Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!

Hmmm, I think I'm going to give this distilled water thingy a try.

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I think I'm going to try the distilled water rinses. Distilled water is all we drink in my home anyway. So, there's plenty on hand. I think perhaps we have hard water, I noticed a distinct difference in the texture of my hair after moving from Louisiana to Florida. The bounce was gone, the shine was gone. Thought about adding a water softener in my home. This would be much more economical
. Thanks ladies
, I love this board.
Girl, you know being on this punishment I'm on with no product purchases for the whole month

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as far as I'm concerned, this isn't a product. This is just water and who can go a whole month without water?
When I ordered from PP they sent me additional brochures. They have a product called Aqua Wizard which sells for $130. It's like a water filtration system but claims to remove more pollutants and minerals than the distillation process.

I'm thinking of giving this a try but I'm not sure yet. What are your thoughts on this? I wish I had the catalog to show u girls
The Aqua Wizard Patented Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System delivers better quality water as compared to other pitcher-style and faucet-mounted filters. You get clean, clear, spring-fresh water right out of your tap. It is just 8" in height and 2" in diameter, so you can use it at home or take it with you for delicious, ultra-pure water--anywhere, anytime.

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Puritan Pride resonded to my inquiry. Here's the email:
Thank you for your inquiry.

Below is the information we currently have available on the Aqua

- The world's first and only faucet mounted reverse osmosis water
combined with a carbon filter.
- Pops on and off your tap in just one second-simple and easy to use.
- Only one inexpensive filter change needed per year, unlike most other
filters on the market.
- Water costs just pennies per gallon-bottled water can cost a dollar
- Makes 8-12 gallons of purified water a day.

- Dissolved Substances:
96.2% Dissolved Solids
99.3% Lead
99.3% Arsenic
Microbiological Substances:
99.97 Cysts

Chlorine Taste and Odor

Why AquaWizard is so unique and how it compares with other water
- The worlds first and only faucet-mounted reverse osmosis water filter
combined with a carbon filter.

- Other filteres become more and more clogged daily because the water
contaminats they remove accumulate inside the filter. AquaWizard is a
self cleaning filter that rinses itself automatically as it purifies
your water.

- Get clean spring fresh water right our of your tap with AquaWizard's
unique filtration technology.

- Studies show that tap water is full of chemicals and pollutants and
could pose a serious danger to your health yet 95% of all water filters
can only remove a small number of these harmful contaminants.

- Before AquaWizard, you would have to spend $ 300-600 or more to buy
and install a reverse osmosis water system under the sink-now the same
technology is affordable and attaches to a faucet.

- It's small and portable-only 8 inches in height and 2 inches in
diameter (20cmX5cm). Use it at home or take it with you anywhere: RV,
vacation, camping, ect.

- So unique-it's patented and used in over 40 countries.

What's so unique about Revese Osmosis water filtration technology:
- Reverse osmosis in combination with carbon filtration offers great
advantages over pitcher style and other faucet-mounted filters-better
quality water. No need to change the cartridge every 40-100 gallons
which can cost up to $ 230 a year.

- Reverse osmosis technology has been trusted for decades and used in
making medicines, in hospitals, pharmacies, the worlds finest coffee
tea shops and many other places where pure water is needed.

- When reverse osmosis is combined with carbon filtration, the result
better and cheaper than distillation. Some distillers cost $ 240 a year
in electricity costs alone. Distilled water also can taste "flat"
because the process removes the much needed oxygen from the water.

- Reverse osmosis forces tap water through the tiny holes of its
membrane (cartridge) which are up to 620,000 times smaller than the
width of the human hair (even smaller that the size of bacteria!).

You can purchase additional filters directly from the manufacturer who
is Aqua Wizard International. Their phone # is 1-800-872-8081.

Thank you again for writing and we look forward to your continued


Product Information

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Tracy & BRH

I believe the water in the NJ/NY area is hard. I have lived in other areas and there is DEFINITELY a difference. I can smell chlorine in the water (hard water) some of the glasses I wash here eventually develop a fog or white glaze, I don't think my whites get white enough. It happens because hard water doesnt wash the soap completely away. Hard water contains more minerals and deposits. When you use soft water/bathe with it you feel for lack of a better world slippery. Minerals and etc are added to water in urban areas to keep it clean and safe to consume.
Re: Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!

Oh good, thanks SweetNic! I'm off to get me some distilled water without the guilt.
Re: Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!

Oh good, thanks SweetNic! I'm off to get me some distilled water without the guilt.

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Hey Pebbles,

That's right. It'll be a guilt free purchase for the month of May.
Re: Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!

Hummm...great tips! I have some distilled water at home. I'm gonna try this for my summer rinses. Will be changing the water in my misting bottles as soon as I get home!!
Is it good to do this even if you don't have hard water?

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I read on the website that I posted last week(the online book) that distilled water was the best because of what it DOESN'T contain....which is nothing...no chemicals, no chlorine or minerals. That made me feel good because I have been doing this and had noticed a big difference. Even when I only used it when I rinsed there was a difference in the way my hair feels.
Question: does the bottle have to read 'distilled' to assure your getting the right thing? there were other waters that didn't have that word on it. does it mean they are the same?

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That is the only one I buy unless they are out. I do get spring water if I can't find the distilled(if they are out). I usually save the spring water for drinking and cooking.
I couldn't hold back any longer. I've just sent my bf out to the chemist to get me some distilled water. I'm so weak

I wondered why my hair always felt good after using the kemi oyl spray and h-two products as they have purified and distilled water as the main ingredient. I'd always wondered what the difference was from tap water but too lazy to ask I guess.

Oh well Yay to BRH for starting this thread

BTW girl I am LOVING your braid out pics, really beautiful.

To save on the DW has anyone who's also up for the daily rinsing thing thought about using DW to do this using a spray bottle rathe than pouring a large amount on. I find I can get my hair saturated enough using a spray bottle on my scalp and hair area.
I'm going to try this and see how it goes.

To save on the DW has anyone who's also up for the daily rinsing thing thought about using DW to do this using a spray bottle rathe than pouring a large amount on. I find I can get my hair saturated enough using a spray bottle on my scalp and hair area.
I'm going to try this and see how it goes.

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I do this when I'm lazy and I'm gonna pull it back anyways... Mine is mixed with a little jojoba oil. My son uses this on his hair everyday(I always have to go looking for my misting bottle....)
Re: Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!

that's a good idea. i'm going to try that on my son's hair too. and rinsing with distilled water for myself.
Re: Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!


Did you use distilled water for the final rinse only?
Re: Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!

I really like this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need to find Baby Curls since she was the one who started the May Withdrawal for products. Frankly, I'm voting with the rest of you. Distilled and spring water are exempt!!

You should definitely get water which is clearly marked distilled. I've seen a few off brands which appear to be distilled, but they are actually are not.

As for other waters, I have used spring water, Deer Park to be exact which I use exclusively for drinking and it yields terrific results. But, I try not to use it for my hair at all because it is much more expensive than the distilled...much more.

As for prices, Sweetcocoa, .50 per gallon is actually expensive for my area. In the past year, Rite Aid has gone from .39 to .79 per gallon, but on sale, it's always lower at just about every drugstore and supermarket.

The best place I've found for sales is Shoppers Food Club/Warehouse. I have not looked at Costco of late, but I am sure you could buy it in bulk there. The last sale I caught at Shoppers, it was about .39 per gallon and I bought about 50. Summer is usually the time when you will see a lot of sales, too.

Allandra, you had asked the question about whether you should use distilled water if your water is NOT hard. Generally, there is no reason to do that. It's the hard water's reaction with soap, conditioners and the like which produces scum, film and extra residue. Is your water in Southern Maryland as hard as the water in Montgomery County? I used to live there and it was the absolute worst I've experienced for both skin and hair. I wish I had water like Portland, Maine...that is some of the most luxurious, soft water in the US. I remember taking a bath and actually watching the bubbles appear....softness, not soap.

Y'all are wimps with cold distilled water


Re: Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!

compared to regular bottled water, how much does distilled water cost?
Re: Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!

I live in Northern Virginia and at Shoppers Food Club/Warehouse, the cost for Deer Park spring water regular price is about $1.25 per gallon. For distiled water, the range is anywhere from .39-.79 per gallon, depending on where you shop.

Good God, why do I even read the boards. I can't afford to read the boards...*sighs* How on earth will I keep distilled water on hard for daily rinses? *staring at my purse** I swear my purse is saying, "don't even THINK about it!" *laughing*

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Walmart....(.50) a gallon....When you just rinse you don't need the whole gallon....when I shampoo I use a whole gallon to rinse before I do my conditioner because I want to be sure I get out all the shampoo. For Conditioner rinses...I wet my hair with just a little distilled water apply the codntioner than just rinse followed by my leave-in....

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Sweetcocoa, I'm in Korea with my husband til next summer...no Wallie World...*cries* I'll check the Commissary (grocery store) and see how much it is there...
Re: Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!

I'm definitely in....on using distilled water as my final rinse
I tried it out last night and was very impressed w/ the outcome. As I stated in another post, my water system in my home is treated and all of the products that I use in my hair have given me great results. I didn't think there would be a difference in distilled water and my filtered water, but... there's a big difference!!!
I was totally shocked. I followed my normal procedure of rinsing and then applying my moisturizing conditioner. I used my normal water until my final rinse... My hair felt my silk!!!
I'm not kidding... Distilled Water will be my final rinse from now on.. and I will definitely take some w/ me when I'm not at home.... Thanks Ladies...

***There Is Always Room For Improvement****
Re: Sweetcocoa & Jade21: Distilled water really works!

Hi Titansgirl! Another happy customer! Seems like a trend has been started. I'm glad you too noticed the difference. Its amazing what a difference it makes.
I stopped by Stop& Shop after work and picked up a couple of bottles. $1.09 each gallon! Why do I feel like I'm getting ripped? I need to check walmart next time.

Anywho, I tried it and I loved it! I used it with my acv rinse and my final rinse. I can definitely tell the difference. I'm considering buying a distiller but the cheapest one that I can find costs between $99 and $129.
Walgreens in Manhattan sells it for $1.07 a gallon including tax. I'm sure somewhere in Brooklyn, it's cheaper.

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there is a walgreens in manhattan?????? i never knew this. is it new? God bless you all.
Hi ladies-

I couldn't hold out any longer!! I just went to Kroger and bought me 2 gallons of distilled water (.99/gallon).

I'm going to try it tonight. I'll let you ladies know my results tomorrow.