Financial Breakthru Thread & Prayers


Praise God! What a tremendous blessing! DH and I are in the market to buy some land. We are praying about it of course because we desire to build a home on that land. Also, we are looking to cut our expenses even further and save aggressively. We dropped almost 1 grand in bills this year by driving a cash car, living in a smaller home, not having a water bill(ultd h2o at current apt) and using a free home phone instead of an extra cell bill. And no cable only Netflix. But we also do not have kids, so we don't have to have that 2nd cell. I think that my husband and I may even cut our expenses by another 100 a month once our current lease is up. We have done this all to be able to sow more, invest more(starting with gold then later real estate) and save more. But we have not lost our quality of living for the most part. It actually seems to be getting better. I just would like a larger home because at almost 6 ft, you do not want to live in a small home so we are trusting God concerning our next move until we get our home. We may even do a lease to purchase option. I am indeed in agreement with any ladies believing God for some positive rearrangements to their living situations for the future in Jesus name.
I just found this thread, but it is an excellent and timely thread indeed. God has really helped our family tremendously after a VERY tough time and much financial loss between 2009 and 2011 (we lost two rental properties and almost lost our primary residence). Since the late summer of 2011--when our pastor prayed over our family and asked God to bless our family to overcome financial difficulty and get rid of debt--money has been coming in steadily and well over $120,000 of debt has been completely and unexpectedly forgiven by creditors (one was the remaining balance due on a rental property mortgage, and the rest was the total balance on a second mortgage on our primary residence). We later received an $8900 grant to help us keep our primary residence. God is good all the time. When I got to the place of thanking him for the extremely lean days and I decided that I will never worry about money again, breakthrough began to happen. There are still some things we are waiting on God for, but we will not lose faith. This thread is excellent and timely and I am fully in agreement with all of you lovely ladies for a year of the biggest financial breakthrough we have ever seen.

I got chills reading this post.
I receive this same favor in Jesus name! Absolutely amazing! I am trying not to cry! What a great God we serve! I am so humbled by all the ladies coming out of the woodwork and posting their stories. I am also so thankful to the Mods. Let's keep this going ladies because I know your story is going to bless and help another believer. All your prayers are welcome too :).
Lord God, we come to you in the name of Jesus and we are requesting from you in this time and season of economic uncertainty that you would raise us up on our jobs, in the marketplace and in our communities to be financial pillars of strength and covenant keepers. We thank you Lord God that not only do we have the blessings of Abraham on our life and our family's life but that you would continue to bestow upon us the wisdom of King Solomon into our hearts, spirits and mind. We thank you Lord for this day and that this day we choose not to be apart of this world's financial kingdom but we choose to be apart of the unlimited financial kingdom of Heaven. In Jesus name we thank you for the floodgates opening upon our homes, businesses, jobs and ministries in the name of Jesus and we also repent for any financial ignorance we displayed in the past and we ask you to give us the grace to continue on this journey with You and that you will remain head over every area of our lives in Jesus glorious name , AMEN :) Bless God!


Father Lord, by your mighty power, by the power in the Blood of Jesus, Fire of Holy Ghost, scatter and destroy any hindering spirit around me, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, scatter and destroy the power of devouring spirit and limitation, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, any decree made upon my feet because I have come to Christ, let it be revoked in Jesus’ name.
Father Lord, let my feet be anointed and washed by your blood to lead me to peaceful place in 2012, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, release the spirit of carpenter upon me to destroy the horns of enemies, in the name of Jesus.
Any decree to cause satanic road-block in my way of breakthrough in 2012, be scattered by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, come and be our shepherd, to keep us together and save us from thieves, in Jesus’ name.
Every satanic or collective power that wants to scatter what I have gathered, I command you to fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
Association of evil gang-up or witchcraft power to cause derailment in my life; scatter by Fire, in the name of Jesus.
Any power put in place to supervise and confirm failure in my life, die by Fire, in the name of Jesus.
Anything in me contradicting the word of God to cause error, die by Fire, in the name of Jesus.
Any power making a decree to affect my standing in the Lord, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Evil decree or curse over my life, spiritually, physically, financially, matrimonially and educationally, I break you, in the name of Jesus.
Anything in me, around me, within me, contesting with the presence of Holy Spirit in me, are you still alive? die forever and perish, in the name of Jesus.
Spirit of the Living God, arise and take me to my place of blessing now, in Jesus name.
Father Lord, whatever weapon or tricks of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy, destroy them with their weapon forever, in Jesus name.
Father Lord, connect, correct and direct my helpers to me anywhere, anywhere they may be, in the name of Jesus.
Spirit of the Living God, arise and remove any evil veil covering my face so I can see in Jesus name.
Power to succeed in life, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
Power to see and discern, come upon me, in the name of Jesus.
Power to over-come, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

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Sometimes the sacrifice speaks louder than the size of the gift, as in this story:

Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.” – Mark 12:41-45 NIV
For those with tight budgets:

Where to Find Cash to Give to Charity

You might like to donate money to your church or favorite charity, but if are living on a tight budget or are working hard to pay down debt, finding extra money to donate can be difficult. However, with some creative thinking, you can find ways to donate to your favorite charity and still meet your other financial goals. My favorite way to do this is to use Swagbucks.

What Is Swagbucks?

Swagbucks is an Internet search engine that works much the same as Yahoo or Google. Simply search the web as you normally would, but occasionally you will get rewarded with Swagbucks. These can range from just a few to 80 or more. Let them accrue until you want to cash them out.

How To Sign Up

Signing up for Swagbucks is simple. Just enter your e-mail address and create a password or use Facebook to sign in. If you have a bonus code, use that. (Right now, if you use the code FINCON2012 you can get 80 free bonus Swagbucks just for signing up.)

How Can Swagbucks Help You Donate to Charity?

You can choose to cash out your Swagbucks for a PayPal deposit, and then use the money to donate to your favorite charity. For a $25 PayPal deposit, 3,125 Swagbucks are needed. If you search the Internet a few times a day, you could get the $25 Pay Pal deposit in 3 to 6 months. Yes, it takes time, but you are doing what you would do normally in your day anyway, searching the Internet, with no extra work involved.

Another alternative is to redeem for an Amazon gift card. A $25 Amazon gift card is 3,150 Swagbucks. I have done that before and then used the card to buy something to donate to a family at Christmas.

If you don’t have many Swagbucks yet, you can still use them for a good cause by donating your Swagbucks to Swagbucks’ donation drive for the month. For the month of September, Swagbucks is raising money to donate to the Humane Society. Every Swagbuck you offer for donation is worth .01, so if you donate 1,000 Swagbucks, you are making a $10 cash donation.

Trying to be financially responsible and donating to charity can be tough if you are on a tight budget or paying down debt. Luckily, Swagbucks makes it just a bit easier.
For those with tight budgets:

Where to Find Cash to Give to Charity

You might like to donate money to your church or favorite charity, but if are living on a tight budget or are working hard to pay down debt, finding extra money to donate can be difficult. However, with some creative thinking, you can find ways to donate to your favorite charity and still meet your other financial goals. My favorite way to do this is to use Swagbucks.

What Is Swagbucks?

Swagbucks is an Internet search engine that works much the same as Yahoo or Google. Simply search the web as you normally would, but occasionally you will get rewarded with Swagbucks. These can range from just a few to 80 or more. Let them accrue until you want to cash them out.

How To Sign Up

Signing up for Swagbucks is simple. Just enter your e-mail address and create a password or use Facebook to sign in. If you have a bonus code, use that. (Right now, if you use the code FINCON2012 you can get 80 free bonus Swagbucks just for signing up.)

How Can Swagbucks Help You Donate to Charity?

You can choose to cash out your Swagbucks for a PayPal deposit, and then use the money to donate to your favorite charity. For a $25 PayPal deposit, 3,125 Swagbucks are needed. If you search the Internet a few times a day, you could get the $25 Pay Pal deposit in 3 to 6 months. Yes, it takes time, but you are doing what you would do normally in your day anyway, searching the Internet, with no extra work involved.

Another alternative is to redeem for an Amazon gift card. A $25 Amazon gift card is 3,150 Swagbucks. I have done that before and then used the card to buy something to donate to a family at Christmas.

If you don’t have many Swagbucks yet, you can still use them for a good cause by donating your Swagbucks to Swagbucks’ donation drive for the month. For the month of September, Swagbucks is raising money to donate to the Humane Society. Every Swagbuck you offer for donation is worth .01, so if you donate 1,000 Swagbucks, you are making a $10 cash donation.

Trying to be financially responsible and donating to charity can be tough if you are on a tight budget or paying down debt. Luckily, Swagbucks makes it just a bit easier.

Thank you for posting about Dani Johnson! I learned about her from you and in a few months I was debt free LOL

Praise God! What a tremendous blessing! DH and I are in the market to buy some land. We are praying about it of course because we desire to build a home on that land. Also, we are looking to cut our expenses even further and save aggressively. We dropped almost 1 grand in bills this year by driving a cash car, living in a smaller home, not having a water bill(ultd h2o at current apt) and using a free home phone instead of an extra cell bill. And no cable only Netflix. But we also do not have kids, so we don't have to have that 2nd cell. I think that my husband and I may even cut our expenses by another 100 a month once our current lease is up. We have done this all to be able to sow more, invest more(starting with gold then later real estate) and save more. But we have not lost our quality of living for the most part. It actually seems to be getting better. I just would like a larger home because at almost 6 ft, you do not want to live in a small home so we are trusting God concerning our next move until we get our home. We may even do a lease to purchase option. I am indeed in agreement with any ladies believing God for some positive rearrangements to their living situations for the future in Jesus name.
Great thread!

You should be able to find a good home in florida with all of what you need for much of nothing. DH and I found our home here in May and the price was so good, we paid cash....can't get no better than no mortgage!
Hi Successfulmiss, I just saw your response today, thank you. This thread really touches a soft spot with me because I went through a period of financial challenge when I lost my job in 2008. I stayed for almost 2 years before finding a new job and in that time God taught me a lot about trusting Him to be my Provider. Today, the situation is very different as I've seen God work many financial miracles in my life. Sometimes we need to go through the fire and the water but God is able to bring us to our "wealthy place", where we will experience His abundance as a way of life. I learned that in the midst of the challenges, you must not change your confession, keep calling those things that be not as though they were. One day, it will come to pass in a big way.

Put that testimony on her FB page! She showcases clients that found her and got out of debt to help others that need to hear your story! Esp in this economy I am so excited for you. I want to scream LOL. If you are not comfortable doing that, it's OK but can you please share your story with us? God bless you :)
Boy oh boy! I am pumped up over here In FL!!!!!!!!!!!! You ladies are a Godsend. It is ********Harvest Time******My husband and I are already stocking up on hygiene/cleaning products/nonperishable food and aggressively on the road to saving at least a grand in the next 3 months and also pay down debt. Also, I will be 6,000 debt free this Nov.....I'm about the run around my apartment LOL. Like Dave Ramsey says, live how others aren't willing to live and you later will live how others cannot live. Any of you ladies have harvest time tips?


Put that testimony on her FB page! She showcases clients that found her and got out of debt to help others that need to hear your story! Esp in this economy I am so excited for you. I want to scream LOL. If you are not comfortable doing that, it's OK but can you please share your story with us? God bless you :)

I said most of it in the post above. I love how she teaches how to pay down debt as well as stay out of debt by living below your means.

I just took a new position making less than I made in my last job (to get closer to our family) we are debt free (except for our homes) I give 10% of my gross income to works that move and inspire me, I save $600 per month and I feel like the quality of our lives has not changed. The biggest thing I learned from Dani Johnson was cutting the fat around wasted food and groceries. I feel like this confirms what I have always known, God takes care of me.

It makes me feel so excited and blessed!!!

I really had to pray about the giving, asking God to speak to my heart and lead me. I wanted to back out and give less but I always ended up hearing something or watching a program about people or children in need and I knew it was an answered prayer and guidance. I love how clear this is and I am excited about how precisely this works :)
Hi Successfulmiss, I just saw your response today, thank you. This thread really touches a soft spot with me because I went through a period of financial challenge when I lost my job in 2008. I stayed for almost 2 years before finding a new job and in that time God taught me a lot about trusting Him to be my Provider. Today, the situation is very different as I've seen God work many financial miracles in my life. Sometimes we need to go through the fire and the water but God is able to bring us to our "wealthy place", where we will experience His abundance as a way of life. I learned that in the midst of the challenges, you must not change your confession, keep calling those things that be not as though they were. One day, it will come to pass in a big way.


I am truly blown away by your testimony. I am glad you looked at her website and implemented her bible based principles. And then saving 600 a month, paying off 40k and being a tither? Mind-blowing. You just gave me ammo to step up my savings big time! I mean for so long my husband and I would give almost 20-30%(or more depending on bonuses) each check and have money left over but being young and naive we would spend it for some stupid reason and that precious money could have been saved EEK! I mean we already had 2 other savings accts but they only had a few thousand in them so we plan to aggressively save into the new year and definitely start this gold investing! God bless you ladies. So inspiring :)

Air conditioner / Heater - If you don't use your heater or air conditioner all year your approximate savings would be between $960-$2556

Books - Using the library or internet for information instead of books (if you bought about 12 books a year at an average of $20 a book) a savings of approximately $240 a year

Coffee - Choosing not to get Starbucks coffee everyday approximately $1460 savings a year!

Couponing - (coupons combined with a sale) for food/drug/toiletries combined approximately $1134 savings a year!

Dishes - Washing dishes by hand without a dishwasher savings of approximately $113 a year

Eating - Choosing to cook 1 meal a day vs eating out once a day approximately $1134 a year savings!

Electric bill - Unplugging everything (or as many things as possible) in your home everyday and only plugging them in when you use them savings of approximately $144 a year

Fast food - Choosing to cook 1 meal a day vs eating out once a day approximately $1134 a year savings!

Flushing the toilet - Flush every other time average annual savings of $90

Food choices - Choosing to cook 1 meal a day vs eating out once a day approximately $1134 a year savings!

Food couponing - Food (combined with drugs/toiletries and buying when on sale) approximately $1,300 a year

Gas - Getting gas at the cheapest place between work and home when you need it approximate yearly savings of $100

General things - Buying things at a dollar store vs other stores for various things approximately $400 a year

Hair Trimming - Approximately $60 a year (if you trim 4 times a year)

Heater / Air conditioner - If you don't use your heater or air conditioner all year your approximate savings would be between $960-$2556

Laundry - Air drying your laundry approximately (with a household of 2-4 people) savings of approximately $300 a year

Laundry detergent - Making your own laundry detergent vs pre-mixed and pre-made a savings of approximately $70 a year

Starbucks - Choosing not to get Starbucks coffee everyday (at a $4 average) approximately $1460 savings a year!

Showers - Taking your daily shower at your gym everyday approximately $30 a year

Stuff - Buying things at a dollar store vs other stores for various things approximately $400 a year

Things - Buying things at a dollar store vs other stores for various things approximately $400 a year

TV - Choosing Netflix and Hulu (getting both) instead of HBO and cable approximately $480 a year

Water - Invest in a rain barrel, average yearly savings, no average, it differs from person to person

Proverbs 21:20 The wise have wealth and luxury, but fools spend whatever they get.

I just set up my first gold and silver investments! God is faithful.

Right now I'm w/ 700+ people as we DISSECT this topic of Prosperity Vs Poverty! Phone number: (206) 402-0100 PIN Code: 604259#:yep:
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The holidays are coming fast! Please my sisters in Christ, do not get caught up in overspending and start the new year in more debt! This could be crippling to you and your family's budget:

Budget Busters
by Crown Financial Ministries

Budget busters – areas that can result in financial disaster.

-(The following percentages are for a 4-member family with an annual gross income of $130,000 or less. Net Spendable Income (NSI) is money available after tithe and taxes.)

-Housing (38 percent of NSI)

-Don't buy or rent a house you can’t afford – total housing includes mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, phone, and maintenance.

-Don’t finance closing costs or secure a second mortgage for a down payment.
Food (12 percent of NSI)

-Plan and stick to written weekly menus.

-Don’t shop when hungry or hurried. Do shop specials, store labels, and use coupons.

-Automobile (15 percent of NSI)

-Buy quality used cars you can afford, and don’t trade in before car’s usefulness is over.
Auto price, maintenance, gas, tags, taxes, and insurance are all part of cost.
Consider dropping collision insurance on cars more than four years old.

-Debt (not housing or auto – 5 percent of NSI)

-Establish a payment schedule to pay all creditors regularly, and get rid of credit cards that you can’t pay in full each month.

-Sacrifice wants and desires – buy with cash until debts are current.

-Insurance (5 percent of NSI – if your employer provides medical insurance)

-Find a well-informed, trusted insurance agent to get the best possible provision for the money.

-If you have no medical coverage through employment, consider major medical insurance – it can covers up to 80 percent of medical expenses due to catastrophic illness or injury.

-Recreation/Entertainment (5 percent of NSI)

-Recreation-oriented Americans, who are in debt, shouldn’t borrow to entertain themselves.

-Plan vacations during off seasons, select local vacation destinations, consider camping.
Clothing (5 percent of NSI)

-Save money and buy without using credit.

-Purchase off season if possible, and select home washable fabrics and outfits that can be used in multiple combinations.

-Prevention is cheaper than treatment.

-Teach children to eat the right foods and clean their teeth properly. Good diet, rest, and exercise will most likely result in better health.

-Ask doctors and dentists in advance about costs, shop for prescriptions, and ask for generic drugs.

-Without savings, the use of credit and debt becomes a way of life.
Use payroll deduction for savings. If it’s not available, your bank can automatically withdraw from checking account to savings.

-Remember budgets don’t operate on auto-pilot, they require effort and family understanding. If you’re determined to achieve and maintain a debt-free lifestyle, then living on a budget is essential. Don’t bust your budget.
The Top Christian Websites – The Crown Financial website has hundreds of articles sorted by topic and has lots of other goodies and resources. – A good place to find some good articles about Christian finances and stewardship. They also have a bunch of tools and worksheets as well. – This site is just loaded with information. There are tons of videos, audio interviews, articles, etc. – Ron Blue’s site that has tons of free videos answering common financial questions. Seriously, I think they have a video answer to every question you could have about your money. – MoralMoney is focused on helping Christians make investment decisions that line up with their beliefs. They have a free newsletter and a free stock-screening tool that will help you decide if a company is worthy of your investment dollars.

The Top Christian Blogs – Bible Money Matters is a blog that was launched in February of 2008 as a place for Pete to put down his thoughts on matters of his Christian faith and how it affects his finances. Pete writes really good content and I encourage you to check it out. – This blog is written by John and the name is based off the wonderful verse in Deut 28:12 – “that you will lend to many nations, but will borrow from none.” While John only gets to update it a couple times a week, he is a great writer and always has good things to say. – Corrie is a momma who writes this mom-blog that focuses on frugality and couponing. If you are looking to learn more about couponing, this would be a good site to check out. – Henry started this blog a couple of years ago and has been faithful to pass along biblical revelation as he uncovers it. He often reminds readers of scriptures relevant to our finances. – Travis started this blog a couple just a couple months ago and I have been impressed with the quality of articles he has on it. He tends to post every other day and has a good mix of articles. – A fairly new blog written by Paul who is a Christian Financial Planner. He writes about prudent ways to handle your money and often discusses how scriptures should affect our decisions. – This blog has been around for years and puts out more content than any blog I know. I think he posts about 7 times a day and every sunday FMF writes about the Bible and Money. – This blog is written by “Gibble” and he started right around the time I started ChristianPF. The site was birthed out of a very challenging time in his life, but he says, and I agree, that “it’s a terrible place to be when you are there, but you learn more than you ever thought possible.” The blog is frequently updated and always has interesting content. – I have known Jay for a few months now and have enjoyed his no-holds-barred writing on his blog. He is an author and investment professional and has a passion to help Christians invest according to their beliefs. He also has a very well done radio show that you can listen to on his site as well. – As the name suggests this is a mom-blog. Alyssa puts it best when she says her mission is to, “to save more and give more, one coupon at a time.” – Another Bob writes this site that is primarily focused on finances. He does a good job of finding useful articles from the corners of the web… – This is an encouraging and motivating blog written by Pastor Larry Jones. He writes a lot about stewardship, personal motivation and success. – This blog is run be another Dave Ramsey fan and has been going for a couple years now. As the name suggests it is geared towards becoming the best stewards we can with what we’ve been given. – CoolHappyGuy writes this blog and I wish I could get him to update it more! He writes scripture-packed thought-provoking articles that provide some helpful insight about biblical money management.
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Thanks for the posting of these articles and resources to keep those interested informed. I am very appreciative of this fact.

Praise God! What a tremendous blessing! DH and I are in the market to buy some land. We are praying about it of course because we desire to build a home on that land. Also, we are looking to cut our expenses even further and save aggressively. We dropped almost 1 grand in bills this year by driving a cash car, living in a smaller home, not having a water bill(ultd h2o at current apt) and using a free home phone instead of an extra cell bill. And no cable only Netflix. But we also do not have kids, so we don't have to have that 2nd cell. I think that my husband and I may even cut our expenses by another 100 a month once our current lease is up. We have done this all to be able to sow more, invest more(starting with gold then later real estate) and save more. But we have not lost our quality of living for the most part. It actually seems to be getting better. I just would like a larger home because at almost 6 ft, you do not want to live in a small home so we are trusting God concerning our next move until we get our home. We may even do a lease to purchase option. I am indeed in agreement with any ladies believing God for some positive rearrangements to their living situations for the future in Jesus name.

If you don't mind my asking, how did you get a free home phone? That would be really useful for us. With netflix, do you stream the programs to your TV?

I have Brighthouse in FL and I wanted internet only and they called me back and offered the phone at no extra cost. Not sure if BH is on your state. It has helped me save hundreds of dollars having that free phone over a year!

As far as the Netflix, I stream to my laptop and stream to my tv via xbox:yep:

More content on the way. Been busy with work:drunk:
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I refinance my car!!! I was able to shave off $118 OFF my monthly note!!

Thank you GoD!!

Woop Woop!!!!

Yesterday, I switched our car insurance and we will now save $109 per month! I also called AT&T and asked for a discount on my internet/traditional land line phone. I was able to shave off $15 per month. My husband managed to secure a $10 per month discount on our DirecTV bill.
Hi Ladies! What awesome testimonies that are flooding in!!!!! I have so much to share with you all, I can't wait to get back to it! Been getting a TON of goals accomplished and tying up loose ends but I have so so much great new things to share!:yep: