I did a Fenugreek tea rinse this morning and mixed KV Fenugreek oil with my leave in. I love Fenugreek :yep:.

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I went to work Monday and my boss was asking around...."Do you guys smell that? Ive been smelling Indian food all day. I wonder where its coming from...."

Ive deep condition once so far to get rid of the smell...but nothing. Lol
I went to work Monday and my boss was asking around...."Do you guys smell that? Ive been smelling Indian food all day. I wonder where its coming from...." Ive deep condition once so far to get rid of the smell...but nothing. Lol

When I used fenugreek ppl were always saying they smelled maple syrup.

I threw the powder I bought in the trash, because it had a real pungent curry smell. I couldn't put it in my hair :nono: I bought a methi set from Hairveda and I'll buy some tea bags the next time I order from Swanson Vitamins. Also, I ordered the fenugreek oil from Keraveda.
See I mixed it with Deep conditioner, so I was hoping for that maple syrup smell. Lol but nothing. I got a lot of powder. Most of you guys use the tea? What are the results?
I went to work Monday and my boss was asking around...."Do you guys smell that? Ive been smelling Indian food all day. I wonder where its coming from...." Ive deep condition once so far to get rid of the smell...but nothing. Lol

Omg that's awful!! Lolol. Seems like this is something you do on a Friday and stay home the whole weekend washing your hair!!!
Yeah my fenugreek smells like maple syrup but I never noticed till I took a good sniff of it lol...it's a pleasent scent. I just infused my ghee with fenugreek and plan on prepooing Friday night!

What directions did you follow to infuse your ghee?

Hey I use the 'how to make clarified butter infusion' method of warming the ghee with a double boiler then adding the powder and stir with a wooden spoon for two minute intervals then when it cools I place it in a container and store it. Hope this helps!
Used the fenugreek mask a few times in October but have fallen off. also I was getting tired of people continually asking me did you have pancakes this morning and do you smell syrup! anyone know how to mask the smell?
I hadn't used this for a month even after a touch up. It was the only change in my regi but I wasn't getting the connection. My hair was breaking at an alarming rate.
I boiled 3/4 cup of water & 2 T of powder hard for about two minutes stirring the entire time. I let it cool, stuck in the fridge for two days. I warned it a little by setting it near a pot of simmering food. I then mixed with some Tresseme natural conditioner, slapped it on dirty dry hair, baggied for a couple hours. I then rinsed, washed, conditioned with a rinse ou, sir dried and my hair was back, baby. Full, soft, shiny, touchable. No dropped hairs, itchy scalp, felted ends.
I surrender.
I didn't smell like urine either which is what my principal said she smelled in my classroom the last time I used it. Blame it on the kindergartners. Lol.
I've been so stuck on the fenugreek tea but I thinking will try the powder this weekend?

How much powder do you mix to make it into a paste?
I just took a new jar of ghee, put the jar in a saucepan filled with water, boiled to soften the ghee and then poured in about three teabags of Fenugreek powder. I kept heating and reheating for about a day (whenever I was in the kitchen and turned it off when I went to do something else). Then as I let it cool, I kept shaking it up. I keep the jar stored in my closet instead of the refrigerator (I was shocked that it didn't spoil but it didn't) and use it as an overnight pre-poo every time I wash my hair with shampoo. (On egg-yolk shampoo days, I don't use it.)

Aside: I have a terrible cold so I'm making a pot of chicken soup, guess what Ima do with the grease? LOL It is shameful but I will seriously try anything once if I hear/see that it is great for your hair -- especially if it is natural and from the kitchen. While doing a search re Dominican products, I saw way too many references to this to not at least try it once. Wish me luck! (I figure, if I can smell like a lamb chop from the Fenugreek/Ghee mixture, Chicken Grease isn't that much of a stretch.)


What directions did you follow to infuse your ghee?
Used the fenugreek mask a few times in October but have fallen off. also I was getting tired of people continually asking me did you have pancakes this morning and do you smell syrup! anyone know how to mask the smell?

Girl, I'd much prefer people asking me if I smell maple syrup then if I smell curry spice. Lol Cause mine was just offensive on so many levels.
Girl, I'd much prefer people asking me if I smell maple syrup then if I smell curry spice. Lol Cause mine was just offensive on so many levels.

That is so weird that some smell like curry and others smell like maple. All I smell is maple syrup from the powder and the tea.
That is so weird that some smell like curry and others smell like maple. All I smell is maple syrup from the powder and the tea.

I know right! My powder smells like a strong curry spice. I added conditioner to it, but it didnt help. Maybe you need to bath it in conditioner??? I dont know. Lol
The last time I did the paste, I used Wen 613, Tresemme Naturals, some other powders, oils, coconut milk powder and EOs. This got rid of the syrupy smell effectively and conditioned my hair nicely.

I LOVE this HHJ!!
I made a Fenugreek Mask last night using Fenugreek Seeds mixed with coconut oil and Texture Me Natural condition me softly conditioner. It made the rinse out a lot easier and my hair was really soft. I want to use Slippery elm and marshmallow root but I don't need extra white pieces in my hair. Does anyone now if those powders dissolve?

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You say that fenugreek cleans your scalp...I've heard that it was good for decreasing hair fall and having slip for detangling but I've never heard of it cleaning. Does it tingle? I would imagine if it smells like curry occasionally it might tingle. What about your results makes you feel it cleans your scalp?
That is so weird that some smell like curry and others smell like maple. All I smell is maple syrup from the powder and the tea.

My fenugreek tea has that prototypical maple syrup smell but there's also a distinctive "Indian spice" scent to it as well. I wouldn't say it smells like curry per se, but it definitely has an Indian food aroma about it.

Honestly, I haven't rinsed my hair with it again since that day my brother walked into the room and asked who was eating Indian food. :lol: It completely overpowers the scent of the other herbs in my tea mix.
I made a Fenugreek Mask last night using Fenugreek Seeds mixed with coconut oil and Texture Me Natural condition me softly conditioner. It made the rinse out a lot easier and my hair was really soft. I want to use Slippery elm and marshmallow root but I don't need extra white pieces in my hair. Does anyone now if those powders dissolve? Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

I have both powders and they are very finely sifted. Got the slippery elm from vitacost and the marshmallow from BnB

I LOVE this HHJ!!
I love fenugreek.......I usually add a good amount to castor and coconut oil, then leave it next to a window for a few weeks. After I strain the feungreek powder I add peppermint, lemongrass, lavender and yang ylang essential oil. The smell of feungreek is super strong so the essential oils do not eliminate the smell completely, but I can use the oil to seal with out anyone mentioning the smell of maple syrup. I also add the powder to L'oreal no sulfate conditioner....Delicious.......
I only use fenugreek as a tea rinse after a protein treatment.
Yup Fenugreek is wonderful, addictive and cheap powerhouse.
After coming across this thread a couple of days ago I decided to try it myself. I have it on right now and I'm mega excited!! Luckily I used the seeds and it has a syrupy sort of smell. Quick question - I made quite a lot my accident - am I able to refridgerate or freeze extra without it going all wonky?
After coming across this thread a couple of days ago I decided to try it myself. I have it on right now and I'm mega excited!! Luckily I used the seeds and it has a syrupy sort of smell. Quick question - I made quite a lot my accident - am I able to refridgerate or freeze extra without it going all wonky?

The same thing happened to me for my first mixture. I put mine in the freezer and just blended enough for one use. When I took it out two weeks later and allowed to thaw, it was just as I left it.

I LOVE this HHJ!!
You can infuse any powder into a masque if you first add the powder to a small amount of oil, heat, strain and then add the infused oil to your conditioner, yogurt or whatever you are using as a base -- that way, you get the benefit of the herb/powder without all the flakes/pieces, etc. The longer you let it sit, the more potent it will be but I have used, e.g., Rosemary infused oil right away and seen the benefit.
I made a Fenugreek Mask last night using Fenugreek Seeds mixed with coconut oil and Texture Me Natural condition me softly conditioner. It made the rinse out a lot easier and my hair was really soft. I want to use Slippery elm and marshmallow root but I don't need extra white pieces in my hair. Does anyone now if those powders dissolve?

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