fgrogan relaxed hair her after a 15 moth stretch!

She sold me on stretching! Her hair is so long and thick! I'm shooting for a 6-mo. stretch (June 1st), which is the longest stretch I've ever tried. After watching her video, with regular henna treatments, I'm sure I can do it.
well i also was encouraged with her videos during her stretch :) im currently almost 23 weeks post and i was inspired with her progress and growth !
She sold me on stretching! Her hair is so long and thick! I'm shooting for a 6-mo. stretch (June 1st), which is the longest stretch I've ever tried. After watching her video, with regular henna treatments, I'm sure I can do it.

GOOD LUCK ! wishing you a smooth streching :yep:
Finally, I stop subscribing to her months ago because I was tired of her going to relax teases, taking about "I'll be relaxing really soon" and that was back in Dec.
I watched that last night. Her her came out nice. I would have been real nervous trying to relax all that virgin hair.

How long was her hair prior to the stretch? I guess I'll go see if there is a vid of her pre-relaxer stretched hair.
I watched that last night. Her her came out nice. I would have been real nervous trying to relax all that virgin hair.

How long was her hair prior to the stretch? I guess I'll go see if there is a vid of her pre-relaxer stretched hair.

YouTube - Relaxer Day!

Her hair has retain alot of grown, but I thought she would be almost full MBL or WSL after 15 mos. Maybe she was trimming in between. IMO she doesn't need a corrective, but it's her hair.
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YouTube - Relaxer Day!

Her hair has retain alot of grown, but I thought she would be almost full MBL or WSL after 15 mos. Maybe she was trimming in between. IMO she doesn't need a corrective, but it's her hair.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. She was raving about all the thickness but a corrective would thin out the hair strands. I say leave it alone, but like you said "it's her hair".
YouTube - Relaxer Day!

Her hair has retain alot of grown, but I thought she would be almost full MBL or WSL after 15 mos. Maybe she was trimming in between. IMO she doesn't need a corrective, but it's her hair.

She had ALOT of breakage even though she tried to say she didn't. I watched her the entire time because I'm transitioning nut she had sections that were completely natural and for some reason saw nothing wrong with that :-/. Not knocking her at all because my hair breaks everyday lol so I think she's had some nice progress for dealing with those two textures for so long.
She had ALOT of breakage even though she tried to say she didn't. I watched her the entire time because I'm transitioning nut she had sections that were completely natural and for some reason saw nothing wrong with that :-/. Not knocking her at all because my hair breaks everyday lol so I think she's had some nice progress for dealing with those two textures for so long.

I was thinking about this the other day when I watched her video. Thought, what happened to all the relaxed ends? Maybe she cut them, but then why relax again?

Still love her hair though. Even if she had breakage she has a great thick head of hair.
This is my first post I just had to comment her hair looks very healthy. She has retained alot of length. And her down to earth personality is a plus on her videos.
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Oooh thanks sweet_silvia88! That is motivation right there. You can see she did have breakage but there are ways to avoid that. Also she should have relaxed in halves, and done smaller sections with that much ng; she probably would have avoided the need to do a corrective. From watching her other videos I think she's a bit rough with her hairas well. The longer you stretch the more you have to care those ends; very gentle detangling more protein to keep them strong, avoid heat. In fact, I find that after 6 months I actually use different products on my natural vs. relaxed hair. Despite that, she still made alot of progress :yep:
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She has that hair that can take a lickin and keep on tickin, LOL!:lachen:

I don't watch her all the time so I can't tell how much progress she's made but I love her hair and I wish mine was 1/2 as thick.
I watched last night. Great progress and I love the thickness of her hair. I've been waiting to see her relaxed hair. I was wondering why she was saying some parts were totally natural unless there was breakage or she was trimming.

I don't think I can do a stretch that long. I'm still wondering if I can complete this first time six month stretch.

I like her because she's down to earth and she doesn't try to fake the funk for the camera.
The only thing I'm not feeling is the protein treatment before the neutralizer.
She does have beautiful hair but she switch up her 10 week relaxer date to 8 weeks real quick. lol
Whatever works for her!
I always do a reconstructor before neutralizing to put protein back in the hair shaft while the cuticle scales are raised. I don't leave it on for as long as she did though, five mins is my max.
The only thing I'm not feeling is the protein treatment before the neutralizer.
She does have beautiful hair but she switch up her 10 week relaxer date to 8 weeks real quick. lol
Whatever works for her!

A lot of relaxed ladies do this mid-relaxer protein step (myself included) because it restores protein lost in the relaxing process. Also right after a relaxer the cuticles are lifted so that's the best time for penetration :yep:. More info Benefits of the Mid-Relaxer Protein Conditioning Step - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

As for fgrogan. I saw her video last night her hair looks really good. I'm a bit puzzled too as to why some parts are completely natural? But anyway beautiful results
A lot of relaxed ladies do this mid-relaxer protein step (myself included) because it restores protein lost in the relaxing process. Also right after a relaxer the cuticles are lifted so that's the best time for penetration :yep:. More info Benefits of the Mid-Relaxer Protein Conditioning Step - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

As for fgrogan. I saw her video last night her hair looks really good. I'm a bit puzzled too as to why some parts are completely natural? But anyway beautiful results

Good insight! Thanks.
I guess I was only looking at it from a still processing standpoint.
Still beautiful head of hair.
Some parts are all natural because she had been trimming her ends as she went along. So in the nape area where some of the hair wasn't as long as the other sections, there were some natural portions.

I'm glad she finally went ahead and did it, cause I too was getting a little ticked by her teasing me :look:
I love it! Her hair looks super-healthy. If I were her, I'd probably continue to stretch this year instead of going 8 weeks between relaxers. That way she can keep that wonderful thickness. Can't wait to see her progress this year!