Eyelash Growth


New Member
A few days ago, I read a thread where someone mentioned that there is a product, I think it's an oil that conditions and increase your eyelashes. I can't remember which post/category. I tried the skin care but could'nt remember the title. Can anyone tell me which one or better yet some of you may have read the thread and know what product or oil I'm refering? You're help is greatly appreciated. Thanx and GOD BLESS!!
oh yes lipocils by talika also work and some women have had success with hairobics. But i think the oil you were talking about is castor oil.
That's the link I've seen. THANK YOU!! I'm reading it now and I'm thinking about ordering it. I want to read some more results from some more people. Again, thanks.
Okay so I was bored and since I don't buy anythging new for my hair anymore, I decided to buy something for OTHER hairs on my body (stay with me now,lol). I ordered the lipocals and I am on Day 3, (supposed to see results in 28 days)so I'll use myself as the guinea pig and see if this stuff really works. The only thing I can say is that the delivery was QUICK, so that is good... I'll kjeep everyone posted. This is one thing I'll actually follow for the full 28 dyas because it's just like putting mascara on in the a.m. and I only hace to do it once a day