Finally I Have Updated Pics


New Member
Come one, come all to Carnvale!
No, just come to my picturetrail album and see my newest pics. They are all from October & November!
I do my bun, the bad way, that Lee said not to! I put my hair in a ponytail and then I put it through the rubberband again without pulling it all the way out. Then I pull the sideds of it out so it's bigger.

I'm trying to stop doing my bun this way, but I can't do the twist bun because my head's so big it makes it look like someone stuck a golf ball on the end of a watermelon!
I only do a twist bun if I'm at home.
Thick, Shiny & Very beautiful!!! You're doing all the right things. Keep up the good work, girl. I wish my hair was thick like yours.

You hair looks fabulous, very shiny and man has it grown!!! I love the braidout also,very nice!!! Keep it growing!!

1.Great'lve made a lot of progress, I know you're excited about having only a few inches left!

2.Where did you get your Dominican Doobie done,,,I'm from the DC/Metro area and didn't know there was even a place that did those!!! Thanx!
Your hair looks soooooo good!!! You are really making great progress girl. I'm very proud of you, Ms K
. Keep it up girl.
Your hair looks wonderful and has grooown so much. The doobie and bun look fantastic too

Girlfriend, ur hair looks AMAZING!

Ur hair has grown so much (more importantly, u have retained tons of length) since ur June 2002 starting point pic.

U must be very proud of ur progress
.... I surely am for ya'
Your hair is so shiny and pretty. I compared the new and april pics as you requested and you hair is sooooo much thicker now. Are you taking vitamins? I may just have to choke down to these B5 horse pills.
Dang! Can you say BLING! Your hair looks great & you are really working it. Wish I could roll with you to the Dominican salon.
Ms Kenesha,

Gurl, you are really making progress!!! I've been looking at you pictures some quite some time and these lastest pictures are the bomb. You're becoming an inspiration. "You go girl, with your bad self." Old saying I know, but appropriate.