and my results were horrid. I think it's because I didn't have faith in this method at all.

That changed a few weeks ago. I gave it another try (without thinking too hard about it) and I LOVE IT! It removed almost the same amount of shed hair as combing! *Added to regimen*
I must say that I am proud of myself, yet again.
It seems like when I put little thought into styling or taking care of my hair, that's when I reap decent results.

Finger combing was a :rolleyes: to me back in the day. I was so used to using a regular comb to detangle my hair. I tried the technique once in the past and my results were horrid. I think it's because I didn't have faith in this method at all.

That changed a few weeks ago. I gave it another try (without thinking too hard about it) and I LOVE IT! It removed almost the same amount of shed hair as combing! *Added to regimen*

What is your hair texture?
i agree finger combing is the bomb. i just discovered it lol. it was never my thing and i fell in love with the jumbo rake comb so i didnt need to try finger detangling.
then i started doing w&g styles with conditioner only and when it was time to wash and detangle again the water would reactivate the conditioner making it super easy to detangle.
i havent picked up a comb in 3 or 4 weeks and i plan on keeping it that way.
i agree finger combing is the bomb. i just discovered it lol. it was never my thing and i fell in love with the jumbo rake comb so i didnt need to try finger detangling.
then i started doing w&g styles with conditioner only and when it was time to wash and detangle again the water would reactivate the conditioner making it super easy to detangle.
i havent picked up a comb in 3 or 4 weeks and i plan on keeping it that way.

What conditioner u used?

idk, personally I'm having problems with finger detangling, my hair never feels really detangled afterwards. So now I've kinda stopped doing it idk if it's because i have 4b hair or if i'm just doing it wrong...
You may want to try a different method of finger detangling. I start at the ends of my hair and gently pull them apart working my way up the hair shaft (using the same separating method). One YTer described it like playing a Harp. My objective is to gently separate and then as the strands are separated the shed hair is easy to remove by gently sliding it out. When you come to a knot or tangle, since you are using your fingers, you can feel it and then gently work it out. I never wet my hair or that would be a nightmare. I coat it with a conditioner with a lot of slip or I will do it on dry hair coated with oil. Also finger detangling on stretched hair saves a lot time. I keep my hair stretched 99% of the time so that may be why it is easier for me to exclusively use this method.

It takes longer but it is worth it. I've retained so much length from exclusively finger detangling. Sometimes when people think of finger combing, they think of their fingers mimicking the same action as a comb but for different hair types, that would cause the same amount of breakage as using a comb.

I have type 4b/c hair.
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I did not know you were a member here....i deadass just watched this video

Any way your hair is beautiful
If it causes the same amount of shedding/breaking as a comb what's the benefit?
I would expect a reduction.

Gorgeous hair btw
I am strictly a finger comber. i'm am too damn rough with a comb. what works for me is to apply my prepoo the night before. put a plastic bag over my hair and let it sit overnight. this softens my hair up for detangling.
Finger combing is da bomb for me. It's not something new. Many people have talked about fingercombing, but I never got it until I viewed one of Ciprana's fingercombing tutorials. Her hair strands are fine just like mine. Well I started fingercombing in May and did not comb my hair until I got my relaxer at the end of September and I had considerable length. Fingercombing is one of my #1 techniques to achieving hair length.
If it causes the same amount of shedding/breaking as a comb what's the benefit?
I would expect a reduction.

Gorgeous hair btw
No, I don't think that's how she meant it....I get what she is saying, in any method of detangling the point of it is to be gentle but still get all the shed hair out, combing in any way can not cause shedding, at least I can't see how. Any other way hair is coming out could be from being rough with it by pulling/ breaking the strands. Shedding occurs no matter what and needs to be removed.

I need to revisit finger detangling as an only method to detangle because I only finger detangle to make sure no big knots are in so combing with a comb would be easy. I always felt like I wasn't getting the job done. Beautiful hair OP, I had to subscribe :)
I have been finger detangling for three months and I have retained so much length and my ends are strong. I have fine strands and styling tools are too traumatic for my hair. I have less breakage and all the shed hair is removed when I finger dentangle. I use Luv Naturals detangler.

Thanks for posting the video!
If it causes the same amount of shedding/breaking as a comb what's the benefit?
I would expect a reduction.

Gorgeous hair btw

For me, it does not cause the same amoung of breakage. When I used a wide tooth comb and denman to detangle I would have a ball of hair, with finger detangling is half of that and I noticed that it has decreased but that can be attributed to my hair being stretched throughout the week before wash day.

You know something? You inspire the heck out of me. I've watched your progress off and on for years but I really started paying attention recently and after watching your youtubes, I am so soooo impressed. You have done an awesome job with your hair. Just beautiful. Now that I am going the natural route, (been transitioning since June 2011), I am feeling really good about what's ahead of me. Thank you for sharing your progress.

You know something? You inspire the heck out of me. I've watched your progress off and on for years but I really started paying attention recently and after watching your youtubes, I am so soooo impressed. You have done an awesome job with your hair. Just beautiful. Now that I am going the natural route, (been transitioning since June 2011), I am feeling really good about what's ahead of me. Thank you for sharing your progress.

Your comment makes it worth while! Thanks so much and I am happy I am able to inspire you :)
If it causes the same amount of shedding/breaking as a comb what's the benefit?
I would expect a reduction.

Gorgeous hair btw

Shedding occurs naturally, breakage doesn't.
My point with the comment about finger combing removing similar amounts of shed hair as combing is that for the longest, I thought only using an actual comb could accomplish this. This is one way for me to see that it's profitable to me, getting that dead hair outta there!
Basically, a comb isn't that essential of a tool when detangling. Save money and use the hands instead.

Hope this helps.
You have lovely hair OP. That still wouldn't work for me though. Your hair seemed detangled before you detangled it!...and a different texture/curl pattern from mine.
Mine is like a bird's nest!
Thanks for posting this. I usually skimp on the conditioner, but followed the method in the video, and had good results.
I've been natural since 2008. I stopped relaxing Fall of 2007. I have had a number of set backs....very disappointing. My hair is 4a/3c fine with low density. I have struggled with it because it does not like shea butter, protein, silcones etc... I really want to retain more length. I am now only going to finger detangle which I've started 3 weeks ago. Im am also using a hat with a silk bonnet as my protective style for the winter. Moisturizing with water and olive oil when my hair feels dry. I hope to see more retention and less single strand knots.