filtered water vs. distilled


New Member$aving que$tion:

If I filter regular tap water, (my charcoal-based filter system removes a lot of minerals) will this water work as well as distilled water for rinses?

Thanks for your answers and suggestions

I don't have an answer for you. I suggest PMing Sweet Cocoa becaues she uses distilled water. I think her area has hard water.
I currently have filtered water and noticed that the majority of all of my products are great. My hair feels really soft whenever I use any products!!! I love it.
When I'm away from home, I notice the difference with the same products. The results are not always the same
. I have been recently misting my hair w/ distilled water. I guess I will give the distilled rinse a chance and see if the results are different...
Thanks Sweetcocoa... : )

i appreciate the answer and insight.

The link is helpful but I am a bit wary, since the information is from a source who is pushing the purchase of distilled water-related products.

Perhaps there is info from a third-party source with less of an economic interest in promoting distilled water? I'll check around.

Thanks so much. You offer so much information and insights.
Best wishes,
Coilygirl, there is definitely a difference!!!
At least w/ my hair I could tell the difference... Maybe you should give it a try and see what results you get???
Thanks Titansgirl:

I will take your suggestion.

Last night I rinsed my hair (with conditioner) using filtered water. ( I have a filter pitcher)

Today, my hair is now much softer, relative to a straight-from the (unfiltered) showerhead rinse.

So on Friday, I will try a distilled water rinse and compare.

Thanks for your insights and thanks for the prompting me to compare.

Di I have to use the distilled water to wash my hair or it it effective to use it just for rinsing? I bought some today and I will be washing my hair tomorrow...(last wash before touch up)...
It is still effective if you just rinse with it or use it as your final rinse. I am currently shampooing with it because..
1. I need to replace my shower filter(this weekend). When I shampoo in the shower..I still and always do a final rinse of distilled water.


2. I'm currently using a natural shampoo(little or no detergent) and they always work better(at least I think so) with distilled water. I'm enjoying the natural shine I'm getting by shampoing with the distilled water. I will resume shampooing in the shower..but only once per week.