Have you Ever Had a Setback?

nah, but still you LET her a$$ slide? if this EVER happend to me, lhcf's gonna know about it!!! cuz ill be on the news THAT NIGHT!!

I am grazing APL but have split ends and am going for a "trim" tommorow and umm you are scaring me with this story :ohwell:
Yeah, and it seems to be the same one.

I have a tendency to get busy and wrapped up with other things in my life and then toss my hair back in a ponytail. The kind where you pull the hair half-way through. I did that a lot this past winter and even when I wore a relaxer, I literally wore my hair like that for years. It almost always leads to breakage for me after a while.

But also, I think ponytails are horrible for me because I never used to use protein. Continuous setback number 2.
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Set back is my middle name LOL
- Laziness (not DC ing not covering my hair when I sleep, not trimming)
- Washing and going (literally)

For me it was a combo of those 3 things. W&G is the easiest thing for my hair style-wise so combined w/ not conditioning and bleaching... Needless to say my hair was @ APL for YEARS

Now I almost never W&G. I wear my hair up like 90% of the time & I cover my hair @ night with a satin scarf or sleep on a satin pillowcase. Also I dont RAKE cheap through my hair anymore. That used to be my alternative to just W&G.
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I had a little mini set back in April/May. I was strecthing and getting what I thought was excessive shedding when I detangled. It was really breakage. Long beautiful strands of hair that had broken off. I had previously switched from Ahpogee 2 min every week to Joico Kpak. then my hair started to feel so dry no matter how musch moisture is dumped on it. nothing seemed to work, clarifying, DCing, AVC rinse, nothing. I gave in and decided to relax a week early, I did an ahpogee 2 step treatment the week before. Everything seemed better until I realized that the relaxer did not take at all. I did another aphogee 2 step treatment the next week.

I've gone back to my weekly aphogee 2 min treatments and I have a corrective relaxer scheduled for this Friday. I changed to a cone free moisturizer and the breakage has def. decreased.
Also I started a hair journal. I log what products I'm using and when so that I can pin point what works and what doesn't.
Oh YEAH. lol.
I am natural.

1) that time when I mixed brahmi and yoghurt and left it in my hair for 2 hours. It was crazy. It got SO tangled and I had to use 1 FULL tresemme bottle just to co-wash. Then I deep conditioned NON STOP FOR 3 DAYS and it started to go back to normal, but it took me about 1 month. I then found out that I don't have to use ayurvedic powders, nor yoghurt.

2) I clarified with lemon juice diluited in water. It literally bleached my hair.

3) I decided to mix 3 ubermoisturizing deep conditioners + oils and deep condition for 1 afternoon + 1 night. I have started to use protein since then. I had to. My hair was MELTING. lol Prior to that my hair was protein sensitive, now I need protein treatment every once in a while.

4) I used my denman like a weapon under the shower, I got overexcited because I was doing an oil rinse and I had no tangles. Well, my hair is very strong but I got breakage.
Yes 2 times while I saw still relaxed

Time #1: I took out some kinky twists that the lady put in with only her hands, a fine tooth comb and some suspect grease.. I had them in for 4 weeks and when I took them out-- I had CRAZY breakage.

Time #2: Micro braids + my edges = MAJOR FAIL. My edges suffered like crazy. I paid 180.00 for some micro, micro braids that I turned around a month later and had to pay the same lady 40.00 to take out

In conclusion- My relaxed hair did not EVER agree with braids
Did a length check in Aug '09 and flat ironed my hair. Major breakage for months until I could get it under control. Haven't touched a flat iron since, too scared. My daughter and I both BC at the same time but she has sinced relaxed and its past APL while I am only CBL, urgghh!
Too many. Lawd too darn many :nono:

The last one left me so discouraged. I havent even been coming into the hair section as much because I felt so down.

Long story short, going to different stylists and them not washing out the perm properly. The latest one was stretching too long and getting breakage from the demarcation line. Also my temples started thinning after wearing my hair pulled back too much. Been 7 months and I havent seen a change. Trying to stay positive though.
Yesss! I self relaxed and messed up so bad, so parts were very overprocessed, and many parts were underprocessed and not smooth at all. To top it all off, I drop my Sedu and break it, and can't afford another one...so I use my friends Wet2Straight thinking it would be fine (mind you, my friend is Indian, with unprocessed BSL hair and she had major split ends from this thing). I used her Wet2Straight over my whole head to straighten the underpocessed parts. Once or twice I was lazy and used it on wet hair, thinking that's what it's designed for.

I damaged my hair from root to tip. I shouldn't BC'ed but I didn't. It took my 2 years with raggedy hair on my hair to grow it out.
Yesss! I self relaxed and messed up so bad, so parts were very overprocessed, and many parts were underprocessed and not smooth at all. To top it all off, I drop my Sedu and break it, and can't afford another one...so I use my friends Wet2Straight thinking it would be fine (mind you, my friend is Indian, with unprocessed BSL hair and she had major split ends from this thing). I used her Wet2Straight over my whole head to straighten the underpocessed parts. Once or twice I was lazy and used it on wet hair, thinking that's what it's designed for.

I damaged my hair from root to tip. I shouldn't BC'ed but I didn't. It took my 2 years with raggedy hair on my hair to grow it out.

I'm in the middle of a setback right now! My hair is shedding/breaking like crazy! It is so thin, you can see my scalp in certain areas. Nothing I do has an affect on it. I've tried the molasses treatment, Alter Ego Garlic Treatment, NTM Masque Treatment, to name a few. For final rinses, I've used Roux Porosity, ACV rinse and plain cold water.

I don't use heat. For growth aids, I'm using MT mixed with HE Anti-Frizz Cream Conditioner, Afro Detangler and always seal with coconut oil. I use MT with my MN mixture. I wrap at night, using a silk scarf. Some places are growing in nicely, but in other places, my hair is falling out like snowflakes.

I'm going to try a Black Tea Rinse...hopefully this will work. Otherwise, I'm not giving up. I'm staying on track until I reach my goal.
I'm in the middle of a setback right now! My hair is shedding/breaking like crazy! It is so thin, you can see my scalp in certain areas. Nothing I do has an affect on it. I've tried the molasses treatment, Alter Ego Garlic Treatment, NTM Masque Treatment, to name a few. For final rinses, I've used Roux Porosity, ACV rinse and plain cold water.

I don't use heat. For growth aids, I'm using MT mixed with HE Anti-Frizz Cream Conditioner, Afro Detangler and always seal with coconut oil. I use MT with my MN mixture. I wrap at night, using a silk scarf. Some places are growing in nicely, but in other places, my hair is falling out like snowflakes.

I'm going to try a Black Tea Rinse...hopefully this will work. Otherwise, I'm not giving up. I'm staying on track until I reach my goal.

i'm shedding as well!
i would do the black tea rinse WITH EVERY WASH!!! AND COWASH!!! NUTRINE GARLIC SHAMPOO.....
Only set back I had is with my SHS twice the man cut my hair. Not Dust, Not Trim, Cut, CUT, after that I told him NO and threaten to get out his chair if he tries. He listened and now my hair is below SL and on its way to APL. To me it looks healthy and the man was only trying even out the growth.

Not once but bloody twice. I had enough of that cramp after I work so diligently. Never ever again!
I was transitioning with braids. Tight micro braids left me with NO EDGES. It was bad. Naomi Campbell bad. I felt ashamed and remorseful because I knew that it was my own stupidity that caused it. But I've been using castor oil, I've cut down on the brushing .. and my edges have been revived. :)
Now which one should I talk about? Usually my problem is cutting, but I went the last year with just one trim/dust and I saw the difference. This is the first year I haven't BC-ed or jumped between texlaxing and natural (which causes me to BC) and I have to give credit to BKT for that.
Too many. Lawd too darn many :nono:

The last one left me so discouraged. I havent even been coming into the hair section as much because I felt so down.

Long story short, going to different stylists and them not washing out the perm properly. The latest one was stretching too long and getting breakage from the demarcation line. Also my temples started thinning after wearing my hair pulled back too much. Been 7 months and I havent seen a change. Trying to stay positive though.

Does the breakage at demarcation line happen before, during or after you relax? Just curious how to know when you need to stop stretching!

me too. well and the past few months, i have done practically nothing with my hair. Been busy with kids and work, but gonna take time back out for myself once a week for it. I dont think I lost much length, but after my next relaxer , i might get the happy hands.

The only setbacks i have, is when I can't leave the scissors alone!!:freakout:
other then that, im cool:giggle:
Setback... SIGH! :nono:

I am not stupid. I know how to take care of my hair - what's good for it, what's bad - what not to do and what to avoid... yet and still, I find a way to go back there everytime. For me this is like giving up crack and staying clean for a while and then something happens that triggers that craving, and then I fall back under the addiction that leaves me having to start all over. :wallbash:

What am I talking about? COLOR!!! And this time I really did it to myself! I know I want to cry but I can't because I deserve this:

I wanted purple hair. No amount of manic panic would make it the nice shade of purple that I wanted. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I saw a youtube video of a young lady who dyed the lower part of her hair (underneath where the garden lives) red. She used the manic panic bleach to lift her hair and then deposited the color - it was FIERCE!! I said, okay, I can do this. So I did. Man it looked so good...so rich and purple! And because I work in HR, it was perfect because you could only see it if I wore my hair up. I was loving it.


Texlax time! I waited the 4 weeks that was advised of anyone who colors hair and then relaxes. I saved that part for last and quickly rubbed the relaxer through. When I got to the bottom, I slathered a little bit there, smoothed it quickly, (I mean, I've been doing this forever!) and went to wash it out. Well, I washed it out all right! A big chunk of purple hair washed out in my hands!!! :crybaby:

So now I have cut down that hair beneath/underneath/whatever and am going today after work to have it evened out. :cry3: Talk about a BC for the back of your hair!

I have to look at the positive - it could have been worse. Luckily I only dyed a small portion of the hair underneath it all...the rest of my hair is healthy and growing like weed... but now I get to worry about the uneven hair that will be my now-permanent issue. Its like the style from a while back where ladies would shave the back bottom part of the head and leave the rest... sigh.

See? I deserved every bit of this! :pullhair:
Setback... SIGH! :nono:

I am not stupid. I know how to take care of my hair - what's good for it, what's bad - what not to do and what to avoid... yet and still, I find a way to go back there everytime. For me this is like giving up crack and staying clean for a while and then something happens that triggers that craving, and then I fall back under the addiction that leaves me having to start all over. :wallbash:

What am I talking about? COLOR!!! And this time I really did it to myself! I know I want to cry but I can't because I deserve this:

I wanted purple hair. No amount of manic panic would make it the nice shade of purple that I wanted. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I saw a youtube video of a young lady who dyed the lower part of her hair (underneath where the garden lives) red. She used the manic panic bleach to lift her hair and then deposited the color - it was FIERCE!! I said, okay, I can do this. So I did. Man it looked so good...so rich and purple! And because I work in HR, it was perfect because you could only see it if I wore my hair up. I was loving it.


Texlax time! I waited the 4 weeks that was advised of anyone who colors hair and then relaxes. I saved that part for last and quickly rubbed the relaxer through. When I got to the bottom, I slathered a little bit there, smoothed it quickly, (I mean, I've been doing this forever!) and went to wash it out. Well, I washed it out all right! A big chunk of purple hair washed out in my hands!!! :crybaby:

So now I have cut down that hair beneath/underneath/whatever and am going today after work to have it evened out. :cry3: Talk about a BC for the back of your hair!

I have to look at the positive - it could have been worse. Luckily I only dyed a small portion of the hair underneath it all...the rest of my hair is healthy and growing like weed... but now I get to worry about the uneven hair that will be my now-permanent issue. Its like the style from a while back where ladies would shave the back bottom part of the head and leave the rest... sigh.

See? I deserved every bit of this! :pullhair:
i am so sorry sis!

i 'm happy as well you selected only hte bottom portion....i will admit when you said purple I immediately looked to see if you were in Atlanta
So many pretty color purples running around all willy nilly...........

wish i had the nerve
awww...thanks girl! A hard lesson learned - I just love purple, I guess.

Now I'm going to have to resist the urge to BC again and just start over!
Setback... SIGH! :nono:

I am not stupid. I know how to take care of my hair - what's good for it, what's bad - what not to do and what to avoid... yet and still, I find a way to go back there everytime. For me this is like giving up crack and staying clean for a while and then something happens that triggers that craving, and then I fall back under the addiction that leaves me having to start all over. :wallbash:

What am I talking about? COLOR!!! And this time I really did it to myself! I know I want to cry but I can't because I deserve this:

I wanted purple hair. No amount of manic panic would make it the nice shade of purple that I wanted. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I saw a youtube video of a young lady who dyed the lower part of her hair (underneath where the garden lives) red. She used the manic panic bleach to lift her hair and then deposited the color - it was FIERCE!! I said, okay, I can do this. So I did. Man it looked so good...so rich and purple! And because I work in HR, it was perfect because you could only see it if I wore my hair up. I was loving it.


Texlax time! I waited the 4 weeks that was advised of anyone who colors hair and then relaxes. I saved that part for last and quickly rubbed the relaxer through. When I got to the bottom, I slathered a little bit there, smoothed it quickly, (I mean, I've been doing this forever!) and went to wash it out. Well, I washed it out all right! A big chunk of purple hair washed out in my hands!!! :crybaby:

So now I have cut down that hair beneath/underneath/whatever and am going today after work to have it evened out. :cry3: Talk about a BC for the back of your hair!

I have to look at the positive - it could have been worse. Luckily I only dyed a small portion of the hair underneath it all...the rest of my hair is healthy and growing like weed... but now I get to worry about the uneven hair that will be my now-permanent issue. Its like the style from a while back where ladies would shave the back bottom part of the head and leave the rest... sigh.

See? I deserved every bit of this! :pullhair:

Dont feel bad girlfriend! I did the same thing to myself too. I just haaaaaad to have bleach blond hair! I started off my natural look with a boxed dye job, which was n't as bad as that bleach. I was also pregnant, so I waited until after I had my daughter in May 09. The color came out beautiful and perfect! It was bright and I always got complements on it. In September that year for my sister's wedding, I had to straighten my hair for a bun. I was totally embarrassed of my dry hair and ends. I had triend everything, but nothing helped. So I gradually chopped off my blond locks. I am 100% blond free today and I feel great! My hair is back the same length as it was before I cut it in Sept. I used to get angry and dwell on how long my hair would've been if only I had....

Now I reflect on how healthy, thick, and shiny my hair is thanks to proper care, love, and my LHCF famly. Your hair journey wouldn't be complete without a setback or two. The real question is, Have you learned from them? And if so, move on.
I am currently experiencing a setback due to Skala overload – I have breakage and thinning along my hairline. Although the Skala products worked really well for a period of time, I think the petroleum within them has adversely affected my hair; they have since been placed in the “Discard” section of my hair products.

As a result, I’ve been handling it gently (no brushing, careful detangling once a week during the DC process, frequent co-washing with finger detangling) and have implemented a system of regular protein intake. I plan on incorporating some essential oils into my routine to address my jacked up hairline; I am still researching viable methods to combat the breakage, though.

Still, my overriding issue is that I am at a loss as to how to style my hair since I’ve relied heavily upon a simple air dried ponytail for so long (I am wholly uninterested in wigs, weaves and braids). So, until I have an epiphany, I will keep putting it into a very loose, unbrushed ponytail that is swept up and pinned with a clasp.
here is my list of setbacks.......

color. the devil. now i know....i can not color. period. if i want color, i have to stop texlaxing. my hair only likes one chemical at a time please. :(

growth aides. the devil. had my hair a tangled knarled mess. never again.

love my baby, but the hormones jacked my hair up something terrible. :(

new products and bandwagons. i find what works and then like a dumb a$$ go try some new thing i read about online.....never ever again. my fav arch enemies are baggying, juice, and overnight conditioning/prepoo.

for the last year i have been great at keeping it simple. wash, deep condition, protect, moisturize, seal. that's for the outside. for the inside, i exercise and take a multi vitamin and calcium. that's all folks.