End of year Hair goals

  1. to stretch my relaxer til nov 23rd..soo hard right now
  2. no more direct heat
  3. thicker hair
  4. finish all my products before buying new ones!
Well i realize that I screwed up big time for the whole year of 2006 because I blowdried my hair every weekend. Now i'm starting to see the thin ends and the severely dry hair. So for the end of the year, i'm just going to do a good trim. I will be BSL by then, but if i trim it, it might set me back another inch or so. But my hair needs it. And for the past month, since i've been rollersetting with my new dryer and using Humecto, my hair has improved and seems to feel more moisturized. Also since i've been using Henna, my hair is thicker and stands feel stronger. So my end of the year goal is to trim my hair and start 2007 with even hair and to continue rollersetting thru 2007.
1. use up products that I have
2. learn how to use flexi rods/roller sets
3. keep hands out of hair
4. drink plenty of water
5. lose 10 pounds
princesmich said:
Hi guys, as the year is coming to a close, what are some of your end of year hair goals that you would like to accomplish. Here are mine. by the way check them off as you accomplish these goals, if you break any update this thread as well.

  1. To finish 20% of my products in my bathroom
  2. To not purchase any more shampoos and conditioner for the rest of the year
  3. to thicken up my edges
  4. To stay faithful to taking my vits
  5. To do at least 2 more aphogee treatments by end of year(EOY)
  6. To hold out till November 9 for my last perm of the year
  7. To grow 2 inches by EOY
  8. to do protective styles 80% of the time for the rest of the year
  9. To keep applying my growth enhancers faithfully
  10. To limit my use of heat

THis is good! I would say numbers 1, 2, 4 and 8 would be good for me. I'm overwhelmed with how much products I have taking up space in my closet.:lol:
1. I am going to stick with ONE routine consistently
2. Gain 2 ins by 31 Dec
3. Practice minimal hair manipulation
To perfect every kind/type of rollerset

To stick to protective styles till the end of the year's touch up.

To wear a curly sew in for the last 2 weeks before every touch up to discourage me from getting frustrated and touching up too soon.

To gain (and keep) 2 good inches and be full APL.
princesmich said:
Hi guys, as the year is coming to a close, what are some of your end of year hair goals that you would like to accomplish. Here are mine. by the way check them off as you accomplish these goals, if you break any update this thread as well.
  1. To finish 20% of my products in my bathroom
  2. To not purchase any more shampoos and conditioner for the rest of the year
  3. to thicken up my edges
  4. To stay faithful to taking my vits
  5. To do at least 2 more aphogee treatments by end of year(EOY)
  6. To hold out till November 9 for my last perm of the year
  7. To grow 2 inches by EOY
  8. to do protective styles 80% of the time for the rest of the year
  9. To keep applying my growth enhancers faithfully
  10. To limit my use of heat
I had to update this thread because my last perm for the year was yesterday on November 5, so I did it 4 days early because of an event, I will hold fast to the rest of my end of year commitment.
Since the end of the year is still around Christmas, I want:

~To have at least another inch of growth!
~To have my fotki finished (Still a hair goal! between chatting, third shift, eBay, and trying stop acting older than my Granny... It won't be until that I'll probably get my fotki done :lol: !)
~To have less bad hair days!
~And to turn some heads :lachen: !!
My goals:

  • Gain 1 inch of growth
  • Be consistent with Biotin, Silica, & EPO
  • Use growth aides at least 3x a week
  • Exercise at least 3x a week
  • Eat Healthy, esp. my green veggies
  • No new products!
  • Baby my freshly trimmed ends
Talipoohz_Momma said:
Since the end of the year is still around Christmas, I want:

~To have at least another inch of growth!
~To have my fotki finished (Still a hair goal! between chatting, third shift, eBay, and trying stop acting older than my Granny... It won't be until that I'll probably get my fotki done :lol: !)
~To have less bad hair days!
~And to turn some heads :lachen: !!

:lachen: :lachen: I've already started thinking about all the heads that are going to be turning next year! :lachen: :lachen: My main goal is just to retain length. For me that means baby my ends.
1)to gain another two inches
2) full APL
3)to do protective styles
4)healthy ends
5)to start my MTG challenge
It would be nice to have my entire length touching bra strap...Not just the sides which always grow twice as fast. I also want to get some henna treatments in and get rid of my greys.
den1 said:
1. Acheive top of brastrap (need 2 inches)
2. To strengthen my hair
3. Find my staples
4. Remain consistent with vits and eat healthier
5. Keep my hair ends healthy
I achived two goals already from my orginal list.

they are

3. Find my staples
5. Keep my hair ends healthy
My EOY goals are to:

:) Grow another inch and a half, at least
:) Retain all growth
:) Continue to protect my precious ends by moisturizing and sealing
:) Dust my precious ends and protect some more
:) Continue my regime
:) Learn to successfully rollerset to reduce curling-iron use even more
:) Enjoy the fruits of my labor
:) Continue to learn
1. accomplish my 12 wk relaxer stretch (last wk of Dec.)
2. thicken my hairline (edges, temple, and nape)
3. Carrot juice challenge.

  1. To finish 20% of my products in my bathroom - i finished 10%
  2. To not purchase any more shampoos and conditioner for the rest of the year-achieved
  3. to thicken up my edges-achieved
  4. To stay faithful to taking my vits-failed- i took them 85% of the time
  5. To do at least 2 more aphogee treatments by end of year(EOY)-achieved
  6. To hold out till November 9 for my last perm of the year-achieved
  7. To grow 2 inches by EOYonly time will tell
  8. to do protective styles 80% of the time for the rest of the yearachieved 95% of the time protective style
  9. To keep applying my growth enhancers faithfully 75% of the time achieved
  10. To limit my use of heatachieved I only used a hood dryer and flat iron once