Excuse my back fat y'all...


Well-Known Member
Please tell me if I am rightfully claiming APL. My hair is wet on this picture and my ends look thin, but PUH-LEEZE tell me what length you would say I was at... Don't look @ my back fat y'all... I just had a baby:drunk:

I would claim it if i were u..looks like you have passed it and are getting very close to BS...congrats!
Thanks Ladies!!! :grin::grin::grin:
Wow, I didnt realize my picture was so big! For some reason I've been at this length for about 4 months, I dont see any progress!!!:wallbash:
But HOPEFULLY I will be @ BSL by the end of the YEAR!!!! :look:
Claim what is your's, girl!!! You are definitely APL (maybe a lil past) Congrats on the new little one!!!
Claim it! It's APL!!!!

We would also love to see a dry and straight hair pic as well........pretty please :yep:
Oh, you could have cropped the picture to make yourself more comfortable!

I'd say you are a wee bit PASSED APL! CONGRATS on the hair an the baby!!
^ What they said. You are PAST APL and on your way to BSL. Congratulations on the baby, the hair, and quit imagining things on your back. :nono2:

Bless you!
