I'm having a bit of trouble getting the right consistency w/ the fenugreek powder. When I only add oils to it, it feels too grainy. If I add cold liquid like tea that I have sitting in the fridge or AVG it gets clumpy. Should I only add hot water to my mix?

I mixed mine in hot water and let it sit overnight. It was soft and lumpy so I ran it through the blender to get it very smooth.
Dcing again tomorrow with the mix I made Saturday. I put it in the fridge so it wouldn't go rancid. I need to warm it before I put it on my hair though. How are you all warming your leftover mixes?
Dcing again tomorrow with the mix I made Saturday. I put it in the fridge so it wouldn't go rancid. I need to warm it before I put it on my hair though. How are you all warming your leftover mixes?

Jobwright, I haven't warmed up my left over mix. I just take it out the fridge, mix it with my conditioner in my hands, then spread it over my hair. Just did that yesterday :yep:
Dcing again tomorrow with the mix I made Saturday. I put it in the fridge so it wouldn't go rancid. I need to warm it before I put it on my hair though. How are you all warming your leftover mixes?

I thawed my frozen henna by boiling a pot of water, turning off the fire then put the bowl of henna in the water and cover the pot with a top. I did this Sunday night. I also do this with my tea from the fridge. Warmed tea feels sooo good on my scalp. I don't like putting hair stuff in the microwave.

I LOVE this HHJ!!
I finally got enough gas money to venture to the Indian Bazaar. Yeah. That's sad. I get my hands on$20 and i spend $10 on gas, $5 on Vatika and fenugreek seeds, $1 copay for a prescription, a mouse trap and a huge Payday candy bar.

I got my priorities right, I tell ya. Lol.
Do the seeds have to sit over night? I have them soaking and plan on doing my hair later on so I don't want to wait til tomorrow.
Still working on finishing the fenugreek mix I made a week ago. I love the mix and glad that I have it but next time, I think I will make a little less so it is FRESH and not refrigerated for so long. Thanks for giving this herb some life on this forum! It is definitely a keeper. I will say, I couldn't imagine doing this with the seeds, the powder is waaaaaay easier to manage. Just sayin for anyone who may have been wondering about the powder.
The last 6 weeks I've been on a protective style challenge by keeping my hair in mini or large twist. I took my hair down last week and I can already see a huge difference in the health of my strands. Fenugreek is loaded with vitamin A (stimulates hair growth) , Vitamin B1( prevents hair loss), Vitamin C (encourages hair growth) , protein (strengthens hair structure) and fiber ( thickens the hair shaft). My scalp looks extremely healthy...vibrant and full of life. Since our skin is the largest porous organ, I find it quite refreshing that I'm applying something to my scalp that could also be benefiting, not harming my body with it nutrients. After talking to my fellow LHCF's sisters about the wonders of Fenugreek I decided to try other methods and mediums of using it.

In my original post I used fenugreek powder, but since my current style is twists I decided to try a more liquid version to apply during my weekly regimen. Since I don't use heat on my hair, I only will use the below treatments once a week as needed. If you use heat on a daily or weekly basis your hair shaft is aggressively losing protein so your hair will benefit from using the treatments more than once on a weekly bases.

Fenugreek has a "glue like" silica/mucus barrier that attaches itself to the hair shaft. Since this is the case, I recommend prepooing with a oil like coconut oil (since it has been proven to infuse itself into our hair shaft), then rinse the hair to allow the water (nature's true moisturizer) to filled up the hair shaft cup if you will. Finally shampoo as normal then apply the Fenugreek tea mucilage or powder mucilage paste as normal. Both can be added to a conditioner of your choice or by itself. Put a plastic bag on and let it sit for 1-2 hours... rinse or lightly shampoo out like normal, then apply a regular conditioner then a ph balanced leave in conditioner. Finally seal in the moisture with your oil/butter of choice. I use grapeseed oil which is high in ceremides as well, as a heavy butter like shea or mowrah as a last step. I'm still trying different techniques for sealing...now I'm oil dipping ends/buttering.

The fenugreek tea is a liquid that can be refrigerated to extend the shelf life. After trial and error I found that this worked better as a final rinse on lose hair and a prepoo fenugreek treatment on twist hair right before you wash them.

FENUGREEK TEA: I put 4 tea bags in a bowl of boiling spring water, then allowed it to sit for 24 hours. After 24 hours a mucilage will form inside of the tea bags. I poured the tea into a spray bottle, then opened the Fenugreek tea bag to preserve the mucilage than had form over night.

The Fenugreek Tea tested at a Ph level of 7, so since I was using this as a final on my twist I decided to balance the ph levels to a more acceptable 4.5 -5.5 level. I added a few drops of ACV to lower the tea to a 5. Make sure you do a drop at a time, so you won't drop it down too low. Ask me how I know? If you do make that mistake you can adjust it by adding a pinch of Baking Soda to raise the levels back to a more acceptable level for our curly texture.


FENUGREEK TEA SEEDS: I love the fact that I'm getting two bangs for my buck by using Fenugreek tea bags... a Fenugreek tea rinse and by using the mucilage seed mixture that was inside of the bag as a super slip conditioner. The ph levels of this mixture was a 6, so I added 3 drops of ACV to drop it to a ph level 5.

I applied this mixture after I wash my hair, then did a heavy rinse or light shampoo afterwards. I noticed that this mix rinsed\shampooed out easier than the fenugreek powder mix. I think since the seed pieces from the tea bag is considerably smaller than the normal bag of fenugreek seeds, yet bigger than the fenugreek powder grains it is more ideal for curlier hair textures to rinse out. The water pressure can push this smaller seed out of our hair texture, where as the fine grains won't budge so easy. Plus the mix was slimier than my powder mix. Just an observation...



FENUGREEK OIL: I applied this oil to a pre-oil poo then shampooed...conditioned/style as normal. This oil is infused with protein and a light coat of mucilage.

All I can say is WOW!! I did a Fenugreek treatment last night and my hair felt great. I only let the seeds sit about 3 hours in boiling water and then I blended them in the blender with some olive oil to make a paste. I let it sit on my hair about an hour and a half and when I was rinsing it out it my hair felt so silky. Hardly no shedding or breakage.
IDareT'sHair, you know I'm always behind and a day late and a dollar short. I've lurked & skimmed the posts and see some mention fenugreek is hard to remove from the hair. I will be using tea bags. Do you have any issues rinsing it out when using the tea?
Still working on finishing the fenugreek mix I made a week ago. I love the mix and glad that I have it but next time, I think I will make a little less so it is FRESH and not refrigerated for so long. Thanks for giving this herb some life on this forum! It is definitely a keeper. I will say, I couldn't imagine doing this with the seeds, the powder is waaaaaay easier to manage. Just sayin for anyone who may have been wondering about the powder.

I have a 14 oz bag of seeds that I'm sure will last me forever since I mix 1 tbsp of seeds to 1 cup of water. So far it hasn't been a hassle; it just takes a little more prep time. I soaked my seeds in hot water for 12-24 hours and then ran the water and seeds through my vitamix until it was very smooth.

I made a large batch so I have frozen what I didn't use and divided the rest in sandwich sized ziplock bags. I can sit a bag in a cup of warm water and it will thaw in a few minutes. Very easy.

Compared to henna, it is much less messy and smelly so I really like it.

Also, it makes a great facial mask. Next time I will mix it with my Bentonite Clay and apply to my face with a dab of manuka honey.
I want to get it but seeing the prices yal pay to go to a indian stores and looking at the price it is to be delivered is making me feel like I'm getting ripped off, I have to map quest to see if anything is near and don't feel like taking that trip. I was hoping Walmart or Target had it
I want to get it but seeing the prices yal pay to go to a indian stores and looking at the price it is to be delivered is making me feel like I'm getting ripped off, I have to map quest to see if anything is near and don't feel like taking that trip. I was hoping Walmart or Target had it

Yea I just went ahead an ordered mine from IHerb. I figured I would save time and gas driving around town trying to find it. I paid close to 8.00 including shipping for a 16 oz bag of the seeds and they are going to last a very long time because I only need maybe one tablespoon every time I use it.
Yea I just went ahead an ordered mine from IHerb. I figured I would save time and gas driving around town trying to find it. I paid close to 8.00 including shipping for a 16 oz bag of the seeds and they are going to last a very long time because I only need maybe one tablespoon every time I use it.

And you mix with conditioner? @Frisky
And you mix with conditioner? @Frisky

I have only used it once and I kept it really simple. I soaked the seeds in boiling water for 3 hours or so then I put them in the blender with some olive oil. I had to add a little more water to get a paste but that is it. I thought about using conditioner but I decided on the oil.
I am making another mix now. Decided not to chance it on my old mix. I used 2 cups of water this time, 3 Rooibos, 2 black tea, 2 tsp each of fenugreek, slippery elm and marshmallow root powders. In the morning, before I apply it to prepoo'ed hair, I will add honey, sunflower oil, and AOHSR. Thinking about adding peppermint oil, but not sure yet. Maybe I will just add the peppermint oil to my sulfur mix so it is applied to my scalp and not my hair.
I am going to pick some up this week. Y'all have me do excited to try this. I will report back with the results.
When I make my next mix, I will use safflower oil or wheat germ oil instead of coconut. I noticed how these two instantly softened and moistened my hair when sealing or prepooing. The coconut acts more like a protein. That may be too much for my hair along with the natural proteins and minerals from the fenugreek.

Will update after rinsing my next mix.

I LOVE this HHJ!!
Just tried this today. I bought mine from my local supermarket in the spice isle, I'm sure I could've found it cheaper but hey. I used about a tbs in a cup of boiling water and left it for about 45 mins. The slippery feeling was insane, I added some conditioner to thicken it up and made sure I applied it liberally to my scalp too.
I cant wait to see the results!
I found the Alvita fenugreek tea at a health food shop. I'm going to open up the tea bag and throw the contents in with the detangling tea blend I already have from Chagrin Valley. Excited to try it. :yep:
Has anyone done a fenugreek mix with cassia included?

Jobwright Hi! Yes,I have mixed errrthing with everything..lol...Cassia acts like a protein,so up your moisture,if you mix them together..Use more Fennugreek...Your hair will feel strong/soft....Use a cheap con or Detangler as a rinse-out.

Happy Hair Growing!
Jobwright I also add cassia to my mix.

I have sooooooo many pounds of cassia sitting at my house, and I find that mixing it into my DC mix with fenugreek makes my hair feel very balanced.
fenugreek butter...that sounds interesting, share your results and mix PLEASE

What I decided to do was to melt the butters I wanted to use over a double boiler (big pot filledl halfway with water, brought to a boil, then lowered to simmer, then placed a big glass bowl on top of the pot to gently heat and melt the butters in) and then I added 2-3 teaspoons of fenugreek powder (I ground my seeds up in my vitamix), 1 teaspoon of hibiscus powder, and a a half-teaspoon each of amla, brahmi, and bhringraj. ReviveUk on YouTube says to use about one tablespoon of herbs for every 100ml of oil. I have had this mixture infusing in the double boiler for nearly an hour. I'll let it infuse for about an hour-hour and a half total, and then use some cheesecloth to remove the solid herbs/powder from the melted butter. Then, I'll let the butter infusion cool to a soft solid and begin whipping it. I'll also be adding some honey, glycerin, tea trea oil, and vitamin e.
Using Fenugreek now, I think I'm in love. Added seeds to hot water, let it soak overnight, threw it in the vitamix with some aloe and slathered it on.