Excuse my back fat y'all...

I would say you're at APL and past. You go girl! I can't wait to claim it. I'm not claiming yet, but hopefully by my next relaxer (April 16th).
Awwww!!!! :grin::woot:You ladies are SO SWEET and SUPPORTIVE!!!! I just love you all! :grouphug3:Thank you so much for the confirmations and words of encouragement.
I will try to post a wet/dry compairising pic later on...to this thread.
Love y'all!!!!
Krikit, you are AP length..keep up the good care. NOW...let's end the "excuse my backfat/rolls :Blush2:" comments from everybody-just post the photo-we love your hair care-that's what counts on LHCF{no frontal coo**ie shots are appreciated}. We care about your hair, your body is nice, it's what you have and you did a great thing by having a healthy baby and hair-Congratulations..be a good Mommy.
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