Famous Last Phrases Before a Setback

I need a trim and I don't want to/know how to/ don't fee like putting the time into researching how to do it myself. I'm going to let a stylist do it, but I'll be sure to tell "her please please please don't cut it! I'm growing my hair out so I only want a small trim!"

Note to self:
For me: I was trying to keep up with the product junkie jonses (aka bandwagon rider).

Aghhh, I had a cabinet full of products my hair is like yuck to and a lighter wallet. One positive blessing is that I got to donate a lot of unused hair products and clothes to the women's shelter in 2013.
I lost 4 inches between Dec 12 and Jan 13 because I let my stylist "snip" my ends! That was a year's worth of growth (almost) in a matter of weeks. Never again! I trim my own hair and now I rollerset and bump my own hair if I want to wear it straight.

I need a trim and I don't want to/know how to/ don't fee like putting the time into researching how to do it myself. I'm going to let a stylist do it, but I'll be sure to tell "her please please please don't cut it! I'm growing my hair out so I only want a small trim!"

Note to self:
Rookie me around the end of 2010: "Oooh her hair is so pretty and long, she says she uses bentonite clay to make her hair shiny and thick."
"I'm going to try this:grin:"

*Goes to Sally's to look for bentonite clay, stumbles upon Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque, reads ingredients*


*skips happily out of Sally's*:yay:

*goes home to shampoo hair, then proceed to slather half a jar of "bentonite clay" in my hair and leave in for 2 hours*

*goes to rinse, and it won't rinse:cry2::wallbash:*

I had to shampoo my hair for a whole hour to get that crap out, my hair was so dry and brittle. I had to deep condition 3 times a week over the course of a month to make my hair feel soft again.
Too funny lol
I've used this before, I know what to expect.

Mineral oil is the last ingredient. It can't hurt that much.

That protein treatment last week was so good, Im gonna do it again next week.

I want to try a new product/salon. The most that will happen is I won't like it.

Deep Conditioner for $3.99. Oh man, let me get a few of these.

Really? Does my flat iron really need to be ceramic?

I need my hair straight. This flat iron is going on extra high.

My hair is breaking. I will stretch one more week and just not touch it until then.

I don't need a heat protectant before blowing my hair out. My hair is tough!

Sent from my Gramatically Incorrect iPhone
On man I was just thinking about doing number 3 on your list lol.

And number 5 cracked me up :D
Saying to a hairdresser

Do what you think looks good

Just trim a little off the ends. <----- famous last hair words. :badidea:
I don't remember my words, but I remember washing several times trying to remove banana chunks left in from a diy conditioner.
"I can wear my 4e, p, z hair in a washngo for 6 days without detangling! It'll be fine :alcoholics:"

Now I have discovered the glory of cheapie conditioner as leave-in and naptural85's prepoo detangler, but newly natural me should've just stayed in her lane :spinning:
What's that?

The cherry Lola treatment is a treatment that's meant to allow ladies with low porosity to take in moisture more easily. Now it's commonly done as a complement/precursor to the Max Hydration Method, whose ultimate goal is to have naturals with very tight textures and low porosity to experience something known as Max Hydration.
I don't do the MHM method myself, but I've definitely noticed that using a certain regimen my hair doesn't shrink as much and it retains moisture much more easily than it did when I was newly natural. And I'm 4B depending on which hair typing system you're using (the tightest one lolol)

Here's the recipe:
  • Greek yogurt (2 cups)
  • Baking soda (2 tbsp)
  • (Bragg'a) Organic apple cider vinegar (with mother) (2 tbsp)
  • coconut liquid aminos or liquid Soy aminos (2 tbsp)
  • Raw honey (1/2 tbsp)
  • Unsulfured molasses (1 tbsp)
  • Half an over ripe plantain or banana
  • 1 Avocado (3/4 tbsp)
  • 1 egg
I need a trim and I don't want to/know how to/ don't fee like putting the time into researching how to do it myself. I'm going to let a stylist do it, but I'll be sure to tell "her please please please don't cut it! I'm growing my hair out so I only want a small trim!"

Note to self:
I lost 4 inches between Dec 12 and Jan 13 because I let my stylist "snip" my ends! That was a year's worth of growth (almost) in a matter of weeks. Never again! I trim my own hair and now I rollerset and bump my own hair if I want to wear it straight.
This happened to me New Years Eve. Afraid to trim my own ends for fear of it looking a mess (I will dust though) and I lost 4 inches in one sitting. After clear directions and showing her what to cut. Never again. I'm gonna watch some YouTube videos and get my shears sharpened.
I love product XYZ so Imma just stockpile 30 bottles of it. *cut to an undisclosed period of time later*

Grab bottle out of stockpile only to discover (pick one or more):
the product color is off,
the consistency is wrong,
the smell is horrible,
the bottle is brittle and shatters with a little handling
or horror of all horrors, you got some bottles of the reformulated formula which no longer works for your hair.

Try not to cry while mentally calculating the amount of $$$$$ you need to throw away.
I love product XYZ so Imma just stockpile 30 bottles of it. *cut to an undisclosed period of time later*

Grab bottle out of stockpile only to discover (pick one or more):
the product color is off,
the consistency is wrong,
the smell is horrible,
the bottle is brittle and shatters with a little handling
or horror of all horrors, you got some bottles of the reformulated formula which no longer works for your hair.

Try not to cry while mentally calculating the amount of $$$$$ you need to throw away.
I only feel comfortable doing this with products I know hard a ton of industrial preservatives because I know they'll last years.
I only feel comfortable doing this with products I know hard a ton of industrial preservatives because I know they'll last years.

Unfortunately for me, even that approach backfired when I had to toss more than a few Joico products. I even called the company who confirmed that they will not do anything for products older than three years after manufactured date. Not to mention the companies that will not support their products purchased thru methods other than approved salons or stores.

Or my bottle off QP Protein that shattered in my hand.

Just saying.
" I can put my wet hair in a ponytail at the nape of my neck and go to sleep on it. It looks better for my boyfriend" Not!... All my hair broke off from the sides all the way to the back... It looks like I shaved the sides and back of my head.... Never again.