Ever had a wig cut to style?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I bought a full wig the other day and I like the style but it is asymmetric so 1) I'll get bored of it quite soon and 2) It is not really suitable for work. I really loved how it looked though, especially the shorter side.

What I want to do is to get it cut to look like the shorter side all around.

Have any of you ever done this? Did you just go to your regular stylist or did you go to a wig specialist? How did it turn out?

Have any brave ladies attempted to cut themselves?
I just did it today! haha! I went to my regular stylist! I have a human hair half wig and she cut it using a razor (looks more natural than scissors). I am so happy with it. She has styled wigs before and she does a great job styling weaves too... so I would go to a stylist who is experienced in those things.
Great, thank you

I think I'll do it when I get my next weave, they can short styles really well there

And if they ruin it, at least it wasn't my real hair :)
After my BC I got one styled just like my relaxed hair. The "stylist" at the BSS did it for me