Ever had a relaxer like this?

wow thanks goodness i never had to deal with that:nono:

eta make sure the volume is low for this video if other people are around
Good lord the poor child. :nono:

I despair, I really do...

eta: that dude laughing was annoying the hell out of me - idiot.
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Why were they washing out the relaxer on top of dishes? What was she spraying as that poor girl's scalp was burning? And why did they think people would be amused by this? Wrong on so many levels :perplexed
Chick was spraying oil sheen....because we all know that oil sheen will stop the massive burning and quell all the hollering the girl is doing b/c she is in pain :rolleyes:

It really disturbs me to see parents do this stupid stuff to their children...
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It was oil sheen she was spraying. It does take the sting out of the burning sensation a bit.

ETA: If the girl was burning that bad, you're beyond the soothing oil sheen can provide and you need to just go on and wash it out.

Chelsea was doomed from the start, though. :ohwell:
The thing is though, once the hair starts burning it's an indicator that you've probably left the relaxer on too long. I know all about the oil sheen as my stylist always used to spray it up in my head, but I was burning because the relaxer was simply on for longer than it should have been.
ok... when i was relaxed, that NEVER happened to me thank god! what happened to normal people doing hair the normal way????

welp, glad i dont deal with that any more any ways :D
Well...at least she didn't run the relaxer through the ends of her hair.

She sure did look like she was getting a scalp massage though.
That wasn't even coonery, it was just sad. And that foolish boy at the end laughing saying, "this is what females go through to look somewhat decent" just had me :nono: :nono:. Poor Chelsea. And poor dishes. I wouldn't be surprised if her hair fell off and the dishes cracked under exposure to the fumes from the relaxer her mama was "working in" and the sheer ignorance wafting through the house. :rolleyes: :ohwell:
when my mom used to relax my hair she used to be like 'are you ok...do you feel any discomfort?' & even if it burned i would lie and say "it's fine i can handle a few more minutes" just so i could get my hair even straighter (and i had my oil sheen next to me to spray and soothe the uncomfortable parts too:look:) but it was never like this! if that's a regular occurrence for Chelsea, then i'm surprised she even has hair at all...
I got sick of seeing her mother constantly rubbing the relaxer in. How many times does one really have to rub to get straight hair? Come on now. And that dayum dirty sink. Who uses the kitchen sink with dirty dishes on the other side? Then she sprays Finisheen in her hair to soothe the burning......no wonder it's still burning.

That...I got to leave it in so it can work mess is a contributing factor to alopecia and other serious ailments of the skin, scalp, and hair. I fail to see the humor of a young girl in pain from a chemical burning her skin.

Hopefully everything worked out for her and she's not bald. It would be in her best interest to get someone other than her mother to relax her hair if she chooses to relax again. With a mom like that I would have been permanently traumatized from the experience.
what was she spraying?? :sad:

Chelsea needs to visit this site and keep her mama away from her head...

She was spraying oil on the spots that was burning.

I just don't understand why she was applying the relaxer at the sink. :nono: I'd like to see how it came out.
I felt sorry for Chelsea, her scalp was burning and mama was making worse by spreading water to the other areas and rubbing it in.
what was she spraying?? :sad:

Chelsea needs to visit this site and keep her mama away from her head...

The Dumb Idiot was spraying oil sheen on her hair, To keep it from burning SMH!!!

This is Child Abuse, Yeah she definitely needs to visit this site, As a former Stylist seeing this boils my damn blood ugh!!!
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