Exclusivity - When/How Did You and SO Become Exclusive?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So you're dating, having fun. Go out more than a few times. Exchange texts and phone calls.

At what point does someone say, "Hey, I want us to be exclusive." And even, how do those conversations generally go? How did it happen for you and your SO? Or previous SOs?
My SO and I had an exclusivity agreement from the very beginning. I wouldn't have it any other way. Once we realized that we really liked each other, we agreed that we would not date other people.

After about a month, he officially asked me to be his girlfriend one day while we were at dinner. He was so nervous you would have thought he was proposing marriage. We have been inseparable ever since.
There was never any official discussion for me. I think it went along the line of him asking "so, is today going to be the marker for our anniversary" or something to that extent.

We had already established months before then that each of us was more or less off the market.
He expressed interest in being exclusive right away... like 2 weeks in. But I told him I wanted to date for 3 months to 'get to know each other better.' (I had a bad experience jumping in feet first before).

So a little after 3 months, I was tapping my foot, ready lol... he took his sweet time (probably enjoyed getting me riled up) and we had the 'exclusivity talk' like 2 wks. later. I wasn't going to keep dating him without the title and he knew it.
He asked me to be his girl one week into things. He said he didn't want to waste any time and knew that I was exactly what he wanted.
If a guy really likes you it won't take long because he will not like the idea of you being with other guys. I think most guys, if they are into you, will try to be exclusive anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months.
we've pretty much been exclusive from the start, he wasn't seeing anyone else when he met me and i wasn't seeing anyone else either, and a week and half later he asked me to be his girlfriend :drunk:
After the 2nd date so it was about a week and some change. He just asked if I wanted to make it offiicial because he couldn't see himself with anybody else and he didn't wanna see me with anyone else.
DH asked me to become exclusive on our second date - two weeks in. I made him wait for two months. :lachen: Did I actually date anyone else during that period? Nope. I was more interested in whether HE would date anyone else in that period - and he didn't.
more or less the beginning. he was 100% not interested in being with ANY of the girls at my school, and i guess i just blind sided him. he told me like 2-3 wks in i was the only one (and he wasnt trying in the first place)

my ex asked after 3 days. pshhh
About a month.
We were exclusive before then, but didn't verbalize it.
I got a job in another state a couple of months after we met, so we decided when i left we would be open to seeing other people.
The day before I moved, we decided we didn't want to see other people and decided to be exclusive again.
The first day I met him he let me know that I was his in a joking way.

The night after our first date he cleared up that he wasn't quite joking but didn't take it any further.

A month after meeting he insisted that I verbalize that I was on the same page. I let him sweat, but I was very happy to make it formal.
It kinda just happened. And then it became official when he asked about my other prospects... and I said something about "a lady always has her list of choices"... and when he said I was his, I confirmed he was mine and we made it official.
He asked me to stop seeing other people about 3 weeks in (he wasn't seeing other people but I was...:giggle: ) . About 2 weeks later he asked me if he could call me his girlfriend. I laughed and said sure... :lol:
My SO and I were friends for nine months before we even started dating. From the beginning we made it clear that we would be exclusive. We both really aren't into dating more than one person at a time. We are very happy together.
I always presume a man is dating other women until he asks to be exclusive.

With DH, we had been dating for about 3 months when he asked to be exclusive. It was at a dinner cruise.

He had not been dating anyone else (which I later learned) and decided to ask for exclusivity once he realized that I was dating other men.
I always presume a man is dating other women until he asks to be exclusive.

With DH, we had been dating for about 3 months when he asked to be exclusive. It was at a dinner cruise.

He had not been dating anyone else (which I later learned) and decided to ask for exclusivity once he realized that I was dating other men.

same here:yep:
:lachen:I told him that he was mines. :lachen:I was really just joking around, cause umm, I was still seeing others:look:, but dude had told other chicks to stop calling him and everything in like 2 weeks, and told me I better tell my dudes I was involved with to stop calling me, I was like, wtf? :lachen::rolleyes:

So yeah, it didn't take long at all, I suppose. :spinning:
:lachen:I told him that he was mines. :lachen:I was really just joking around, cause umm, I was still seeing others:look:, but dude had told other chicks to stop calling him and everything in like 2 weeks, and told me I better tell my dudes I was involved with to stop calling me, I was like, wtf? :lachen::rolleyes:

So yeah, it didn't take long at all, I suppose. :spinning:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:He wasn't gonna let you go.
I don't remember a formal conversation. We just both were not dating anyone else and so it was just the two of us from the beginning. In fact, about 2 weeks into it he went out of town to his friend's wedding and he told me that someone asked "do you have a gf? where's she at?" and he answered that "she's at home in Louisiana". Thats when I knew it was safe to say he was my man :lol:
From memory, one guy asked me at 3 wks. Didn't work out...

My DH asked me after about a month. Funny thing is, he told me I had a month to decide. Come to find out, he was positive I was seeing someone else and was scared I would say no if I didn't have some time under my belt. He had consulted with his brother about it and everything. Men are just as fragile and emotional as us, they just show it differently..
I dont have a SO, but I would like to know if anyone else has issues with not being exclusive. After about a month or two...I need to be...or I feel the need to KIM...is this a bad thing? Is anyone else like me?:-/
I dont have a SO, but I would like to know if anyone else has issues with not being exclusive. After about a month or two...I need to be...or I feel the need to KIM...is this a bad thing? Is anyone else like me?:-/

Blong Iam in the exact same situation. Sigh...

I could be wrong, but I just feel (based on past experiences) that men will make it clear to you whether or not they want to be exclusive with you quite early on.

It can be tricky cause you don't want to feel like you are rushing and stuff, but I know men have darn near been ready to marry me within a month and all the while I was normally just having fun and playing the field. :ohwell: ( this was before I was married :lachen:). So I don't know, I mean if he hasn't brought it up, I think it is safe to ask where yall are headed. You will definately know when he answers,:yep: playing the guessing game is not good and it seems as though those who have no intentions of making your their lady have no qualms with going on with things the way they are, without even hinting at a commitment.

Men are honest with this stuff, we just don't want to listen to it and try to read into him and his situation:nono:, so if he answers he isn't ready or he doesn't think, blah blah blah....then KIM, cause yall obviously don't want the same things, and there is nothing wrong with that, just save yourself from heartbreak before you get too attached. Even if you guys are not exclusive at the time, it is better to at THE LEAST, know what his intentions are.

JMO though.
He assumed when we went on our first date that we were exclusive. He learned later I was talkin to anotheer guy who I really had no intrest in and about 2 weeks into it he said we are exclusive and that he only wanted to be with me and I felt the same way. And so far so good. I can tell he is the real deal its still fresh but it is so REAL. Every time we see eachotha we act like giddy lil kids :)... I miss him now:(
Great thread!

I've only had the talk with one bf. It was right before coloring and I stopped and said something like, "I'm not trying to have a FWB thing". He replied that he is not trying to be my friend. That was after two months.

The rest never said anything and I found out by them referring me as their girlfriend.

My advice? Don't push the issue, don't say anything but don't color, facepaint, or fingerpaint until he introduces you with a title.