Enso Naturals

I'm just playing devils advocate here because I was not aware of or involved in any of this mess. But if her products were SOOOO good wouldn't she still be around? Wouldn't her buyers make sure she was around?

Some of the Ladies in U1 B1 was going to do a couple 'bulk' purchases and had attempted to contact her (after that 'stuff' started) but we did not get a response.

Several of us were not around during Jewerly-Gate (or whatever happened) and had nothing but Great experiences with that company.

Yeah, I regret that she went out like that.
They are saying that's an old pic from when she was promoting her accessories line. That is just an IG account that posts random pics of natural hair. .
Well she insisted that she had nothing to do with the Enso Naturals company so if she is to be believed her comeback will have nothing to do with the return of Enso
virtuenow said:
Aww, I kind of missed her. Lets forgive her and try to encourage her like she did some of us...and also forgive for the way she may have done others.

What makes you think she is remorseful? She has repeatedly done the same thing to people. There is a pattern here.
xNichex said:
What has she actually suppose to have done?

Google moptop maven or nicki Crowe to start or search here. Read the start of this thread. Things were proven. There was hard evidence. I am too tired to link.
Y'all know Enso will be back with a new name by the fall right? Just keep your eyes open. I am sure lessons were finally(?) learned. Just make sure you buy early and stock up while the gettins good.

*checks date...yep, it's fall*

You called it!
I'll take a risk if these products are as good as yall say it is. Hopefully she'll set up shop under a new alias with the same products under a different name. I want to know what all the fuss is about!!!