[USER=201322 said:
divachyk[/USER];19107137]faithVA, I have not but plan to on my next wash. My hair is a bit tangled so I'm interested in experiencing the slip effect. I'll report back. I will be doing a FTR as I have bags vs. powder/seeds.

OK. I hope it goes well. Will check back with you for an update. What is FTR?

I was wondering if it was totally necessary to blend the soaked seeds afterwards ... can the mucilige/liquid be seperated from the soaked seeds & then used like a rinse or can the the mucilage/liquid be added to conditioner or oil as a treatment, avoiding the blending step? Thanks!


Is the treatment cleansing for your scalp as well or are you washing your hair prior to the pre-oiling process? Thanks!

For me, I wouldn't say it's cleansing. I would wash my hair if there is buildup, but if not, I just use the fenugreek tea rinse alone for the moisture/slip effects. The only problem with this is - I would always get comments that I smell like food, specifically - maple syrup:giggle:. So I started doing a quick cowash to get the smell out with any cheapie conditioner.
The slip is amazing....but the smell is not okay. I would never use this as a final step.
I was hoping DH wouldn't catch me with this in my hair but he came home unexpectedly to pick something up between meetings. My hair smells like I'm wearing an "Indian Market" perfume.
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Aggie, I feel you on the food smell comments. Used fenugreek once last week and for the rest of the week where ever I went people were asking if I ate pancakes that day, do you smell syrup, something smells sweet do you smell that to? I'm so tired of it, lol, but I'm loving the results. Made a new batch yesterday and put lemongrass EO in it, hope that stops the maple comments.
On Friday did a nice Fennugreek/Goat milk mask Dc 1hr,washed it out with AV coconut con,used AV Ashilli as a rinse,CC naturals rice pudding leave-in,Simease Twist Henna Hair Cream..KV Brahmi oil applied to my scalp....

*No syrup smell..When I blow dried my hair on Sunday,it was a lot easier...I know it's the Fennugreek/Goat milk mask..

Happy Hair Growing!
Did a fenugreek paste( 2 tbs powder/1 c water then added Kenra conditioner) and my hair was very tangled..urgh!!! After my hair dried, it was soft and manageable.
The maple smell carries over into everything including your "secretions" especially if ingested. in some cases others might find the maple smell and taste pleasant similar to the way pineapple makes things sweeter. KWIM?

i might try using this as a rinse for my hair. I need some softness
Did another fenugreek tea rinse yesterday. It really does add softness and slip. I'm loving it. I haven't noticed the smell lingering, but I'm using tea vs paste and it doesn't stay in my hair longer than 10 mins.

Ditto on the maple syrup smell. I was at the dermatologist yesterday and she was checking my scalp for issues. As she moved my hair around I got a distinct whiff of pancakes. :lachen:

Yes I love fenugreek in my Ayurveda mixes especially my henna.

I also like to make a flax seed spritz and add fenugreek to it. It smells like maple syrup to me. If I'm not mistaken its also used to aid in increasing milk for nursing moms
I might have to hold off on the fenugreek tea rinses. I was visiting my sister-in-law and baby nephew when my brother walked into the room and asked why it smelled like Indian food. :nono: Mind you, this was several days after doing the rinse. :perplexed
Used fenugreek tea and do agree with the others about the maple smell. Honestly, I kind of liked it. *shrugs* My hair had slip and detangled well but it didn't dry all that soft and moisturized. Two things: I used protein my ends the same day and I went into the wash session with extremely dry hair from MSM. Perhaps those two things could have altered the end result. I definitely think fenugreek is a keeper. I will try it again on well balanced hair before making a final conclusion. I was amazed at the slip.

Used fenugreek tea and do agree with the others about the maple smell. Honestly, I kind of liked it. *shrugs* My hair had slip and detangled well but it didn't dry all that soft and moisturized. Two things: I used protein my ends the same day and I went into the wash session with extremely dry hair from MSM. Perhaps those two things could have altered the end result. I definitely think fenugreek is a keeper. I will try it again on well balanced hair before making a final conclusion. I was amazed at the slip.

Thanks for the update. I may play around with adding this to a conditioner later in the year. I don't need slip as much as I need moisture and softness.
I don't find the fenugreek smell as bad as the henna, nor does it linger on me. Once I co-wash afterwards, it is gone.

Henna will last until the 2nd time I wash :nono: I think that it's because of the ACV that I use.
Thanks for the update. I may play around with adding this to a conditioner later in the year. I don't need slip as much as I need moisture and softness.

In my opinion, you need marshmallow root, burdock root and slippery elm. Those were hits from jump, especailly mash & slippery. faithVA
@Aggie, I feel you on the food smell comments. Used fenugreek once last week and for the rest of the week where ever I went people were asking if I ate pancakes that day, do you smell syrup, something smells sweet do you smell that to? I'm so tired of it, lol, but I'm loving the results. Made a new batch yesterday and put lemongrass EO in it, hope that stops the maple comments.

This made me :giggle: blackbarbie986 - brought back memories:yep:.
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I don't know. The fenugreek isn't giving me the slip I expect from all the raves. I've used it as a prepoo all by itself on dirty hair. I've mixed it with conditioner and dc'd with it. I've used seeds. I've used powder.

I own no. It doesn't kinda soften until it dries 95%, I apply oil and creamy leave in.

I think I have to consider it a protein treatment because my hair ain't right until I have co-washed twice. Then its the best hair in the world and I make my children touch it.

ETA: Duh, why didn't I just co-wash it out instead of using drying shampoo and then dc'ing. Next time I use it in two weeks, it won't be on my shampoo/dc day. I wanna like this. I need something to block androgens. I'm going to keep trying to avoid medicine.
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apemay1969 - I can definitely relate to your entire post. Softness yes but no slip. Plus my ends curled tightly as if I used Aphogee 2 step.

Even with the powder mixed in my dc - I had residue in my hair. I will revisit this only when my hair is cut short.
I will be doing a fenugreek treatment tomorrow or Wednesday.
I will mix up my concoction tonight.. not looking forward to the smell of the boiled powder lingering in my house.
Ok... So this weekend I did another fenugreek treatment, but this was the 1st time I let the powder soak over night... I mixed the powder/paste with my conditioner and some avocado oil in the blender... applied to hair (making sure to really get the roots) and sat with the heating cap for @ least 30 minutes... again GREAT detangling results... and this time less shedding, YAY!!! My new growth is so soft and manageable... It even looks like a looser texture and this is on air dried hair... I love this stuff...
Now, there is a slight syrupy smell but by the time I rinse and apply my leave-in & oils/butter there is no lingering scent at all
In my opinion, you need marshmallow root, burdock root and slippery elm. Those were hits from jump, especailly mash & slippery. faithVA
what are these good for... I'm trying to build my arsenal of truly natural hair products as I am giving up on conventional and so-called natural hair lines
I don't know. The fenugreek isn't giving me the slip I expect from all the raves. I've used it as a prepoo all by itself on dirty hair. I've mixed it with conditioner and dc'd with it. I've used seeds. I've used powder.
apemay1969 I don't know if you will necessarily feel "slip" per se... but once you've done your final rinse you should feel like the detangling session is so much easier... the hardest part in detangling for me was always as I got closer to the root area and now the comb almost just glides thru my roots
apemay1969 I don't know if you will necessarily feel "slip" per se... but once you've done your final rinse you should feel like the detangling session is so much easier... the hardest part in detangling for me was always as I got closer to the root area and now the comb almost just glides thru my roots

I think I'll be more impressed once I get more new growth. Also, i get impatient with letting the mucilage form. I'm still going to use it once a week. I noticed once I've coated my hair in Vatika when I wake up, my hair is soft and shiny. I don't get that with each by itself. It's growing on me. I just be wanting stuff to just work with the latest amount of work from me. :)
I will be doing a fenugreek treatment tomorrow or Wednesday. I will mix up my concoction tonight.. not looking forward to the smell of the boiled powder lingering in my house.

Yeah, I dont really like the smell either but I love the treatment!

I LOVE this HHJ!!
Soooooooo tonight I was out at dinner, walked outside and saw an Indian store at the corner. I thought about all the great Indian food I could purchase but decided against going in ....until I remembered this thread and all the rave reviews about fenugreek. I didn't even know what I was asking for when I kept telling the girl I just wanted "fenugreek" -- she almost gave me fennel seeds. :lol: So now I have a package of this in powder form.

Is everyone mixing it with hot water? Can I just add it directly to my conditioner? I just took my hair out of braids and I want to use this to help with detangling.

ETA: Got my answer. :look:
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I have fenugreek tea, not the powder. It smells like syrup. I brewed and used some tonight as my tea rise. Love it...
After months of trying different Fenugreek versions…I think that the best Fenugreek recipe for my hair is achieve by just using the Fenugreek seeds instead of the powder. Fenugreek isn't the easiest to rinse out, but I noticed that the easiest for me by far was when I actually blended up the Fenugreek seeds instead of using the powder. I'm not really sure why but it rinsed/shampooed out relatively easy when compared to the other methods that I've used.


2-3 tablespoon of Fenugreek seeds
2 cups of distilled or spring water

Place the water into a pot…then when a rolling boil is reached pour the Fenugreek seeds into the boiling water. Stir and continue boiling for approximately another 10-15 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat then let sit over night…a mucus will form over night in this mixture. Mucus provides the hair with a great detangling slip as well as a nice shine.

Next, take the mixture and place it into a blender. I blended for about 3 minutes…just make sure all seeds are blended well and a fine mixture is formed. I coated my dry hair with virgin cold pressed coconut oil then generously applied the Fenugreek mixture to my hair in layers. I cover my hair with a plastic bag…this keeps moisture in my hair during the conditioning process. After about an hour I rinse or lightly shampooed the mixture out of my hair.
After months of trying different Fenugreek versions…I think that the best Fenugreek recipe for my hair is achieve by just using the Fenugreek seeds instead of the powder. Fenugreek isn't the easiest to rinse out, but I noticed that the easiest for me by far was when I actually blended up the Fenugreek seeds instead of using the powder. I'm not really sure why but it rinsed/shampooed out relatively easy when compared to the other methods that I've used. Recipe: 2-3 tablespoon of Fenugreek seeds 2 cups of distilled or spring water Place the water into a pot…then when a rolling boil is reached pour the Fenugreek seeds into the boiling water. Stir and continue boiling for approximately another 10-15 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat then let sit over night…a mucus will form over night in this mixture. Mucus provides the hair with a great detangling slip as well as a nice shine. Next, take the mixture and place it into a blender. I blended for about 3 minutes…just make sure all seeds are blended well and a fine mixture is formed. I coated my dry hair with virgin cold pressed coconut oil then generously applied the Fenugreek mixture to my hair in layers. I cover my hair with a plastic bag…this keeps moisture in my hair during the conditioning process. After about an hour I rinse or lightly shampooed the mixture out of my hair.
cocomama This is exactly how the girl in the YT video did it and I followed her pretty closely. Except she added coconut oil to the blended mix too and blended a little more. This is what I did too and it comes out creamy like a conditioner. Im getting some nice growth from this. I LOVE this HHJ!!

ETA: I just ordered some fenugreek tea for tea rinsing!!