Ends Trimmed?


Well-Known Member
How often should you get your ends trimmed? I've been going to this stylist for a few months and she cuts my hair ever 6 weeks. I think it's a bit much, but she says that's the only way to make it stay healthy. It does look amazing, but it's a lot shorter now.
She's cutting all your progress. How are your ends? I would only trim if my hair showed signs (splits excessive tangling etc). Definitely not every six weeks. What are you doing for your hair now? Are you natural of relaxed? What are your hair goals?
It depends on your hair health. If you are starting to see lots of split ends or have a dramatic increase in tangles, you are probably in need of a trim. I trim around every six months or longer. I am natural and I don't use heat on my hair so my hair stays pretty healthy.

However, every six weeks sounds way too often unless you are trimming away damage. If you really want to grow your hair out, I would only get a trim 1-3 times a year. Also a trim to me is more like dusting. I cut no more than a 1/4 inch.
It may look healthy but you're not going to retain much length at that rate. How much is she cutting? Is it a trim or dusting.
I have four trimming days a year - Winter/Summer Solstice and Spring/Fall Equinox. These are the only days I'm allowed to trim and only if needed. This helps me control my sissor happy self. Also, there is no significance to the dates, they are just four roughly equally spaced days throughout the year that I remember.
usually ends up being 3 to 6 months for me. My next one in 2 weeks will be 3.5 months from my last.