Oooh thanks sweet_silvia88! That is motivation right there. You can see she did have breakage but there are ways to avoid that. Also she should have relaxed in halves, and done smaller sections with that much ng; she probably would have avoided the need to do a corrective. From watching her other videos I think she's a bit rough with her hairas well. The longer you stretch the more you have to care those ends; very gentle detangling more protein to keep them strong, avoid heat. In fact, I find that after 6 months I actually use different products on my natural vs. relaxed hair. Despite that, she still made alot of progress
I wish I wouldve done the half and half method too! I was scared that I was going to leave it in too long and all my hair was going to fall out in the sink like Tina Turners did! From here on out, I think I will use the half and half method!