Feeling safe

I am going to do a blog about this, cuz i feel like i cant post everything on a thread for the sake of yinz time... so...
how do you guys feel safe in this world...
if you draw from scripture, which ones are your favorites?
if its prayer what do you ask for?
I personally... never... feel safe... I know what to say to my students, but I haven't really found what makes me feel safe... except a covering of course...
when I'm with my daddy or SO... safety
but as a woman I feel so helpless sometimes... it affects me more b/c i have a history too...
I know that God comforts you after... but the fact that he ALLOWS things to happen just keeps me wondering what He's gonna ALLOW next...
But then its like you're supposed to have faith... what do you have faith in? That you can't control anything? I feel like all I can have faith in is my salvation...
how do you guys cope in this dangerous world as Christians...
I feel like there also might be tools around that God put here for us to grow... like herbs etc... LOL.
but i am so sick of being that girl thats always got weapons in her purse... even though i know thats probably not gonna change:ohwell:
You're right- it's a dangerous world and while we take steps to avoid danger and be safe we really can't control anything- protection ultimately comes from God. And because of our faith as Christians, we are under even more attack- especially spiritual attacks in this world.

There are things that God has allowed to happen to me and I still don't understand why. I think I get what you're saying- we also don't have any guarantees that bad things will not continue to happen. Sometimes God uses these things to bring us or others closer to Him. And there are things we might never understand- not while on this earth.

What brings me comfort is knowing that He will never leave me nor forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5). To me that means even if He allows something bad to happen, He will help me to bear it. That's what I have faith in. Other people looking in on your life may wonder how you're doing it, how you're not seeking revenge or going crazy- how are you moving on. But you know it's not because of any strength of your own- it's God working through you. And that in itself is a testimony.

What also helps is knowing that I can call on Jesus-anytime, anywhere and He will help me. Just saying His name is even enough to make me feel safe because of the power He holds.

The other texts that help me- especially with spiritual safety are: Psalm 46 (God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble...) and Psalm 91:11-13 (KJV).

"For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all they ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash they foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet."

Hope these are of comfort to you too. I pray that God will help you to find peace from whatever you have gone through. It may take some time but He will bring you through it and you will emerge even stronger in your faith.
I am going to do a blog about this, cuz i feel like i cant post everything on a thread for the sake of yinz time... so...
how do you guys feel safe in this world...
if you draw from scripture, which ones are your favorites?
if its prayer what do you ask for?
I personally... never... feel safe... I know what to say to my students, but I haven't really found what makes me feel safe... except a covering of course...
when I'm with my daddy or SO... safety
but as a woman I feel so helpless sometimes... it affects me more b/c i have a history too...
I know that God comforts you after... but the fact that he ALLOWS things to happen just keeps me wondering what He's gonna ALLOW next...
But then its like you're supposed to have faith... what do you have faith in? That you can't control anything? I feel like all I can have faith in is my salvation...
how do you guys cope in this dangerous world as Christians...
I feel like there also might be tools around that God put here for us to grow... like herbs etc... LOL.
but i am so sick of being that girl thats always got weapons in her purse... even though i know thats probably not gonna change:ohwell:

Wow- You have asked great questions. I (like so many others) lurked around here for a while before actually joining this forum. I like it that you are not afraid to ask your questions. :yep: You seem to have a genuine thrist for knowledge. That is good. Now, How do I feel safe when I know the word tells us that the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike (Matt 5:45)? It is a combination of things like prayer but I have had to learn to TRUST in the LORD with all of my being. It is a process. I have to keep God's words in my mouth until I know that they have taken root in my heart(not the fleshy one). Specifically reciting the following from 2 Tim 1:7- For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound (or peaceful) mind. I heard one person say fear stands for false evidence appearing real. It is a false religion from Satan. We would never knowingly worship Satan but that is what we do!:nono: It can paralyze you in so many ways and it will effect your decisions and actions in a negative way. It will make a slave of us. When you trust in God- your confidence in the realness and absolute truth of his word stabilizes your mind. Stabilizes your very soul and you know that no matter come what may you are going to be just fine. I like what the three Hebrew boys said as they were facing being thrown into a furnace in Dan 3:17-18 "If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." The problems and concerns you have are real but Jesus' death on the cross was the finishing work of many things. I could go on and on but time does not permit. You be encouraged Musicbnatural-smile. God is for you and who can be against you? Really, who is like the Lord our God? No one. Start reading Psalms. It is full of encouraging words for tough times. Read the disciple's words as they faced harsh persecution while spreading the gospel in the new testaments. Although very real, none of us goes through some of the things our ancestors and these biblical greats went through.:yep: Here is a link with many of God's thoughts about who we are in Him. When I began to renew my mind and believe what he had to say about who I was I stopped being afraid of things and circumstances. I had to learn to keep my eyes focused on Him. You must too in order to be the victorious person God created you to be.
http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinist...ound-color: #FFFF00">&Post=</FONT>&print=true

I am going to do a blog about this, cuz i feel like i cant post everything on a thread for the sake of yinz time... so...
how do you guys feel safe in this world...
if you draw from scripture, which ones are your favorites?
if its prayer what do you ask for?
I personally... never... feel safe... I know what to say to my students, but I haven't really found what makes me feel safe... except a covering of course...
when I'm with my daddy or SO... safety
but as a woman I feel so helpless sometimes... it affects me more b/c i have a history too...
I know that God comforts you after... but the fact that he ALLOWS things to happen just keeps me wondering what He's gonna ALLOW next...
But then its like you're supposed to have faith... what do you have faith in? That you can't control anything? I feel like all I can have faith in is my salvation...
how do you guys cope in this dangerous world as Christians...
I feel like there also might be tools around that God put here for us to grow... like herbs etc... LOL.
but i am so sick of being that girl thats always got weapons in her purse... even though i know thats probably not gonna change:ohwell:

When your secure in your relationship with the Lord you know that he is ruler over all things and all situations. You have to learn to trust that. God did not give us the spirit of fear but we are to fear only the lord and nothing else, we are also suppose to live holy lives, to be as holy as possible which means not to go places where you know there is a possiblity of crime taking place or a bad situation arising. Many kinds of things happens because of the decisions we make that are againts God. Then we blame God when something terrible happens when it really comes back to the decison we made and you know the devil is always waiting for you to mess up and doing everything to make sure you do. The Devil is like a roaring lion waiting for you to get weak so he can attack. Staying in prayer and trusting God to see you through is really what is needed. Jesus said if you obey him he will never ever leave you, he is always with us. Those who love him. We show we love him by obeying his commandments and its not a burden but it is something we really want to do and it keeps us safe. It keeps us aware of whats going on around us.

When you have your time with the Lord read Psalms David was running for his life and he cried out to the Lord and he felt safe enough to go to sleep. He knew that God would deliver him. Psalms also helps your prayer life. I have learn just from reading Psalms how to glorify God in all circumstances. Please forgive me I am exhausted and have not had a chance to look up some scriptures and I need to read the word before I fall asleep. I am sure some wonderful woman will come in and give you a word from the Lord. Many blessings to you I am praying for your relationship with the Lord.

Isaiah 41
10. So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
11 "All who rage against you
will surely be ashamed and disgraced;
those who oppose you
will be as nothing and perish.
Oh and I just give it to the lord when I feel afraid or not in control. I let the Lord know I know he is Lord of every situation and if its in his will we will make it through.
I want to thank all 3 ladies for your posts...
that leads me to the next question...
how do you guys feel about dealing with anxiety as Christians? I have been prescribed anxiety meds before, but I stopped taking them cuz in college I was somewhat forced to do it... it was not really the proper circumstance...
So... has anyone really felt a difference from praying and and reading scripture? and also do you think it is wrong to take prescriptions?
what do u guys think...
I want to thank all 3 ladies for your posts...
that leads me to the next question...
how do you guys feel about dealing with anxiety as Christians? I have been prescribed anxiety meds before, but I stopped taking them cuz in college I was somewhat forced to do it... it was not really the proper circumstance...
So... has anyone really felt a difference from praying and and reading scripture? and also do you think it is wrong to take prescriptions?
what do u guys think...

My profession is not in the medical field so I can not tell you whether it is right or wrong to take anxiety medication. However, I will share what I know.

A week ago I felt overwhelm, hopeless, and defeated. I cried myself to sleep a couple of nights and my mind started to focus on things of the past. I did not understand what came over me until I asked the Lord to reveal it to me. The Lord let me know I was associating with people from my past and ended up going to places I normally would not go. I opened the door for demonic influence. There were demonic spirits that were attached to certain people and places that tried to attach itself to me. Once the Lord revealed this I went into spiritual warfare for my soul. I opened my bible and spoke the word of God over my mind, body, soul, and spirt. I denounced and bind up every demonic spirit that tried to attach itself to me. As a result, I felt great and back to my normal self.

So to answer your question - yes, I felt a tremendous difference after I prayed and read biblical scripture. Once I surrendered to the Lord, found out the root cause of my issue, and repented that's when my deliverance prayer was effective.