Family Relationship Advice...


Well-Known Member
Put yourself in this position and honestly tell me what you would do please...

Your grands, nieces, cousins (teenagers) who don't really talk to you or your mother at all I mean like maybe 1-2 times a year, pop up out of nowhere asking you for finances in this economy and you don't even work a 9-5 (added) not that you don't have the amount but I guess I'm asking would you do it and does how family communicates / treat you have an effect on your level of kindness toward them?

I don't mind helping people who I know have my back... But when you're legally grown I feel like you should know how to call and tell someone thank you for things, I think if you love someone you call them to check on them especially if they do the same for you... So I'm kind of looking at it as gimmie but I need other opinions because no one is always right...
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Nope. Even if I see them all the time and we speak on a regular basis. I have a job and dang nabit they should have a job. Now if they want to come over cut my grass and do something to earn money then that is something else.
My response would be. "if we spoke regularly, then you would know that I am unable to help you. Much luck to you".
lol well they can't cut my grass lol I live far away... As for jobs their parents aren't even trying to motivate them to get licenses... It's sad but at the same time I don't wanna get used just because of it... Thank you for replying you made me laugh and I was set to cry. It all just makes me feel like finances is all I'm good for lol

Nope. Even if I see them all the time and we speak on a regular basis. I have a job and dang nabit they should have a job. Now if they want to come over cut my grass and do something to earn money then that is something else.
Stop feeling obligated to people. Family is no different! It will breed resentment. You give when you have and hopefully it's out of LOVE period. You don't have it anyway, so....