Fall/Winter Hair Goals

i'll be protective styling(weave) ALL fall/winter...i hope to gain and retain atleast 3 more inches by March and reach collarbone length in the back and neck length in the front. i already wash/co-wash/DC weekly & moisturize&seal daily, and i'll continue to do that underneath the weave.
1.) Retain at least 2" to FIIINALLLY reach APL
2.) Use heat no more than once a month
3.) Be consistent w/ vitamins
4.) Maintain health of my hair (!)
My goals:
- take all of my vitamins/supplements daily
- hide my hair or protective style the entire time
- moisturize and seal 2x per day (baggie bay-bee)
- baby my ends
- do not buy anything new/use what I have
- I like the idea of using one Visa card for the entire year for all hair purchases (that are not gifted to me)
- deep condition once a week
- drink 64 ounces of water each day
Exercise (not always a hard core gotta burn 1000 calories but do something extra every day for an hour)
Take vitamins
Drink at least 8 glasses of water
Log what I eat

Co-wash x2 (Wed/Sat)
DC under hair dryer for at least 30 minutes
PS on Sunday night for the week (I'm learning to flat twist my own hair)
Use my scale to check weight, bone density, body fat and water levels.

Clarifying wash to remove product build up.
Search and destroy any damaged ends
Take a picture for the WL in 2012 challenge.

I also plan to stretch my relaxer until January
1. Moisturize and seal hair daily.
2. DC at least once a week (when not in a protective style).
3. Wear a protective style for at least 80 of the fall/winter.
4. Have 5 inches of healthy hair by Winter's end.
5. No heat!
Great thread! :yay:

Find heat-free ways to stretch hair (like curlformers, braidouts, curly fro)
Have my longest layers be Hip length and the rest be BSL to WL
Continue transitioning
Fall/Winter Hair Goals:

1. Continue to PS and use LM styles to retain as much length as possible.
2. Implement more deep conditioning into my regimen to minimize any breakage from this color.
3. Implement more hard protein treatments into my regimen to minimize any breakage from this color.
4. Increase water intake and continue to eat healthy.
5. Claim MBL by Dec 31, 2010--This will be a reality!
**stop slacking and stay on a 2x/week steam schedule
**Henna 1x/month
**Protective styling - I'm much better at french braiding and cornrows
**Relax as needed
that's it.
My goals:
-Use up all my current products, then stick to my staples
-Wear protective styles 99% of the time
-Retain at least 2 inches
-DC once q week, stay consistent

I reeeaally hope I will be full NL when I straighten for Christmas.
Bdsm Erotica
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-Use up some of my products
-Not buy anymore hair products. I HAVE ENOUGH ALREADY.
-Stick with my regimen.
-Get my hands out of my hair.
-Protect my length and ends and new growth when begin stretching.
-Get at least 2 inches or more of growth retained by December.
-Learn to have patience, because time does not give a da*n and will go on as slow as it wants to :/
My Goals for the remainder of the year contiue sticking to my regi that's been working which

Shampoo and DC 1 time a week (clarify 1x month)
Moisturize and seal daily
PS styles mostly.. with sew ins, crochets, buns etc (occasionally twist outs/braidouts/ponytail/ponypuff)
No direct heat...only for Thanksgiving and Christmas
Keep taking multivitamin daily
Increase water intake
Continue exercising (just started this week)
No trimming
**Retain 2.5 inches by Dec. in order to be full MBL by end of the year!
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My goals include:

- Protective styling like it's my job.
- Deep condition once a week.
- Try to co-wash more often.
- Exercise more.
- Try to grow and retain as much length as these winter months will allow... I'm about 2 inches from BSL and if I can retain, I'll be there by December!
to retain as much length as possible
to continue using my staple products and adding saa(or protein filler) and wheat germ oil to them
to continue excercising and eating well
if twistouts don't work for me, try wigs matching my natural and/or flatironed texture
:nono:be patient:wallbash:
to get my hair dusted by my stylist 2x btw september and march
to do hardcore protein treatments once a month
to be bsl or longer by april 2011, currently apl
buy a humidifier
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-deep condition once a week
-co wash once a week
-keep my hair in cornrows
-rock my handmade half wigs
-stick to using Keracare
-start using MN again to get a minimum of 2'' by Christmas
-no trims until christmas eve
Since I really want to get close to BSL by year's end, I plan to:

  • deep condition twice weekly (while also making sure to heat the conditioner first before applying it)
  • up my water intake
  • continue taking my pre-natal vitamins
  • using protective styles of either bunning or hiding my hair under my self installed sew-ins
  • seal my ends daily
  • take the plunge and invest in a joico vapor iron at Christmas as a celebration gift for my success (I'm thinking positive ladies)!!
  • oh yeah and exercise more (I want a wicked body to go with the wicked hair lol) :grin:
I have been thinking about what to do for the Winter too. I was concerned because last winter my hair seemed like it just went to sleep for the winter. Since I've been on LHCF I've learned so much and plan to be ready this time. I have discovered that during the Winter my hair needs different products to keep it soft and growing. I wont be perming my hair during the Winter (16 wks post). If I don't do it by the end of Sept, I will just weave it up and leave it alone till the Spring.

I plan to:

1. Deep condition twice a week
2. Wear more weave styles
3. Wear 1/2 wigs
4. Not perm till Spring
5. Dust my ends between weaves every 8-10 wks (I discovered my hair grows better with trims)
6. Make sure to drink plenty of water and take hair skin and nail vitamins
7. Make BSL mid Winter!
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1. Low manipulation and PS 99.99% of the time
2. Keep my moisture/protein balance in check
3. Retain length
4. Keep hair (esp. ends) moisturized
5. DC with every wash with Keracare!!!
6. Be excited for stretch ending b/c the amount of new growth on my 4b hair will redikulous after 20 weeks :lachen:
I plan on:
keeping hair covered whenever possible
running warm steam humidifier to keep air moist
being consistent with the chia seeds (they keep me 'juicy')
I want to be below APL by the end of the year..I am toying with the idea of doing a brown rinse over my honey blonde hair...I may do a small trim (I tend to get scissor happy, so I avoid them like the plague)..I want to wear my hair str8 @ least 40-50 % this fall/winter..but no direct heat..roller sets and silk wraps only..Oh and buns and wigs...my hair grew like crazy last winter...but I kept it braided under a wig for the entire fall/winter season...
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Mine is:

1) Keep my hair moisturize as much as possible
2) No blow dry or flat iron unless I'm doing my relaxer
3) oil with scalp with camellia
4) PS most of the time(99%)
5) No cutting
6) And hopefully make BSL by Jan 2011
Okay...since I'm sure its gonna be a cold winter again down here in New Orleans(i mean look at how hot its been so far!), I'm gonna have to really step the hair game up since I'm in the early stages of transitioning.

1. Learn how to cornrow or flat twist my hair under my wigs
2. Dust hair ONLY WHEN NEEDED!
3. Stick with my Bee Mine Growth Serum religiously
4. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize...

Okay so I've already changed one of my goals and its not even Fall yet :lachen:. Instead of rockin twists and braids under my wigs, I'll be sticking to sew-ins for the remainder of my transition. :yep:
Deep condition weekly with heat
Grow my hair out from a fresh BC.
Moisturize whenever my hair feels dry.
Hide it under hats if I must.
Take my multivitamin
Retain at least 2 inches to be at or just past WL!
Improve keeping moisture in hair whilst transitioning with buns.
Improve my flat twisting technique for cuter results (that can be paired with buns)
Continue steaming hair twice a week.
Find a nice afro-looking half-wig or make one!