Fairy tale ending...did you have one? Do you know of any?


New Member
One of my close friends is getting married in May and for the first year in a half of dating, her SO put her through hell. Not coming home, sleep when he was at home, no dates, girls calling his phone, sneaking out the house while she was asleep. There were plenty of days and nights when she called me crying her eyes out.
My brother married my SIL after 7 years, after the first 3yrs of dating he broke-up with her b/c he wasn’t ready to settle down. She waited on him for 2 years and when he went back they got engaged and married.
I have another close friend that is married who went through a lot w/her DH before the ring such as stashed away kids and other lies.
Needless to say, they are all in loving, harmonious marriages now but is there anyone who had a fairy tale ending. U met a man, fell in love and over time you made it to the altar w/o all the drama/lies/baggage in the beginning?

Stories please....
I have never had all that crazy stuff happen. For me, drama means run, run as fast as you can.

I met and had a good relationship with Dh, got pregnant and 1 year later got married. We went though some things but they weren't due to his fault or mine.
I met my DH while we both had SOs. We started out as friends and then left them to be with each other. We went through stuff, but not anything like what has been described. I mean other pple tried to start mess within our relationship because we have a seemingly 'fairytale' romance. After seven years and seven days of dating, we got married on February 23rd (don't make me go into the numerical meaning of these dates). We continue to pray that we remain blessed and one of the many 'example' relationships.
We had problems when were dating, but not serious drama like the ones you gave as examples.
I met my DH while we both had SOs. We started out as friends and then left them to be with each other. We went through stuff, but not anything like what has been described. I mean other pple tried to start mess within our relationship because we have a seemingly 'fairytale' romance. After seven years and seven days of dating, we got married on February 23rd (don't make me go into the numerical meaning of these dates). We continue to pray that we remain blessed and one of the many 'example' relationships.

Does it have anything to do with the number 23? If so I know what ur talking about ;)
Me and my husband almost had the fairtale. I mean we knew each other as just friends for a year before dating. I was in a serious relationship for most of that time and when I got out of that relationship I wasn't looking to be in another one so we became friends with benefits. Then when I was ready to settle down he wasn't. The first 3 months I want to say was very shaky. Neither of us was really sure what we wanted, but after that it was Fairytale. He knew and knows me so well. Girl I was so mean in the begining. He wanted to go to the movies with me and I told him I was in my bed sleep, but I would go in my pjs if he wanted. Girl why he come to pick me up all dressed up nice and I walk outside in my flannel pjs and slippers and get in the car. He was just happy I was going, lol. My mom was mad at me. He the only man that I have ever been able to just be me and he inspires me on the day to day to be better. He supports my decision and we work toward the same goals.