Exercise Hair


Well-Known Member
Please interact with all of the ladies with their acts together trying to stay fit in the gym with a few stats about your hair.

  • What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose).
  • What time of day and week do you work out?
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors)
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it?
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?
  • What would you like to know?
Please feel free to update at any time with what you did for your hair while exercising recently, or tips for anyone else.

It's not a challenge, but let's help each other.
  • What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose).
Natural, loose
  • What time of day and week do you work out?
I typically work out in the morning before class, any day of the week my schedule allows. No specific day as far as when is wash day coming up.
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors)
I go to the rec center at school. It's awesome. Membership is free, but I joined the club to have access to a nice shower/changing room with my own permanent locker and towel service.
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it?
I sweat a lot. Usually I do intense cardio and some light weight lifting before or after and some core workouts.
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?
Curly ponytail before, and after. Or I might cowash and use the dryer and concentrator provided for a wash and go
  • What would you like to know?
How do people maintain their syraighter styles? Also, how do people maintain their sew-in?
When my hair was relaxed APL (4C), I ran a few days a week outside in the morning before work. That meant my hair was in a bun most of the time because I sweat a lot...a LOT, especially in my head. I would cowash after my run and bun it. Luckily, I like buns so it wasn't a big deal to me.

Now that I have a relaxed pixie cut, I still work out in the morning before work, but I do body weight exercises at home (You Are Your Own Gym). I don't sweat as much with that. I sleep with my hair tied down and don't untie it until after about 10 minutes before I leave.

I miss running though and am playing with the idea of a short wig, especially since I think I'll go natural (for the 50leventh time) when/if...when I start growing my hair back out.
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Please interact with all of the ladies with their acts together trying to stay fit in the gym with a few stats about your hair.

  • What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose).
  • What time of day and week do you work out?
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors)
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it?
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?
  • What would you like to know?
Please feel free to update at any time with what you did for your hair while exercising recently, or tips for anyone else.

It's not a challenge, but let's help each other.

  • What is the state of your hair? - Relaxed
  • What time of day and week do you work out? - Mornings, before work
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors) - Gym and outdoors
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it? - Oh yes. I take spin classes. In addition, I am doing the C25K program and as such I sweat a lot especially at my hairline. I sweat less when I do weights.
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising? For my workouts, I catch up my hair in a ponytail and wear a sweat band to absorb some of the sweat. Immediately after exercising, I remove the sweat band, to allow my hair to dry faster. The thing is I only have approximately 45 minutes between the end of my class and the time I am scheduled to get to work. As such, most days I wear my hair in a ponytail or bun for work.
  • What would you like to know? How to get rid of/minimize the grays. Because of my workouts, I have to get a black rinse at least every 3 weeks.
What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose).

What time of day and week do you work out?
3-4 times per week, time varies

Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors)

Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it?

I sweat during cardio (2o min total in 10 min intervals). I mostly sweat in my face and body on scalp/hair

What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?

Nothing. I wear a bun and leave it like that.

What would you like to know?
Nothing really lol.
  • What is the state of your hair? - Relaxed
  • What time of day and week do you work out? - Mornings, before work
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors) - Gym and outdoors
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it? - Oh yes. I take spin classes. In addition, I am doing the C25K program and as such I sweat a lot especially at my hairline. I sweat less when I do weights.
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising? For my workouts, I catch up my hair in a ponytail and wear a sweat band to absorb some of the sweat. Immediately after exercising, I remove the sweat band, to allow my hair to dry faster. The thing is I only have approximately 45 minutes between the end of my class and the time I am scheduled to get to work. As such, most days I wear my hair in a ponytail or bun for work.
  • What would you like to know? How to get rid of/minimize the grays. Because of my workouts, I have to get a black rinse at least every 3 weeks.
Does it make you gray faster, or does it make the rinse wear off?
Please interact with all of the ladies with their acts together trying to stay fit in the gym with a few stats about your hair.

  • What is the state of your hair? My hair is natural and I alternate between curly and straight styles.
  • What time of day and week do you work out? I try to work out in the morning around 7 AM Which doesn't leave much time before I have to go to work
  • Where do you work out? I mostly work out at home doing Cardio or DVD routines.
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? My scalp and face get super sweaty. My hair is low porosity so the strands themselves don't get soaked.
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising? If its straight then I will add a balm and put up into a bun and tie down my edges. I try to leave the scarf on my edges for at least 20 - 30 minutes after to keep edges laid
  • What would you like to know? How do ladies maintain a curly style (wash n go out braid out/twist out without it getting puffy and sweated out at roots?
Please interact with all of the ladies with their acts together trying to stay fit in the gym with a few stats about your hair.

  • What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose).
  • What time of day and week do you work out?
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors)
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it?
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?
  • What would you like to know?
Please feel free to update at any time with what you did for your hair while exercising recently, or tips for anyone else.

It's not a challenge, but let's help each other.

The state of my hair is natural, very tightly coiled 4a/b.
Mon - Wed - Fri @ 5:00am and Sat @ 7:30am or 8:30am
I exercise outdoors.
My routine only makes me sweat alot if it's hot and humid outside. My exercise activity is running.
I put my hair into 2 to 6 braids or into a bun.
Nothing else I would like to know, lol.
  • Natural
  • Fell off the wagon. Aiming to re-start yoga and Pilates 30mins daily next wk & running in the spring
  • Will be home, later outdoors
  • YES!
  • Before: nothing, french braids. After: rinse well + scritch + preen + air dry
  • Is anyone using laser-cut thongs to workout? Any leads on a good compression bra for itty bitties?
What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose).

What time of day and week do you work out?
On average 3x times a week . Morning /early afternoon depending on work schedule.

Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors)

Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it?
I sweat a lot only with HIIT/cardio .

My hair is wet especially in the back of the head as I keep it in a ponytail.

What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?

I open it up and let it dry

What would you like to know?
hm nothing.
Great thread. My hair is a hot mess at the moment. I'm 14 weeks post relaxer, considering transitioning. Work out 3-5 times a week in the gym. Sweat a lot with cardio, less on my 2 body pump days. Have just been keeping it in a bun and air drying. I only leave out and straighten my small side fringe (bangs) with a flat iron but this look isn't cute. My hubby doesn't like it. I used to wear my hair down and straight all the time until I started getting back serious with the gym a year ago.

I'd like to know if it's worth taking the time to straighten my hair only for the regrowth to revert when I sweat it out in the gym a day or a few days later.
I forgot a hair tie yesterday evening and was worried for a second that I would have to deal with sweaty hanging hair. Then I remembered...I'm black. I can put my hair in a braid and it won't fall out. I was cute in my two piggy tail braids. Co-washed after and put it back into 2 piggytails, slept in it and wore it again to the gym this morning.

Cowashed again this morning and bunning today.
  • What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose).-NATURAL
  • What time of day and week do you work out?-5AM-MON-/WED/FRI
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors)-GYM
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it?-YES/CARDIO-KICKBOXING
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?-BEFORE PIN IT UP/AFTER LET OUT TO DRY-THEN UPDO
  • What would you like to know?, I'M GOOD, ILL WATCH THE OTHER COMMENTS,
  • What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose).
Transitioning, loose.
  • What time of day and week do you work out?
Mornings; Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors)
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it?
I sweat a lot when I do HIIT and a fair amount when I just focus on heavy weights.
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?
I wear my hair in a pineapple when I workout and style after exercising. I wash at night twice a week (no time to do it in the mornings)
  • What would you like to know?
I would like who know what other transitioners (or anyone) who wash frequently are doing.
  • What is the state of your hair?
  • What time of day and week do you work out?
evenings and nights
  • Where do you work out?
Gym and outdoors
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot?
Yes, I sweat very easily and between long runs and HIIT it's hard to avoid breaking a sweat.
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?
My hair is usually in a twist out that I pineapple during my workouts. After I will either let it dry completely and wear in an updo or I will fluff out into a style and wear it down. I rinse and restyle every 2-3 days and wash (with a moisturizing shampoo) every week.
The what would you like to know question was optional just in case.

Anyway, I blew my hair out into a straight, wavy texture the other day. Sweat it out so bad near the roots, but gelled it into a nice wavy ponytail.
  • What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose).
    • Natural
  • What time of day and week do you work out?
    • 5 to 7 times a week 30 to 90 min
      • Weekdays afternoon or early evening
      • Weekends morning
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors)
    • Outdoors
    • Home
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it?
    • Yes - my workouts consistent of one or more of the following
      • Running
      • Heavy Lifting
      • HIIT Routines
      • Plyometrics
    • If I don't break a sweat I haven't worked hard enough
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?
    • Before: most of the times nothing, sometimes a scarf to tie it down
    • After: Scarf to smooth it down and reset my style for about 15-30 min
  • What would you like to know?
    • nothing but great thread!
  • "What would you like to know? How do ladies maintain a curly style (wash n go out braid out/twist out without it getting puffy and sweated out at roots?"
    • Before I started wearing loose twists 24/7 I wore stretched styles or braid outs in a bun. To keep my hair from reverting too much I'd put it in a pony tail or bun, place a scarf on immediately after working out and didn't remove either until my roots were dry.
I'd like to know if it's worth taking the time to straighten my hair only for the regrowth to revert when I sweat it out in the gym a day or a few days later.

Well, that really depends on whether it's worth it to you - the time, effort, and results. For me personally it wasn't, just too much work when I was wearing it straight straight BUT usually if I wore a really good bun or pony tail during my workouts and a scarf after that help prolong the straight style a bit. Using a few big rollers oveenight on a pony tail helped as well f I wanted to wear it down.
What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose).
What time of day and week do you work out?
I work out 6 days a week, 3 days I run, 2 days at the gym so cardio and lifting, 1 day yoga. I exercise at night mainly. Gym days are usually right before bed so around midnight, Running is when I get home from work so around 8 and yoga is in the afternoon. I hate getting up in the morning to do anything :-)
Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors)
Outside, yoga studio and gym
Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it?
Depends typically my scalp just gets a little moist but recently as I have started to lift longer and heavier I find I am sweating more when I do my cardio at the end
What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising?
Before nothing I just pull it back in a scarf after if I was sweating then I will rinse my hair add some gel and pull it up so it will dry by morning with curly ends if I was not sweating I spirtz it was water and fluff
What would you like to know?
Nothing not really
  • What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose). Natural, twists in a low bun
  • What time of day and week do you work out? Early morning (5 or 6 a.m.), 3-4 days
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors) Outdoors
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it? Yes. High intensity cross training, similar to Insanity. Mix-up of core, cardio, strength training
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising? Before: Slap on a Buff (soft stretchy headband) to absorb some sweat. After: Sometimes take down, apply Philip Kingsley Scalp Toner and massage, apply Oyin Hair Dew to ends and re-bun. Other times adjust bun to look normal, let sweat dry, and keep it moving.
  • What is the state of your hair? (Natural, relaxed, protective style, loose). Natural loose
  • What time of day and week do you work out? Either in morning before work or in evening after work depending on day of week
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors) Mostly at gym
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it? Yes. Spin, body works, and yoga
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising? Stick a ponytail in my bang area so it's not hanging in my face. I wear primarily wash n goes so I really don't have to worry about sweating.