Experiences with OKCupid, PlentyofFish, or other free dating sites

Sounds like people are having good results for the most part.:yep: I think I will give it a try once I get through my next set of exams.
Girl I just signed up yesterday and my mailbox is almost full. :lol: I'm not attracted to any of the guys tho so I haven't really been responding. :ohwell: I don't know what to say. IRL it's easy to lie and just say you have a boyfriend. :lachen: Can't exactly do that on an internet dating site. :ohwell: Maybe this internet dating thing isn't for me. :sad:

When I'm not interested, I just don't respond. I have had bad experiences trying to be nice. Sometimes they send nasty messages because you have bruised their ego so I just don't respond at all.
Wow, an Asian guy just sent me a message on POF and added me to his favorites. :blush:

This is the first time EVER an Asian man has showed interest in me.
Are yall also posting up your pics?

Are folks good about putting up pics of themselves on these sites?
On plentyoffish, most people have 3-5 pics up...

I just joined plentyoffish, lots of cute guys in my area.
i'll be back with updates!
Are yall also posting up your pics?

Are folks good about putting up pics of themselves on these sites?

Girl, you got to post at least one picture to get anywhere on dating sites!
On plentyoffish, most people have 3-5 pics up...

Ok so I just joined plentyoffish, lots of cute guys in my area.
i'll be back with updates!
Are yall also posting up your pics?

Are folks good about putting up pics of themselves on these sites?

I have pics up. I wouldn't give a dude without a pic the time of day, so I guess I gotta do the same, LOL.

I think people are good about putting up pics, but sometimes the ones they use are like WTF??
Are yall also posting up your pics?

Are folks good about putting up pics of themselves on these sites?

Yes, I post my picture. I also don't respond to anyone without a picture. If a site has the option to reject messages from people without a picture, I use it.
I have pics up. I wouldn't give a dude without a pic the time of day, so I guess I gotta do the same, LOL.

I think people are good about putting up pics, but sometimes the ones they use are like WTF??

The grainy camera phone pics where they are standing in front of a dirty mirror with their shirt off are the worst!

Dude, you seriously couldn't get a friend to take a couple decent pictures of you? You couldn't turn your camera around and take some decent pictures of YOURSELF?:ohwell:
Ok here is my experience with POF

I met a lot of guys on there but you have to weed i mean talking on IM for a while that way after a while a few will fall away especially those who are pretending to want something more. I went on mostly great dates. I met two of my exes there, i date one for bout 8 months and another for a yr. I also met a really nice guy who was rich in his late 20's earned his own business but well not really a looker i went on quite a few dates with him and we became friends but he wanted more but i felt nothing for him im afraid, but he was probably the best catch out of the lot of them.

Im tinking bout going on a dating site again dont thik i'll try POF again though, i want to try something new
The grainy camera phone pics where they are standing in front of a dirty mirror with their shirt off are the worst!

Dude, you seriously couldn't get a friend to take a couple decent pictures of you? You couldn't turn your camera around and take some decent pictures of YOURSELF?:ohwell:
yep IGNORE:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

and yep if you have no pics posted or dont like the idea of not posting pictures you will not be sucessful in the online dating world. I dont respond to men without pics:nono: UNLESS they are willing to provide a pic IMMEDIATELY from their email address. this usually takes a lot of convincing on his part.
The grainy camera phone pics where they are standing in front of a dirty mirror with their shirt off are the worst!

Dude, you seriously couldn't get a friend to take a couple decent pictures of you? You couldn't turn your camera around and take some decent pictures of YOURSELF?:ohwell:

You know!

Or the ones with them hugged up on some chick(s). I see this A LOT.

Like really? I know they might be just be friends/family, but come on, get someone to take one of you by yourself damn self. I'm not interested in seeing your sister or cousin. :look:
yep IGNORE:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

and yep if you have no pics posted or dont like the idea of not posting pictures you will not be sucessful in the online dating world. I dont respond to men without pics:nono: UNLESS they are willing to provide a pic IMMEDIATELY from their email address. this usually takes a lot of convincing on his part.

Right. I understand some folks aren't comfortable putting their pics all over the internet, which is fine.

But I'm not gonna take the risk of talking to your *** for a week, getting all interested only to find out later you don't have any teeth in the front! :lachen:
I did POF for about 4 months (Oct 07 - Feb 08). It was fun at first but old very quickly. The guys on the site were WAY to eager and others were downright scary. The men who would've interested me were way too evasive in terms of answering basic questions. I did meet 3 good guys from that site all of whom wound up being friends. Every once in a while I'm tempted to try it again, but then I remember how much I hated it and don't bother. I do fine meeting men IRL with the exact same results.
You know!

Or the ones with them hugged up on some chick(s). I see this A LOT.

Like really? I know they might be just be friends/family, but come on, get someone to take one of you by yourself damn self. I'm not interested in seeing your sister or cousin. :look:

Oh God, this right here makes NO sense to me! Do they think we'll be more attracted to them because we see we got some competition??
Right. I understand some folks aren't comfortable putting their pics all over the internet, which is fine.

But I'm not gonna take the risk of talking to your *** for a week, getting all interested only to find out later you don't have any teeth in the front! :lachen:

You know?! :lachen:That's the ultimate disappointment.
ok i joined POF again for the 4th time in like 4 years and i spoke with a guy on the phone today. He's 29 and he's been a member on there for 3.5 years...thats not good.....
ok i joined POF again for the 4th time in like 4 years and i spoke with a guy on the phone today. He's 29 and he's been a member on there for 3.5 years...thats not good.....

Haha that's some experience right there.
It hasn't been a week yet but I'm seriously thinking of deleting my account :look::ohwell:
Things are okay. I'm still new to the online dating world, so I'm trying to feel it out. There are a couple of guys I've been chatting back and forth with. I told them I want to take it slow and chat online first before exchanging numbers or anything else. One guy has been cut for being WAY too eager. :nono: Practically BEGGING me for my number. Not attractive. :lol:

I don't even give guys without pics the time of day. One guy that I briefly talked to had a pic where you couldn't really see his face. He was really nice until I asked him for another pic. Then he disappeared. :lachen:

This is all an interesting experience. I'm not sure if I like it yet or not. Haven't made it to the next level of meeting in person or talking yet.
What options are you guys selecting for your profile? I know for POF they have email/chatting, long term, intimate encounters(seriously, what does this mean?), dating, etc. I wouldn't even know what to choose. I mean, I'm interested in dating with the intent of finding something long term.
Has anyone tried Singlesnet.com? It's not free, but you can talk free to "featured members," which are basically people who pay fo the site. It's kind of the best of both worlds for me, because I would think that people who are featured are more serious about finding a relationship over a booty call.
What options are you guys selecting for your profile? I know for POF they have email/chatting, long term, intimate encounters(seriously, what does this mean?), dating, etc. I wouldn't even know what to choose. I mean, I'm interested in dating with the intent of finding something long term.

I always choose long term because that's what I'm interested in. I figure may as well let them know up front.

"Intimate Encounters" means just that. You are looking to meet someone for something sexual.
I always choose long term because that's what I'm interested in. I figure may as well let them know up front.

"Intimate Encounters" means just that. You are looking to meet someone for something sexual.

Thanks! I was thinking as much with the "intimate encounters" thing, but I couldn't believe that people would really join just for that purpose:nono:.....but I guess it makes sense to allow people who want the same things to find each other, rather than having the impersonators acting like they want more but really just wanting sex targeting the people looking for more.
I signed up for POF yesterday and I am already thinking of deleting my account. No real cuties and it's a needle in a haystack to find one with not kids. I got tired of online dating, but since I keep getting hit on by the same type of people I decided to try it again.
I tried POF and OKCupid in the past without a whole lot of luck. I did meet plenty of guys, but no one wanted anything serious. The other day I made a blank profile just to search and see if it was worth joining against and...no. OKCupid has a better selection but it seemed like the same guys who were on there last time I joined. The POF guys were not attractive. I think it is just my crappy area because I did a search of other cities and found what looked like some great prospects. Sigh... Online dating is great for those who want to casually date. Back then that is what I wanted and I had multiple date offers every week. Now that I'm looking for something serious, it is just not working for me.
I joined BPM ... def no luck there... And when I joined I was hype and eager to meet someone.

Then I figured I'd join Match since it's costly, maybe I'd find someone I'm remotely interested in.... NO luck at all, I joined for 6 months and didn't come across anyone.

Joined POF - fail

I found out about OkCupid from this site, and figured I'd join for the heck of it, I didn't think I'd really meet anyone on there, but was bored and figured why the heck not. It was to a point where I was just kinda nonchalant about meeting anyone now, but figured I'd join anyway b/c it's free and I'd have nothing at all to lose ... shortly after creating my profile, I was browsing several dudes and came across one that caught my attention and I really liked his profile. Well, we've def hit it off.. totally did not expect that to happen so soon. My biggest issue with the internet dating was finding the 'type' and 'personality' fit that I was looking for and so far, the person that I've met fits all of the characteristic and personality traits that I've been looking for all this time. That was always my biggest reservation with online dating b/c you're only going off of a picture... the odds of finding someone you really vibe with is very hard. It's funny, we both say if neither of us met on the site, we'd prob never meet each other b/c we're from different parts of NYC, we work in two totally different areas, neither of us go out like that... so we prob would never have crossed paths. The likelihood would have been very slim.