FB Read: My Thoughts on How a Man Chooses a Woman to Settle Down With


Deep Thinker
Something interesting I just saw on FB. From the page of a guy named Andrei Francis. Of course we've heard all this before but it's always good to hear it again.... and again.... and again..... but in a different way :drunk:
My Thoughts On How A Man Choses A Woman To Settle Down With

October 8, 2013 at 12:54amhttps://www.facebook.com/#

When a man identifies a woman that he thinks is attractive he usually places her in one of two categories and they are women we would be in a relationship with, and women we would have sex with. Men typically don't want to be " just friends " nor do we have any other ulterior motives unless its business related. Your current male " friends " that are single have probably accepted this role because you're not attracted to them and they have no other choice, but are most likely waiting patiently for the day you "slip up". We are simple creatures unlike our female counterpart which for the most part are all over the place with their expectations from men.

Initially when a man identifies a woman that he is attracted to the first thing that usually comes to mind is some type of sexual thought. The thought may be processed and sound more like this when he approaches you " Hi nice to meet you? My name is so and so..... ". Most of the time in the beginning most men are driven by the physical, but eventually through conversation we get a general grasp of what type of woman you are; and where to place you. Basically the first week or so of conversations and interactions with a man determines how he wants to proceed with you.

Honestly, there are so many factors that can manipulate how a man will categorize you I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what the main factors would be. At this point I'm going to make an attempt at it. Stating the obvious looks play a huge role. It's a shame but most guys aren't picky when it comes to whom they'd sleep with. Some women are attractive enough to sleep with but not attractive enough to be with, or be seen out in public with. Seems kind of harsh, but thats the way it is. If a man thinks you're attractive chances are he's going to be more willing to entertain the thought of a more serious relationship in the future with you.

Some of the key factors that determine your category are personality/attitude, the way you're dressed when we meet you, the other women he's dating , your sexual past , ambition, and emotional unavailability.

Attitude: One of the main reasons that a man will place you in the jump-off status is your attitude and personality. An average woman with a great personality and great attitude will go a lot further than a pretty woman with a "stank" attitude. To clarify what a " stank" attitude entails (behavior that is rude, unnecessary, hurtful, and pointed. 2) b*tchy 3) callous or disjointed). Frankly dealing with a woman that has a stank attitude is difficult, which is why most men choose only to sleep with them. We only have to deal with it for a limited time and we're on our way. A woman with a nice, humble, pleasant, and respectful personality is what most men are looking for because the majority of women like that are easy to get along with.

Presentation: It may be immature or petty but the way you're dressed when meeting a man is crucial to how you will be perceived by him. If you have 20lbs of cleavage showing with that tight short dress that accentuates your curves when we meet you, chances are we're not going to be thinking about how much of a nice person you are. It's unfortunate that women whom wear revealing clothing are perceived as " easy " and or any of the other negative names used to describe women but that's reality. With that being said I am by no means saying you need to wear turtlenecks 24/7, but what I am saying is be conscious of how you want to be perceived when you're out. A wise man named Michael Baisden once said " the first indication of a woman's level of class, availability, and morality is based on what she's wearing and more precisely how she's wearing it " . I personally couldn't agree more. From a man's perspective, the woman wearing the revealing outfit which shows off her " tangible assets " is sending a specific message. " I am available and want to be approached. "

Dating101: In general most people (male or female) are most likely in some sort of dating situation when you meet them. It's up to you to show a man you're in a class all by yourself and standout from the rest. From personal experience women tend not to respond well when they know there's competition. All women want to feel like they're No.1. I think that's understandable, but being realistic you're not going to be No.1 in the beginning. If you're not doing something to differentiate yourself it's not likely he's going to recognize how truly great you are spiritually, mentally, and emotionally!

The Past: **** Before I say anything age Plays a HUGE role in this**** Unfortunately as much as you'd like to forget it, ignore it, and erase it your sexual past matters to a lot of men ladies. Although this factor is a subjective one I can confidently say one way or another, men have their own personal system on how they judge you based on your sexual history. Now I know what you're thinking " how the hell would he know about my sexual past if I don't tell him? " that's a good question. I can't say I have a logical answer, but every man has a way of asking questions about your past and the answers to those questions indicate what type of woman you were and helps him figure out how he wants to categorize you. With all that being said , we may not choose to be in a relationship with a woman that has a checkered sexual past, but we'd have sex with her! It doesn't make sense but..... it is what it is!

Ambition: When a man is evaluating your ambition it's not about how much money, or accomplishments you have it's about your drive and motivation for the future. Speaking from personal experience and from what I hear from other men we like it when women have ambition for the future, because it drives us to continue to strive for more and not become complacent. It's nothing like seeing a woman that knows what she wants, plans how she wants to obtain it, and executes that plan. The problem comes into play when we encounter women that are stagnant and have no plan, and or ambition for the future. They may look good, have a great personality, but with no ambition it diminishes your value.

Emotional Unavailability: This is a touchy one! Emotional unavailability comes into play when something or someone in your past has done something that is still having a lasting affect on your current emotional state. The most common form of emotional unavailability (in dating) is when a person is dealing with a bad break up over a prolonged period of time, and cant get over it. In most cases emotional unavailability affects your feelings towards the next person you're dealing with because you haven't given yourself time enough to heal from the prior relationship. Another form of emotional unavailability which is also very common is " Ex Sex". Now I understand the reasoning behind it you're horny, and you'd rather have sex with someone you're comfortable with already. I get it, but what you don't get is it makes you unavailable emotionally. Early on in the paragraph I spoke about having time to heal from your prior relationship. How the hell can you move on from your ex if you're still continuing a sexual relationship?? It's a rhetorical question because you can't! Y'all may find it hard to believe but men have sense of when a woman is struggling to recover from a break-up, and believe it or not by the way you about your past relationship we can tell if you're still letting your ex hit it! Again I know it sounds crazy, but we know and if thats the case we won't be taking you seriously and you'll become a #jumpoff for us instead of your ex.

Ladies and Gents this note is not to meant to offend you it can be seen as more of a glimpse into the minds of men and how we perceive you. This can also be used to gain a better understanding of why a man may, or may not be taking things to the next level with you. In closing these are just #MyThoughts.

#1 what did you think about it?

#2 what kept you reading?
It was okay until i got to this part " A wise man named Michael Baisden once said " then I started a series of side eyes and pursed lips.

It seems like the same ole advice men give to women. I didn't read anything new.
It was okay until i got to this part " A wise man named Michael Baisden once said " then I started a series of side eyes and pursed lips.

It seems like the same ole advice men give to women. I didn't read anything new.

Michael Baisden totally lost me when he started flip flopping on his advice about how men are naturally not monogamous so we shouldn't expect them to be. Then the minute he got into a relationship he went on about how he is committed but gave some washed out stuff about being open and honest. Now he's not in a relationship anymore... at least last I heard, but I have no clue what he's preaching now.
None of this is particularly earth-shattering, so it makes you wonder why this guy (and others who write similar missives) thinks he's saying something that an intelligent woman couldn't figure out herself.
Do white men do this too? Asians? Hispanics? Curious.

Black men seem to think women (mainly Black women) are dying for their advice about relationships; yet, most of the ones dishing out such "advice" (more like diatribe) have shotty relationship histories if they are even in a decent committed relationship today ....or marriage. The ones enjoying their marriages are not spending time thinking about what Black women are/are not doing to land a man. They are too busy enjoying their wives.
I read the first sentence it read like that site black girls are easy and I turned my eyes right away
In think, in general, you would think these are how a man chooses. But....

Purely based on what "I" alone see, I do not find a lot of this to be true.

Attitude: One of the main reasons that a man will place you in the jump-off status is your attitude and personality. An average woman with a great personality and great attitude will go a lot further than a pretty woman with a "stank" attitude.

I agree to an extend, but the average chick with a great personality isn't immune to the Hit and Run. And I know females with horrible attitudes that are winning. Being sweet and nice didn't get me very far. When I was witchy, I got my way.

Presentation: It may be immature or petty but the way you're dressed when meeting a man is crucial to how you will be perceived by him. If you have 20lbs of cleavage showing with that tight short dress that accentuates your curves when we meet you, chances are we're not going to be thinking about how much of a nice person you are. It's unfortunate that women whom wear revealing clothing are perceived as " easy " and or any of the other negative names used to describe women but that's reality."

Maybe so, but you will still be running each other over to buy her a drink, Jimmy Choos, etc. I met a relative of an associate who, when discussing dating, said he will spend money on that tight, short dress wearing lady with 20lbs pounds of cleavage showing (He had a high paying job) even knowing she was using him. When asked why not spoil that good irl you bring home to Momma, he has nothing to say.

The Past: **** Before I say anything age Plays a HUGE role in this**** Unfortunately as much as you'd like to forget it, ignore it, and erase it your sexual past matters to a lot of men ladies. Although this factor is a subjective one I can confidently say one way or another, men have their own personal system on how they judge you based on your sexual history.


Ambition: When a man is evaluating your ambition it's not about how much money, or accomplishments you have it's about your drive and motivation for the future. Speaking from personal experience and from what I hear from other men we like it when women have ambition for the future, because it drives us to continue to strive for more and not become complacent. It's nothing like seeing a woman that knows what she wants, plans how she wants to obtain it, and executes that plan. The problem comes into play when we encounter women that are stagnant and have no plan, and or ambition for the future. They may look good, have a great personality, but with no ambition it diminishes your value.

As much as I'd like to believe this, what I "see" isn't not this. I see posts here saying that men seem to lose interest when you have goals, ambition, etc. It's the same with me. When I acted dumb and innocent, I had more men around me.
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Side note:

Do women have articles and books about how we choose the men we date? Books that help men snag us. No because any man, no matter how bad he is, can get SOMEONE to like him, LOL.

My Goodness, can you imagine the reaction from men if they saw our list of key factors:
great salary, well dressed, ambition, respectful, with a good past

They would call BULL POO!

This site alone shows evidence that woman don't pick like this: (Throw Back Thread)
I knew your Standards were Low

*******Disclaimer: When I say woman, I am not saying ALL woman.
My Thoughts:
writer stated nothing new and i'm sure the "key" factors he presented applies the same to a woman choosing a man. A woman who wants the best for herself will say yes to the ring if he

1. Attitude-Has a great attitude- NO A**H**** jerk, douchebag behaviors-Simple things can turn us off in case you haven't heard.

2. Presentation-Presents himself well at all times esp in Public, personal care is a must

3. Dating- knows how to continuously treat her like a lady without being pushy and expecting nothing in return (he's willing to earn her)

4. Past- No well thinking woman wants to settle with someone who has had over 100,000 sexual partners-correct me if i'm wrong, treats his exes badly, has a troubled past with the law, is still tied to his exes and the list goes on


6. Emotional Unavailability- Women are emotional creatures and we need someone we can connect with.....checking in and out with us when you fell like is a no go.

I didn't get past the 2nd paragraph.
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Welp this is a man's perspective no matter what we think. I've heard the same stuff from other men. So whether it seems right to us or not...this is how they think and how they will proceed with women.

I couldn't agree with you more. I say this all of the time. Men are wired totally different from us (Mars vs. Venus) and no matter how much we say the way they think doesn't make sense or isn't right\fair, it's the way they think.
When a man identifies a woman that he thinks is attractive he usually places her in one of two categories and they are women we would be in a relationship with, and women we would have sex with. Men typically don't want to be " just friends " nor do we have any other ulterior motives unless its business related. Your current male " friends " that are single have probably accepted this role because you're not attracted to them and they have no other choice, but are most likely waiting patiently for the day you "slip up".

Well this is certainly true from my experience. Literally every single guy friend I've had has wanted to date me save two and one was gay.:look:

But the emotionally unavailable part is rich considering IME many men stretch the truth about their lives trying to impress instead of just being real. If that isn't emotional unavailability I don't know what is. It's the most annoying thing when I'm talking to someone I know is lying to me. I've already checked out and the date isn't halfway over yet.

Another note, I'm not going to dispute the truth of what this guy is saying but I'm getting more than a little annoyed at all the articles, books and whatever else on the male mind and what women need to do to get a man.


Enough already. Maybe if there were books and articles out there on the female mind and what men need to do to get our attention I'd feel differently. I just find the whole thing patronizing and insulting. Especially since when it comes to longevity, marriage benefits men more than women.:look:
There are books/websites on these sorts of things for men, but usually it's focused on how to close/ get the draws. I think the content reflects the audience's needs/desires.
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What misogynistic crap.

Particularly the idea that men just know personal details of a woman's life such as sexual history and relationship with her ex via some weird mix of superior intellect and reverse psychology.

Same old message to women - no man will love you if you have even the slightest flaw.
Michael Baisden totally lost me when he started flip flopping on his advice about how men are naturally not monogamous so we shouldn't expect them to be. Then the minute he got into a relationship he went on about how he is committed but gave some washed out stuff about being open and honest. Now he's not in a relationship anymore... at least last I heard, but I have no clue what he's preaching now.

Big Sexy finally left his crazy butt?:lachen:
I agree with everything he said except:

'Presentation' and 'The Past' which I disagree with. He is making such claims about women dressing provocative, having a promiscuous past, yet some men quickly respond to that and are even wifing and procreating with these type of women even if it lands in divorce within the future.
IMO some men are solely visual creatures and only respond to what they see. It's funny how some men claim they want a respectable woman yet are glorifying, wifing, impregnating and promoting the utmost attention to whores, putting them on a pedestal, suffering from the Koonye complex.
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Welp this is a man's perspective no matter what we think. I've heard the same stuff from other men. So whether it seems right to us or not...this is how they think and how they will proceed with women.

:yep: I can attest this. Aside from 2 factors I don't agree with, many women aren't looking at what he is saying, and are too consumed with being offended. I'll admit the man gave a pretty reasonable article.
Big Sexy finally left his crazy butt?:lachen:

Yes, I believe it was quite a few years ago when he changed his tune. :lol: I don't know the details though because I had stopped listening for a while and tuned back in and he was suddenly single again LOL.