End of year Hair goals


New Member
Hi guys, as the year is coming to a close, what are some of your end of year hair goals that you would like to accomplish. Here are mine. by the way check them off as you accomplish these goals, if you break any update this thread as well.

  1. To finish 20% of my products in my bathroom
  2. To not purchase any more shampoos and conditioner for the rest of the year
  3. to thicken up my edges
  4. To stay faithful to taking my vits
  5. To do at least 2 more aphogee treatments by end of year(EOY)
  6. To hold out till November 9 for my last perm of the year
  7. To grow 2 inches by EOY
  8. to do protective styles 80% of the time for the rest of the year
  9. To keep applying my growth enhancers faithfully
  10. To limit my use of heat
1. Grow 1 to 1.5 inches by late December (getting back to midback! yay!)
2. Keep ends healthy (dust only!)
3. Keep my hair in tip top shape during my first real winter experience EVER
4. LOOK CUTE without jeopardizing the health of my hair
BLUNT APL BABY by December...What? All I need is 1 1/2 inch then it's on to bra-strap:)
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By the end of 2006, I want to have established a hair care routine that is right for me, and get start 2007 with clean ends. I also want to make the decision to stay relaxed or go natural

If I'm going natural...I want to have a healthy head of natural hair by the end of 2007

If I'm staying relaxed, I want to have a healthy head of hair that is just above bsl.
1- to gain another two inches (have my shortest layer at APL)
2- not to relax my hair (although it's shedding:(-I'm not ready for the BC)
3- to do protective styles (99% of the time)
  • Achieve a solid inch and a half of retained growth (any extra is a +)
  • Maintain ends
  • Continue thickening this thin/fine hair up
  • Not to relax until January 07
  • Full-APL (meaning the sides and front are at APL)
  • Trim .5 to 1 inch in the back (it's too thin)
  • No more new products
  • Touch-up in Nov
  • Celebrate APL by wearing my hair down from (Nov - New Year) :yay:
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I've reached my end of the year hair goals early. :yay: So now I want to maintain healthy hair, continue what I've been doing including wearing protective styles everyday and continue to gain length, hopefully 1-1.5 inches by the end of December. :yep:
  1. Moisterize and seal daily.
  2. Continue Vitamins/Supplements- Multi, HNS, Flax
  3. Continue "Dirty Hair" challenge- shampoo every 14days
  4. Continue protective styling- 99.9% of the time through Dec 31
  5. Gain 1.5-2 inches by Dec 31 (a long shot, I know, but a girl can dream)
  6. Use only NTM products for shampoo/DC routine
  7. KEEP IT SIMPLE- Until further notice :)
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- Stretch my relaxer until Dec. 1st

-Hopefully reach 19 in when I relax

-Continue my bun/baggy challenge

-Keep doing what I'm doing...it seems to be working :grin:
1. Learn how to flat iron roots. (only in December)
2. Learn how to blow-dry roots. (only in December)
3. Learn how to do 2 strand twists.
4. Follow Sylver2's method of styling and care during her 6 month stretches.
5. Have enough headbands to wear on a daily basis (just in case 4 doesn't work out!)
6. Not relax until 02/07 at the end of my first goal.
7. Deep condition once a week.
9. NO COMBING (unless under shower water) until Jan. 1.
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Eating healthier and working out more
Taking my vits consistently
Concentrate on thicker hair more than length
Switching to all Phyto products by the end of the year 1st of month
2nd relaxer on Nov 4 after that stretch to 4 mos
Dusting ends only!
Keeping hands out of hair
Finding a good regimine that works for me
Prayin to God my hair holds up thru the hard times :lol:
  • Have healthy hair and ends
  • Reach APL by the end of December
  • Relax 4 x's a year
  • Try to find a stylist that will take care of my hair
  • Continue getting good tips from you ladies:grin:
i did great this year...i started over...started going to a hairstylist on a regular basis and letting them do all chemical process(relaxing and coloring)...now im my goals for the new year:

1. to grow out my cut without any problems
2. to stick with taking care of the health of my hair now that i have it healthy and doing as i wanted it.
3. To not look for quick fixes and be in such a hurry to get extensions or look for easy ways out(not knocking anyone that wears extensions)
4. developing and finding a simple regimen and sticking with it
5. learning to stretch my relaxers without breakage.
6. sticking with taking vitamins.
7. to hopefully find a good stylist when i move that is about the care and health of my hair...
8. Learn protective styles for my hair...
9. getting rid of products that im not using...
10. and reaching shoulder length by next year...
keep the little hair I have left. I'm gonna wait til the new and start off right with taking vits and everything else consistently. I may even decide to do the braid thing for a year. Ooo spinoff: What is your 2007 hair resolutions?
1.continue vitamins
2.drink more water
3.hopefully once I do retouch 10/20/06 I will be @ BSL.if not Keep trying
4.after this touch up continue to do 4 month or longer stretch.
5.keep ends healthy
6.only heat used is during DC and rollersets.
7. keep moisturizing and sealing w/oil.
8.learn more about dusting.
9.try the no combing and brushing method.
10.End my PJism (don't buy anymore new products,stick w/ whats been working).
  1. Healthy APL hair (trim if necessary)
  2. Fuller hairline
  3. More scalp massages
  4. Frequent protective styles
  5. More ACV rinses
  6. Bi-weekly henna treatments to thicken hair strands
  7. Better care of my body (nutrition, vitamins, rest, exercise)
1. Acheive top of brastrap (need 2 inches)
2. To strengthen my hair
3. Find my staples
4. Remain consistent with vits and eat healthier
5. Keep my hair ends healthy
princesmich said:
Hi guys, as the year is coming to a close, what are some of your end of year hair goals that you would like to accomplish. Here are mine. by the way check them off as you accomplish these goals, if you break any update this thread as well.

  1. To finish 20% of my products in my bathroom
  2. To not purchase any more shampoos and conditioner for the rest of the year
  3. to thicken up my edges
  4. To stay faithful to taking my vits
  5. To do at least 2 more aphogee treatments by end of year(EOY)
  6. To hold out till November 9 for my last perm of the year
  7. To grow 2 inches by EOY
  8. to do protective styles 80% of the time for the rest of the year
  9. To keep applying my growth enhancers faithfully
  10. To limit my use of heat

1. Stop my shedding (this needs to happen NOW)
2. Get myself down to 3 staple product lines. I have tons of stuff right now that I am trying to use up. I would like to see how KeraCare, Nexxus, and Mane & Tail do on my hair.
3. Continue henna treatments twice a month.
4. Full healthy shoulder length.
  • find a good detangling conditioner and apply it to my regimen (ie eqyss and or Avocado Mist)
  • Get help for my PJizm LOL
  • gain at least 2 more in. of new growth
  • stick to my Biotin and flaxseed on a DAILY basis
  • cut about an inch off in Dec.
  • stay motivated and encouraged about wl by 2008 (God can!)
  • stay on my MTG///my edges look incredible!
1. To buy myself a full line of hair products to try out regardless of price
2. to grow my hair out to full unstretched apl (maybe another 5 or so inches by years end! * if i'm being terribly optimistic!)
3. to go in for two conditioning treatments at a salon before years end
4. to keep using growth aids daily
5. do a slight dusting to make sure all relaxed ends are done
6. to step up the protective styling
7. to step up the moisturizing and to start wrapping my hair more consciously
8. to thicken my hairline
9. to start experiencing what a fro would look with my hair
10. to start following the regime i've set up for my hair and stay closely to my goals
My EOY :) goals include:
- to look FINE while continuing to wear la ow manp. style
-to grow to collarbone or longer (a good 2 inches)
-use up all of the hair products (well at least some, since I have a closet full)
- stick with my vitamins, baggie, and condition washes
1. use the products I recently brought and stick with them until EOY
2.KEEP HANDS OUT OF HAIR (this is a big one)
3.Continue to grow my edges
4. Thicken up the crown and top of my head
5. sucessfully take down current braids with little breakage
6. put in my next set of braids myself, stopping my dependency on the African hair braiders:rolleyes: