Financial Breakthru Thread & Prayers

*I just have to give my God praise!* By the end of this year, I am on track to be $6,000 out of debt! And my family is on track to be totally out of debt by the end of 2013! Plus my new jewelry business is going to buy my house! I am not kidding! Speak life into your economic situation! Do not be apart of this economy!:yep:

This prayer is fantastic for those in business or in commission sales type of work. Even praying for your company as a whole is important!

* Praise worship
* Confessions: Job 22:28; Eph. 5:17; Psl. 73:24; John 10:27; 2Tim. 1:7; Psl. 118:24; 1Cor. 4:5.
Father, guide and direct me to rectify any problem I have with my business.
Lord, forgive me for any wrong decision or wrong action or thought I engaged in.
Father, help me to see my mistakes and faults and to do all in my power to overcome and correct them in Jesus’ name.
Father, show me what to do so that business crisis would not arise in my business.
Lord, give unto me the eagle eye and eyes of Elisha to foresee market situations in Jesus’ name.
Lord, give us wisdom to walk out of any unfavorable business situations.
Father, help me to formulate a plan of recovery to keep us at the top on the name of Jesus.
Lord, send me divine counselors who can help me with my business.
Lord, always help me to identify evil business traps.
Lord, help me to erect safeguards to prevent business failure.
Lord, send me the right staff who have the same heart and commitment that I have.
Lord, let our staff be people committed to You and Your Word and who operate with integrity and honesty.
Lord, let our staff be sincere, above reproach and someone who has the sure goals and visions and decision.
Lord, send us staff who will be a healthy perspective to our organization.
Lord, bring me staff with fresh approach that will enhance the company’s ability to grow and turn a profit.
Lord, help me to manage the people in my organization well.
Lord, bless the family of my staff financially and physically.
Lord, help all my members of staff to control their tongue.
Father, give us the anointing to get the job done above and beyond our own strength, abilities, gifts and talents.
Lord, impart to all members of staff, everything they need to perform their duties with joy and excellence.
If the right persons for our work are not currently here, Lord bring them here.
Help us Lord to serve our customers better.
Help us Lord to be more sensitive to the needs of our customers and be more responsible to their desires and wants.
Lord, help us to be on the lookout for ways to provide better products and services.
Lord, help me to yield to the Holy Spirit whenever I encounter circumstances beyond my knowledge.
In the mighty name of Jesus, I claim the following:
good reputation
favour with clients and customers
abundant prosperity
divine wisdom for those who occupy important decision-making positions
increased sales and services and expanded markets
new product ideas and new servicing concepts
Lord, always help me to do my very best at all times.
Let all our workers perform their duties with a spirit of excellence.
Let all our workers fulfill their duties to the best of their ability.
I break myself and my workers loose from an un-productive habits in Jesus’ name.
Lord, let all our workers receive the enabling power to plan their day and pay attention to their duties.
Father, I dedicate and consecrate my business to You in the name of Jesus.
A Time of Revealing Prayerline
(610)214-0000 access code 588399#
LORD, teach us how to love and forgive as You do!

What is it exactly that you do for a living that will allow you to retire at the age of 40? What is your yearly salary (if you don't want to be specific, you can give a range)? What does your husband do for a living and his salary range? Also, how were you able to move from Atlanta to Florida? How did you find a job down in Florida before moving there? Do you have a sample resume that I could see? I'm serious. I would like to move out of state for a higher paying job but I can't even get any interviews after applying.

Not trying to demean you testimony but you really were not had a place to stay (mother at your church). Not sure if you were rent free or free of paying bills or not, but if you were, I can see how you were able to give over 10% of your earnings and stack up money and be debt free.

I ask because I am 28 years old right now and make a few thousand less than $50K a year and would love to be able to retire at a younger age and have enough money saved up to live off of. I also would like to be debt free. The only debt I have right now is student loans (under $30K) and car loan (about $8K to pay off). I just feel like I am living pay check to pay check and like my bank account just stays around the same amount each month with gradual increases. I feel like I'm stuck and trapped in this cycle that I can't get out of!


I have actually given the testimony in a few threads but I will do it again since this thread is so dear to me! I hope you have a cup of tea:lol:. So this is my story about becoming UE....ok ok seriously:lol:. I just laugh at the enemy now because he really tried me for a long time:nono: and he is defeated!

When I was 20, my ex-bff at the time pretty much manipulated me to move to ATL after I was offered a position with my local State Representative to work in her office but the town that I am from is very small and dead endish. So with some reserves and being somewhat courageous, I decided to move to ATL about 5 years ago now because I am just radical like that but I knew the Lord was calling me. Everyone in my small town said I was an idiot and that people go to college to get offered the position I was offered(even though this representative was put out of office soon after for fraud charges). Long story short, the ex-bff left me in an apt that was about 1000 a month in today's money. She left me high and dry and I refused to strip or do anything unethical because my conviction for the Lord was so strong. She did not even try to communicate with me about the problems we were having. Long story short, within that time frame I was evicted but the Lord gave me favor with a store manager in Buckhead and she gave me a position in her store and then I was able to secure a place to stay for 2 years by a mother at my church. During the time I was homeless, I would study victory scriptures and scripture on prosperity. I gave with all I had,more then 10% because I wanted to be obidient to the Lord and challenge Him as He says to us in Malachi. My ex-bff ended up getting another (possibly cancerous) lump in her breast after the first lump and had surgery again at the age of 23. I think it was and this was after leaving me when I became homeless. Now I live in Florida, married, living near the water, own 2 cars debt free(one is a restored antique droptop convt) and I am going to school debt-free(I also get PAID to go to school; studying Gemologist and Minister) and love it beyond words! I also own my own jewelry company and I am growing a nice retirement nest egg. This is why I do not battle against flesh and blood, I let the Lord fight my battles:yep:. He said touch not my anointed! I am not saying I am perfect by any means, as we are all saved by grace but one thing I know how to do is love God, forgive my enemies and be obedient!
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@Poohbear I am incredibly sorry to hear that you feel like you are stuck. I certainly pray with love that this message finds you well & blessed. I pray that the Lord takes you deep in His heart and gives you the answers that you seek, as I am only giving help and reference. My story is definitely not the end all. As for the questions concerning my past living situation, in the eyes of the anything lawful as in having my name on a lease I was still techically considered homeless although a rented a small space inside of a home. It was not mine. I did pay to stay there. I moved around quite a bit during those 4 years to several different places including a hotel. The minimum was from 150 wkly to200 a month and that was almost 10 years ago now. I have just always made it my goal to give over 10%, not saying that everyone should do it, whatsoever. To be honest, this thread was not put together to place the focus on me at all and I say that with respect to your questions. It was soley to create a circle of believers that may be needing love, support and encouragement in this troublesome time in this economy and for them to know we have a greater purpose and to know that our economy is of the Kingdom. My money has come from different sources that the Lord has blessed me with and I couldnt recount every single one up until this moment. I can tell you that I went into the military with a very large bonus(so did DH) because I went in at the height of the Iraq conflict(some of the bonuses were up to 60,000 as a soldier if you were deployed immediately, this gives you a pretty close figure). I still at times get large sums of money from my military duties. I do not wish to disclose my salary or DH's over the internet, and that is just out of my sole discretion. Hopefully that can be respected and understood. I also have a business selling jewelry which has been very good to me and my goal in the very near future is to give 100,000 dollars a year to the charities/missions the Lord leads me to. I truly pray this is recieved in the right heart, as I stated before this thread was created to focus on God's kingdom promises for us. I am humbled to be able to help the women reading this information and I will lead them right back to the Word. I am in no way trying to make this about me. It is only to focus on the biblical ways of prospering mind, body and spirit because I saw there was a lack of this info here in the Christian forum. One of the greatest references I can give is the War on Debt system info( all of the info here is bible-based) that I have been implementing in my household which has helped my husband and I tremendously by getting out of debt about 750 dollars monthly and having the 2 debt-free cars. I hope I answered all of your questions in love. Peace & Blessings to you always :yep:.
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Successfulmiss - I understand. I know you weren't trying to make the focus on you, but I just always hear or read about people having this great financial success and I always wonder the specifics of it all, like what are they doing to achieve financial wealth that I'm not. I'm just looking at it from a realistic point of view.

But I do have a question about I've been to that site before some years ago when I was thinking about trying to find other ways to make money, and I did not find much help from the site. What specific tips did you use from the site to get out of debt or to make more money? I know most people say they get two or three jobs in order to pay off debt. I see you have a jewelry business, and I would like to start a business of some sort, but I really don't know how to get started, especially with my personality. I'm very introverted and not a people person. How did you start with the jewelry business given that there are so many other jewelry businesses out there? How did you build your customer base? And how did you get the supplies to make the jewelry?

I have so many questions that you probably will not be able to answer. I just hate to think that I have to be stuck working 8 hours a day Monday through Friday until I'm in my 60's.

How wealth can ehance you relationship with God. It's all His anyway :)!
To whom much is given, much us required Luke 12:48

Almost every day, my wealth causes me to say a little prayer. The length and the words vary, but here is the essence of my prayer:
“God, I thank you for all the ways you have blessed me. You are an amazing God who has given me much more than I deserve.”
Today I wanted to tell you how wealth can strengthen your relationship with God.
Wealth is a constant reminder of God’s presence in your life.
When I look at what I have, it reminds me that God is with me. He did not abandon me. He did not forsake me. In fact, he did more than ignore the obvious punishment I deserved. He offered me a life in fullness and abundance.
Wealth is a visual symbol of God’s love.
God is life’s gift giver. God gives because he loves. When I think of what I have, I think there must be a loving God who is providing it. Why? What possible reason does God have for blessing me? I guess for some strange reason he loves me.
Wealth enhances my realization that I deserve nothing.
When I sit down and reflect on everything I have, it quickly makes me realize that I don’t deserve it. I do work hard, but I was given far too many opportunities to learn the value of hard work. I did study a lot, but that would not have been possible if I didn’t have the money to pay for school. I don’t deserve what I have.

So why do I have it? For me, God is the source of everything good in my life. I’ll look to him anytime I get a blessing – material or non-material – that I don’t deserve.
Wealth is a gift that God offers so we get to experience the joy of being givers.
I think the hardest thing about poverty would be missing out on the joy of giving. To wish you had more to give, but feel limited by what you own. If we are made in the nature of God, then when we do things God wills, it brings joy and satisfaction. When we give, we have a chance to experience the joy of giving – a joy that comes from God.
But, what if I’m not wealthy?
Here’s the deal. When we speak about all of these realities about God and wealth, we must not make an inverse application. In other words, we cannot say:
God is not present in the lives of those who are not wealthy. Nor do we say that God does not love those who are not wealthy.
Why then does suffering and poverty exist?
To that question, I wish I had the answer, but the closest I can get is because of sin and corruption. No, I’m not talking about personal sins of the poor, but the corporate sins that have been committed.
So, can the poor be thankful?
I’m amazed as I listen to the prayer of the poor. They thank God for his blessings, for his provisions, and for his substance.

*What are you thankful for that God has blessed you with? Is there always a reason to be thankful to God, or only those who are enjoying the good life?
Poohbear, you have such a sweet spirit! Thank you for not taking my answer as a means of being rude! I totally understand. I also forgot to tell you I am an independent agent for a car dealership in Orlando, Fl. I had to ask the Lord to give me a spirit of boldness in business, as I am mostly introverted. In the past in business I have had people trick me out of hundreds of dollars in different investments. I am still amazed to this day that the Lord has blessed me in that area concerning being bold with new clients. I can also tell you depending on how long ago you checked Dani's site she has changed dramatically, even going on Oprah and the world premier Secret Millionaire on ABC. One of her students that went to that very site and her FSTS seminars (I have gone to one as well and I am going to Creating a Dynasty this year) also made it onto Secret Millionaire after becoming a student of her and Hans Johnson's coaching. I am going to answer the rest of your questions via PM just to keep the topic on course for the other ladies here that are implementing these books and prayers. I want to answer all of your questions line by line and throughly because I understand your frustration, Ive been there! Peace & Blessings :)!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, my little sister was caught up in a violent relationship and I had to move her down to Florida with me. Please pray for her and our family at this time.

Finding financial freedom
by Crown Financial Ministries

It is not always a lack of money that creates financial pressure. Many times it is simply a matter of attitude. If there is a right attitude toward money, freedom from financial bondage can be assured. God did not say that money and material things were problems; money is neither good nor bad. It is the use of money and the attitude toward money that is the problem. Therefore, Jesus regularly warned His followers to guard their hearts against greed, ego, and pride, because Satan can control God's people with these emotional tools. In the area of finances, God's people are extremely vulnerable. As such, they need to be encouraged to follow the necessary steps that will ensure money management according to God's plan, thus assuring financial freedom.

Transfer ownership
God has designated the most difficult step, transfer of ownership, as the first step. Once this has been accomplished, all other steps will fall into place.

As Christians, God expects that all possessions be transferred to Him. Since we can't literally place everything into His hands, this transfer becomes an act of faith. In essence, it means accepting the fact that God owns it all. Transferring ownership to God means that God owns all that we consider ours: clothes, car, home, family, income, debts, present, and future. Once ownership is transferred, God can begin to lead out of debt and into financial freedom. We then become stewards and managers of what belongs to Him.

So, if God is the owner of everything in Christians' lives, He can be trusted to change unhealthy spending habits (especially the abuse of credit cards) that cause debt, anxiety, and fear of the future. The key to maintaining this relationship is to understand properly the definition of stewardship. A steward is someone who manages the property of another. As His stewards, we are responsible for managing His property in a way that will please Him. God will not force His will on us, but if we realize our responsibility and transfer everything to Him, He will keep His promise and provide for each and every need. The first step in achieving financial freedom is to realize that since God is in complete control, all that we are, do, have or ever will have must be transferred to Him.

Get out and stay out of debt
There are many ways to get into debt but only one sure way to get out and stay out of debt: self-discipline.

Regardless of income, disciplined debt elimination is mandatory in order for a money management plan that keeps Christians out of debt to function properly. Proverbs 27:12 says, "A prudent man sees evil and hides himself, the naive proceed and pay the penalty."

Debt can best be eliminated by following these steps.

Transfer ownership of every possession to God (Psalms 8:6, Deuteronomy 5:32-33)
Allow no more debt, including bank and personal loans, and cut up all credit cards if unable to pay them off each month (Proverbs 24:3)
Develop a realistic balanced budget that will allow every creditor to receive as much as possible monthly (Proverbs 16:9)
Start retiring the debt (Psalms 37:21, Proverbs 3:27-28), beginning with the smallest debt first. Once the smallest is paid off, put all the money on the next, and so on.

Praise God for financial health & well-being!

Excerpt from:
Learn to be content. (1 Timothy 6:6-9).

Pay your bills faithfully. Making your payments on or before the due date is a positive testimony to your creditors and a good example to your family/neighbors.

Prioritize your debt, making sure you don’t compromise your home or your transportation.

Negotiate with creditors as needed. Be proactive. Seek a meeting with them to make payment arrangements rather than waiting until you miss payments and they come looking for you.

Downsize if it puts you in a better cash position.

Pay extra whenever you can to accelerate payoff dates.

Have a garage sale to generate extra cash to pay down debt or to increase savings.

Work your way through the Crown Money Map.

Capitalize on your most valuable assets, your family.

Learn to garden, use fresh vegetables and fruit when in season, try a new recipe.

Cancel cable/satellite. Instead, read a book, play a table game, or share coffee with friends.

Explore bartering to save on outgoing expenses.
Pledge or faith promise?

by Crown Financial Ministries

Part of being a good steward, or manager, of God's possessions is giving back to God a portion of what He’s entrusted to us, His stewards. It’s not that God needs our money. Rather, giving serves as an external, material testimony that God owns both the material and spiritual things of our lives. It also supports the greatest, most enduring work on earth: the work of the Lord.

One of the first standards of giving in the Bible is the tithe, a word which means “tenth.” Although the tithe is mentioned in the Law, no punishment was indicated for not tithing. Consequences for not tithing included withholding of blessings, but this is not generally viewed as punishment. Tithing has been, and always will be, a voluntary act on the part of God’s people. Even though not tithing brings about a withholding of God’s blessings, tithing with proper motives invokes God’s blessings (Malachi 3:10).

Like every other facet of serving God, all giving—including tithing—should be done with the right attitude. When giving is viewed as a rule and is done out of a sense of duty, it becomes legalism. Like tithing, giving beyond the tithe should be an outward material expression of a deeper spiritual commitment and an indication of a willing and obedient heart. Just as the Macedonians did, Christians should give out of a grateful heart, with an attitude of joy (2 Corinthians 9:7), and because the Holy Spirit is prompting them—not as an emotional response.

In today’s world, especially the Christian world, many churches and ministries appeal to the emotions of their supporters and potential supporters to give by pledging a specific amount of money to be paid over a certain amount of time. Other churches and ministries ask their supporters to commit to a faith promise that they will give as the Lord provides. Is there a difference between a pledge and a faith promise? Although most Christians will agree that commitment is an important ingredient in giving, confusion exists when it comes to distinguishing between faith promises and pledges.

Pledges are vows. They can be identified as “earnest promises that bind one to perform in a certain manner.” Repeatedly in the Bible the words pledge and vow are used to refer to promises that are binding, regardless of future circumstances. Few scriptural principles are clearer than that of keeping vows—literally keeping our word with God as our witness. When we give our word, we are obligated to do it. When we obligate our finances, we are obligated to pay. So, financial pledges are absolute commitments (vows) to pay a fixed amount. This type of giving is presumptuous, unless we have the resources currently on hand and uncommitted, and it often constitutes surety because in most instances there is an obligation to pay without a certain way to pay the commitment.

In addition, pledges can be legally enforceable commitments to pay fixed amounts of money, during given periods of time, that churches and ministries can opt to resell (at a discount) to lending institutions, so they can get their money right away.

Faith promise
Faith promises are commitments to give a certain amount if the Lord provides it. This allows churches and ministries to prepare good, logical budgets for the year. With faith promises, people make commitments to give if the funds are or become available. It is understood that if God doesn’t provide the funds there is no obligation to give (Hebrews 11:1). Committing to a faith promise is scriptural and acceptable to the Lord. All ministries and churches must have a sense of how much money they should expect in the coming year so they can establish a budget (spending plan) and financial accountability. Faith promises give ministries this ability.

When giving beyond the tithe—especially when giving for specific ministry causes or projects: parachurch ministry, church debt elimination, church building program, missions trip, and so on—people need to give and commit to an amount out of their abundance (2 Corinthians 8:14) and not out of emotional appeal or guilt. God doesn’t want us to give until we are poor, unless it is to improve our lives spiritually. Faith promises represent a balanced approach to giving that encourage people to commit to giving but at the same time provide financial guidelines for future ministry funding.
Hello Friends! :)

God's 25 Keys to Success:yep:

1. If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved ... Rom 10:9.

2. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life ... John 3:16.

3. These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world ... John 16:33.

4. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also ... Matt 6: 19-21.

5. Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart ... Psalm 37:4.

6. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them ... Mark 11:24.

7. If you abide in me and I abide in you, you shall ask what you desire and it shall be done unto you ... John 15:7.

8. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success ... Joshua 1:8.

9. In all your ways acknowledge God, and He will guide your paths ... Proverbs 3:6.

10. Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established ... Proverbs 16:3.

11. When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him ... Proverbs 16:7.

12. He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much ... Luke 16:10.

13. ... For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more ... Luke 12:48.

14. Be anxious for nothing but in all things by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your heart and mind at peace through Christ Jesus ... Philippians 4:6-7.

15. The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered ... Proverbs 11:25.

16. And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus ... Philippians 4:19.

17. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows ... Malachi 3:10.

18. Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure — pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return ... Luke 6:38.

19. Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver ... 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.

20. But you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day ... Deuteronomy 8:18.

21. I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not fasten its grip on me ... Psalm 101:3.

22. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you ... Matt 6:33.

23. How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers ... Psalm 1:1-3.

24. By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches and honor and life ... Proverbs 22:4.

25. Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened ... Matt 7:7-8.
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Biblical Prosperity

More Than Enough;
Biblical prosperity is part of the definition of wellness and wholeness that is nothing missing and nothing broken. The good news of the kingdom of God teaches that you can attain success in the here and now using the principles of Jesus. It's supernatural how this manifests as you submit to the Word of God and the leading of His Holy Spirit.

The perfect will of God is a dimension of wellness that is wholeness in every area of your life including finances. In Bible verses this is written for us to clearly see...2Cor.8:9...“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.”

God's will is for us to Prosper!

There are great benefits in learning about Biblical Prosperity. Jesus Himself preached the gospel to the poor. Gospel means “good news” and good news to a poor person is... (paraphrased)..."You don't have to be poor any more!"

We don't have to wait to go to the Kingdom of Heaven to experience this. Jesus brought the knowledge of the Kingdom of God here with Him when He came. He told us that the Kingdom of God is within us (already). And His Gospel the good news teaches us how to tap into it even now.

According To Your Calling

Can you believe God for your economic prosperity?

Everything you financially need to be the most effective to fulfill Gods purpose in your life is included in Biblical Prosperity.

At the very least you can believe according to "your calling" needs. You may not believe that this includes ten homes, ten cars, three airplanes and a world class luxury ship. But don't limit God. Surely you can believe that a God who owns the Universe can supply what you need.... right.

You may say, "Well God won't feed your fleshly lusts". You could say that, but a loving Father loves to give good gifts to His children. And He is the richest Father I know. 'More than enough' has always been Gods way of doing things. Our needs will be met as we focus on Gods supply and not our need. In other words, eyes on God not on self.

Poverty is not of God. Some may think asking God for only enough to survive has 'virtue' in it. Actually may I humbly submit to you that a prayer like that is a very selfish prayer. Why? Because then you would not have enough to fulfill Gods commands to feed the poor, clothe the naked, show hospitality to strangers.

You should have everything you need to be the most effective to fulfill Gods purpose in your life what ever that may be, AND be a blessing to others.

By Studying the Laws of prosperity and following the principles of God we can be among those who have peace and prosper even in times of famine. We can become aware of the power we possess within us even now when our faith filled words move mountains with our Christian Payers.

Bring My spirit to Life Lord

This speaks of Spiritual wellness. Our spiritual wellness is vitally connected to our over all Biblical prosperity. You can't understand the things of the Spirit unless your spirit is alive.

Your spirit must come alive, be born again, through your relationship with the Holy Spirit. (It only takes a simple prayer of faith to go to Him even right now and ask Him in your own words to make your spirit come alive, be born again.)

John 3:6-8
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'

Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." NKJV John 3:3

Just as your Soul Prospers

There much more to Biblical Prosperity than just financial gain. Biblical prosperity encompasses a dimension of wellness and wholeness in all things. Including your health and wellness in mind body and spirit. You could call it holistic healing.

You can also see Biblical Prosperity in 3rd John1:2 “Beloved,I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

You are a spirit, you live in a body and you have a soul.The soul includes mind, free will, emotional health, personality and even social relationships. Hear how Bible verses in 3 John 2 show the way, this is a key; "As your soul prospers", (as it is brought up to a higher place in your understanding of the kingdom of God,) so to will you prosper in all things and be in health.

'Shalom', Peace, a Hebrew Blessing. May God Bless you with wellness and wholeness that is nothing missing and nothing broken. . .
In Jesus name! :yep:

Excerpt from:
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This site was so good, I'm posting again :)!!!!!

The 'LOVE' of Money

The 'LOVE' of money is what is the root of all evil not money itself. Riches are deceitful in making you think you are safe because of your prosperity not realizing all could change in an instant. Overnight you could loose all your wealth.

If you loose everything and find yourself broken and sobbing at the feet of your Savior, then you are actually in a far better place than before. It may not feel like it but you are actually in a much safer place totally dependent on God.

Prov 28:25-26 But he who trusts in the Lord will be prospered. 26 He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But whoever walks wisely will be delivered. NKJV

Only those who are found faithful in money matters can God trust with the TRUE Riches.

Many Ways to Prosper

You can prosper in many ways. Financial prosperity is just one way. But if you are naturally talented in any area it is hard even impossible to give that up and rely only on God alone unless you will ask God to do it in you. Without realizing it you can lean on your natural abilities instead of giving control to God.

Poverty is part of the curse that Jesus came and redeemed us from by the Blood of His cross. He became poor that you might become rich. God wants you to prosper.

“ Remove far from me vanity and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:9 Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain. “Prov 30:8-9 Webster

God's will for you is prosperity for it it written, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." 3 John 2 KJV
Still here :)

Economic Prosperity

Economic Prosperity is Gods will for for His covenant children. If the Lord is with us He will cause us to prosper. God is for us not against us. His has plans to prosper us. 2Ch 26:says... As long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.

As God says in Jer 29:11-14 I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out — plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.

12 "When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. 13 "When you come looking for me, you'll find me."Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else,

14 I'll make sure you won't be disappointed." God's Decree. as written from THE MESSAGE Bible.

God teaches how to Profit.
Be lead of Him in the ways you should go. If we are willing to do things His way, there may be a million different ways that God can teach us how to profit. Look for integrity.

Good Investments

There certainly are good investments that God can lead you to that He can use to quickly give you economic prosperity. But Slow and steady like the tortoise is how most gain economic prosperity.

Caution, Buyer be wary of most get Rich quick plans. Do you homework. There are schemes out there to rid you of your money. The world thinks nothing of lying to you gaining your trust and then cheating you out of all your hard earned money. Look for integrity in the hearts of men.

And don't let past mistakes stop you from continuing to look for Gods leading into economic prosperity. We all have made mistakes so don't be discouraged and give up. You have a free will and can choose to learn from mistakes and make better choices because of it.

God will teach you to profit if you don't give up. As they say, ”the games not over until it's over.” ... God can replace that which the devil has stolen from you. Only choose to react according to the Kingdom of God. Forgive and leave it to God to avenge you. This opens the door for God to bless you even more abundantly.
I'm really digging this site right now! Such practical advice to use for your everyday financial decisions! Shalom.
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Ok~financial freedom in God~ladies! :)

So I have some awesome news. My husband and I are getting ready to purchase gold & silver investments after listening to our Christian financial adviser who has a PHD in economics. I am so excited to say the least! I know this is from God because U.S. currency is no longer backed by has been that way for some time now. Just wanted to give you all some resources to consider for your financial future in God. Blessings!
SUPER SWEET, thank you! Your comment blessed me :)! I just want to help other believers in their businesses and finances using kingdom principles! What better why to BEAT this current economy? God bless you!
I'm just seeing this for the first time but it is right on time! I use to be a faithful tither but after some situations in my life changed I became angry with God and my heart hardened. I noticed I was tithing but my heart was not in the right place so I stopped altogether. I'm back on track now and will begin tithing with my next paycheck. I have also repented btw.

These threads were necessary because it forced me to remember the giving in other ways is just as important!!! Thanks for the insight

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Your so welcome! I am going to ask the mods to make this a sticky :) I am so glad you repented and we are all in this together. With statistics showing that a little less then 80% of the Christian church are not constant tithers*, I thought this was a good thread to shed light and inform the Body of the importance of giving and honoring God with our all. Praise God for this!:yep:

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7 Keys to Living a Generous Life:

#1 - SUBMIT yourself and all you have to the LORD

#2 - STUDY the Scriptures on finances & generosity

#3 - SEE what God has provided

#4 - SET ASIDE resources to give



#7 - SIMPLIFY your life to be more generous
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

Are you supply conscious or lack conscious? In the above scripture the Apostle Paul encourages believers to trust in the Lord’s provision and ability to meet all of your needs. Not some of your needs, but all of them! Paul was certain that God shall supply all the needs of those who know Him. For believers in Christ Jesus there is no reason to lack. As the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years they never lacked food, neither did their clothes or shoes wear out. God supernaturally took care of them. In the same way today, God doesn’t rely upon the economic conditions to supply your needs. Neither does He depend on your geographical location, background or employment status. He supplies all your needs supernaturally according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus! So go ahead and personalize this scripture and let it become a reality in your life always.

From "The Riches of Glory" at

Your really drove that home with this excerpt. While we thank God for His many channels to bless us we do recognize that even between jobs God will still provide for His people. You can always find a way to still give no matter your circumstance.

Love your name by the way! :)
DH and I have paid off over 40K in debt in 2012

I prayed about it and now I continuously and consciously donate 10% of my gross income to Charities that I feel inspired to support

I actually recently took a cut in pay and with prayer and inspired action and many unexpected blessings we have been able to make this happen

I am delighted about how easily this unfolded, I set an intention didn't know how I was gonna get there and things just lined up for excited!