Ever felt like your hair was STUCK???


New Member
Hi Ladies! I have been BSL it seems like FOREVER!!! I've heard that shoulder length is the hardest hump to get over since the ends are always rubbing against clothing...but for some reson it seems like my hair is not growing! :look: My goal is waist length...but sometimes I don't know if I'll ever get there! :sad: Ladies how were u able to get over that hump?? Has anyone ever felt their hair was "stuck" but finally managed to gain length??

And just to add in...I used to get my hair flat ironed...that was the only heat I put on my hair...meaning if my stylist couldnt do my hair until the next month...I wouldnt even wash it! :nono: But I did put doo-gro oil on my ends everyday...

For the past month I have been washing once a week...dc'ing on dry hair... I dont use shampoo anymore (only shakahai oil and baking soda)...oil rinsing...lo manu...moisturizing with coconut oil and castor oil...and wearing my hair natural....am I doing something wrong??
Wellllllll, ummmm, hmmm. Where's the gratitude???? :grin:

Just joking! LOL. How long have you been BSL? Do you have any NG? Are you measuring accurately? I feel as if I'm stuck at APL, but my DH laughs at me because I seem to be measuring every day. I decided not to even measure anymore until Valentines Day.

Sorry I can't be of more help. :look:
Wellllllll, ummmm, hmmm. Where's the gratitude???? :grin:

Just joking! LOL. How long have you been BSL? Do you have any NG? Are you measuring accurately? I feel as if I'm stuck at APL, but my DH laughs at me because I seem to be measuring every day. I decided not to even measure anymore until Valentines Day.

Sorry I can't be of more help. :look:

LOL! Whatever! :lachen: But yeah, I've been at BSL for like yearssssss!!! I THINK I have newgrowth...the last time I texlaxed was in June. And the only way I measure is with a shirt that I drew lines on! :rolleyes: My BF actually shakes his head at me and laughs when I complain about my hair...but when your hair has just been SITTING in the same place for like yearrrrssss, your bound to get bored! :yawn: :rolleyes:
Yep. Right now. Usually as soon as I stop obsessing about it, I see growth. I want to take a break from LHCF for that reason- but I'm addicted!!:spinning:
I was stuck at BSL for the longest too...It felt like forever. But just stopped worrying about it, and kept taking good care of my hair. Then I got finally got over the hump...
Yep. Right now. Usually as soon as I stop obsessing about it, I see growth. I want to take a break from LHCF for that reason- but I'm addicted!!:spinning:

I know right!!! :grin: I'm on this board allll day! :lachen: BTW, ur hair is GORGE!!! I love it!! :drunk: What's your regime??? :spinning:
I was stuck at BSL for the LONGEST until I started taking biotin and in about 6 weeks I got that extra inch to bump me to MBL.

ETA: Your hair is gorgeous in your profile pic
Oh goodness yes!!! I fell like I've been @ BSL forever. I don't think I'm going to make my goal for the year (2 inches past the initial mark). :nono:
I was stuck at BSL for the LONGEST until I started taking biotin and in about 6 weeks I got that extra inch to bump me to MBL.

ETA: Your hair is gorgeous in your profile pic

Hmmmm Biotin huh?? I am taking a multi-vit every night, so I figured that was enough...maybe I should take an extra biotin pill?? And thanks for the compliment! :drunk:
Oh goodness yes!!! I fell like I've been @ BSL forever. I don't think I'm going to make my goal for the year (2 inches past the initial mark). :nono:

I know! It sucks doesnt it?! :nono: Well im gonna def. wish you good luck, cause I'm tryna get outta this rut as well! :yep:
I'm so glad you posted this. I'm definitely stuck and I'm trying to get to everyone's length in here. My hair is maybe 1/8-1/4 inch from BSL when straight but it feels like I've been there since the beginning of the year. I really haven't changed my regimen and I so wayyyyyyyy more progress in the beginning. LOL and I'm way too lazy (and vain frankly) to do the growth aids. I just want my hair down my back is that too much to ask :drunk:?

LOL I'm done now.
Are you ladies wearing protective styles and less trims?

Well I havent trimmed in about 2 months now...Im actually not going to trim for a whole year! :grin: And during the day I wear my hair down, but I have to!! I have a big head!! :lachen: At night I moisturize, seal, then put my hair in a bun and cover with a silk bonnet. Should I just wear a bun all day???
I'm so glad you posted this. I'm definitely stuck and I'm trying to get to everyone's length in here. My hair is maybe 1/8-1/4 inch from BSL when straight but it feels like I've been there since the beginning of the year. I really haven't changed my regimen and I so wayyyyyyyy more progress in the beginning. LOL and I'm way too lazy (and vain frankly) to do the growth aids. I just want my hair down my back is that too much to ask :drunk:?

LOL I'm done now.

LOL I know right!! :lachen:

ETA: Ur hair is soooo thick and purty!! :drunk:
I'm so glad you posted this. I'm definitely stuck and I'm trying to get to everyone's length in here. My hair is maybe 1/8-1/4 inch from BSL when straight but it feels like I've been there since the beginning of the year. I really haven't changed my regimen and I so wayyyyyyyy more progress in the beginning. LOL and I'm way too lazy (and vain frankly) to do the growth aids. I just want my hair down my back is that too much to ask :drunk:?

LOL I'm done now.

No it isn't too much to ask...I'm right there w/ you!:lachen:
I feel like I have been stuck at APL for a couple years. I even had it in my siggy but I started thinking "maybe that's the problem!" :lachen:

I don't know what it is. I wash, deep condition and rollerset FAITHFULLY every week and try to keep it properly proteined (is that a word? :spinning:) and moisturized . . . I just decided to stop watching so closely. I was supposed to be BSL a year ago!
I feel like I have been stuck at APL for a couple years. I even had it in my siggy but I started thinking "maybe that's the problem!" :lachen:

I don't know what it is. I wash, deep condition and rollerset FAITHFULLY every week and try to keep it properly proteined (is that a word? :spinning:) and moisturized . . . I just decided to stop watching so closely. I was supposed to be BSL a year ago!

:lachen: I know! Maybe I should use photoshop on my pic...then my hair will start growing!
Yes. I wish I had the passion back. It is not forever gone, but right now I am just maintaining. I am not even trying for bra-strap anymore and I am almost there. I want the passion back. :( I am suck.
I feel like I have been stuck at APL for a couple years. I even had it in my siggy but I started thinking "maybe that's the problem!" :lachen:

I don't know what it is. I wash, deep condition and rollerset FAITHFULLY every week and try to keep it properly proteined (is that a word? :spinning:) and moisturized . . . I just decided to stop watching so closely. I was supposed to be BSL a year ago!

Girl I am right there with you :wallbash:.
LOL:lachen:!!! Hey, it worked for CandyC!! She photoshopped a pic of her goal length, and she reached it. I did the same thing...I would look so cute w/ WSL hair!:spinning:

WHAT???!!! okay...I'm bout to photoshop some mess right now then!!! :charge: LOL!!! :grin:

U should put your pic up then too girl!!! Whatchu waitin for??? :grin:
Yes. I wish I had the passion back. It is not forever gone, but right now I am just maintaining. I am not even trying for bra-strap anymore and I am almost there. I want the passion back. :( I am suck.

Awww! Girl get that passion back!!! We need a stuck-tryna-get-out-this-rut-support group!!! :circle:
WHAT???!!! okay...I'm bout to photoshop some mess right now then!!! :charge: LOL!!! :grin:

U should put your pic up then too girl!!! Whatchu waitin for??? :grin:

LOL! It's up here somewhere. CandyC started a thread and it has pics in it from a alot of members, some of them are amazing!
When I was SL it really did feel like I was stuck, I had newgrowth but APL was taking forever.. So I sorta know what you mean... It seems like it's going take me a while to get from APL to BSL only b/c the bra's I wear are so far down....:ohwell:

Ladies your hair looks beautiful by the way....:yep:
Thanks I just had to get that out. Now can you please tell me how to get to your length! That's my goal, I swear. The color is gorgeous too btw!

Awww shucks! :rolleyes: The color is copper...just highlights that blend with my natural color (dark brown...but sandy when light hits it)

I DC on dry hair
NO SHAMPOO...just baking soda rinse or Shakahai Oil rinse
OIL RINSE with Olive Oil
Condition hair while in shower (5-10mins)
If I wear my hair natural, while wet I apply LOTS of coconut oil then castor oil on my ends, then air dry.
If I wear my hair straight, while wet I spray some proclaim oil spray on my hair, and a dab of coconut oil (DAB!!) LOL. Then blowdry, flatiron...add castor oil to my ends
I also make sure whether my hair is natural or straight to sleep with my satin bonnet...and I take a Multi-vit and Flax seed oil (1 tbsp) at night....although I may add some Biotin and B-Complex since I keep hearing great things! :yep:
I feel like I've been stuck at armpit length for almost two years or so now...well at least 1 1/4 years. :look: I think maybe my hair is in the resting stage (can't that last up to three years? :confused:). I only stretch my hair out in the back though...so maybe I need to *press* it straight to see the true length. However, I feel like I am going to be disappointed. :ohwell: