Extend-a-perm. Will it steal my curls?


New Member
Has anyone ever tried Soft n Beautiful's Extend-a-perm? I bought it thinking that it would just loosen the curl, maybe like a carmel treatment. Now I'm not so sure though. I don't want to use it if it's going to permanently get rid of what I've work 9 months to grow out!:perplexed
So is it a permanent sort of thing or not?
I used it to transition the first time I attempted to go natural. I even tried it on the hair after cutting off the relaxed ends. It does little if any. I mean if you flatiron your hair with lots of new growth and it doesnt usually get straight, well this stuff will help you get it straight. But by the next day or so the affects kinda wear off. I dont believe it will damage your curls at all. Heat might though. It does basically nothing with out heat.
Thanks a lot. I was really scared that it would mess with my transitioning. The last thing I want is to go back straight after all this time.