Encouragement to Go Ahead and Trim


With Love & Silk
I'm not trying to be mean, really--but I've seen some pics and it looks like some of us are putting up with some horrendous ends for the sake of length. We're sisters here, so let me tell it like it is--your BSL or MBL hair doesn't really look good/is not impressive with the ends eaten away. Trust me, it will look much better with neat ends. I'm not saying your ends have to be as thick as the rest of the hair, but perhaps just need a little neatening up.

I know there are about 50leven of y'all out there that have been wanting to say this same thing, so now I've said it for you.

We want health and length ladies.

Now go out and do the right thing!
You're right, I cut mine off. It hurt, but it HAD to be done:look:

ETA:: I need to update my avitar pic :lol:

ETAA:: Since I got trimmed, I no longer have been having breakage- just normal shedding :yep:
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Thanks supergirl, you are right.. my stylist gave me a good trim last week, and my hair is really swingin now!:grin: I want my hair to look like yours when it grows up!
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thanks for saying this Supergirl! i am one of the 50leven people that were thinking the same thing...:lachen:i'm more impressed with a healthy looking APL head of hair than with an unhealthy, thin, split BSL head of hair.

I'm not trying to be mean, really--but I've seen some pics and it looks like some of us are putting up with some horrendous ends for the sake of length. We're sisters here, so let me tell it like it is--your BSL or MBL hair doesn't really look good/is not impressive with the ends eaten away. Trust me, it will look much better with neat ends. I'm not saying your ends have to be as thick as the rest of the hair, but perhaps just need a little neatening up.

I know there are about 50leven of y'all out there that have been wanting to say this same thing, so now I've said it for you.

We want health and length ladies.

Now go out and do the right thing!

Just what I needed to hear. Going to the salon today and was debating for the sake of tracking growth if I should put off the trim until next time.

Nope, getting it trimmed tonight.

Thanks again!

I'm not trying to be mean, really--but I've seen some pics and it looks like some of us are putting up with some horrendous ends for the sake of length. We're sisters here, so let me tell it like it is--your BSL or MBL hair doesn't really look good/is not impressive with the ends eaten away. Trust me, it will look much better with neat ends. I'm not saying your ends have to be as thick as the rest of the hair, but perhaps just need a little neatening up.

I know there are about 50leven of y'all out there that have been wanting to say this same thing, so now I've said it for you.

We want health and length ladies.

Now go out and do the right thing!

i agree - ive seen some SERIOUS V and W shapes on here and i wondered if in the long run babying their hair and saving the length would work. i also wondered why some of our hair thins out and others grow thick and even. i'm so confused about this. trimming has lead my hair to a growth standstill since i was about 12. i'm hoping transitioning will end this vicious cycle and lead to less raggitty ends, and therefore less trims. can some one respond or PM me or smthg and let me know if my ends look ok in my siggy. i last had it trimmed in Jan and have not regained the pre-january length back yet.
Tell it like it tis!

Sometimes when I see progress pictures I can't comment because I don't see alot of progress when the ends are that damaged.

I was pushing to make BSL by June but I changed my date to August because I needed a little trim.

I understand it's exciting to see the length but if it's not healthy than what's the point.
ITA! i get away without trimming for long periods of time since my hair is shrunken and coiled... but the minute i notice splits, horrendous knots or uneven coils i pull out the scissors. length will come in its own time as long as i keep my hair healthy. :grin:
i agree - ive seen some SERIOUS V and W shapeson here and i wondered if in the long run babying their hair and saving the length would work. i also wondered why some of our hair thins out and others grow thick and even. i'm so confused about this. trimming has lead my hair to a growth standstill since i was about 12. i'm hoping transitioning will end this vicious cycle and lead to less raggitty ends, and therefore less trims. can some one respond or PM me or smthg and let me know if my ends look ok in my siggy. i last had it trimmed in Jan and have not regained the pre-january length back yet.

Sorry but you are wrong !!! There is nothing wrong with V shape...That is the natural growth pattern for most people...Blunt and even cuts are a preference...There are people who when they get cuts get their hair cut in a V or U shape because it is considered natural...

Most of us were referring to split damaged ends..And if hair is a W...that is from breakage the is not a natural growth pattern......I may cut blunt and I may not I like my V shape at the moment......
Whew am I glad you said this! I was frustrated last month b/c although I was on the tip of APL (for my 1st year mark with the board). I cut 1.5 inches off but now I am bluntly cut. I love it!

I had to do so much to that scraggly hair to get it to retain moisture, curl, lay down, look cute, whatevuh! It wasn't worth it.

My current hair looks so much better in a ponytail or whatever I'm doing to it.

I hope other ladies can realize to that sometimes trimming is the answer. We retain so much more hair now that we take care of it and you will reach your goals, maybe just not as quickly as you had originally imagined.
Some one needs to start a thread about the ones who are obsessed with ends like myself...I've started carrying around scissors in my purse :lachen::lachen:
i agree - ive seen some SERIOUS V and W shapes on here and i wondered if in the long run babying their hair and saving the length would work. i also wondered why some of our hair thins out and others grow thick and even. i'm so confused about this. trimming has lead my hair to a growth standstill since i was about 12. i'm hoping transitioning will end this vicious cycle and lead to less raggitty ends, and therefore less trims. can some one respond or PM me or smthg and let me know if my ends look ok in my siggy. i last had it trimmed in Jan and have not regained the pre-january length back yet.

There are quite a few ladies on here who grew their hair very long with out touching scissors. They trimmed, clipped, cut, etc. when they hit their benchmark. They are on fotki but don't post their hair pics on here because their route is not the mainstream. However, I do agree with the OP. Some folks don't trim just to get hair length glorification.:nono: And that's not a good look, IMO. Folks like myself don't trim because I don't trim straight...and I have trust issues with other folks hands with scissors in them. If I start experiencing severe breakage, I clip some ends here and there. HTH Oh yeah, be proud of your hair results. Your hair is in it's own learning/growth stage. Everyone learns from someone's journey on this board.

ETA: This is a 5 star thread!
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I most def. agree but let's not go over board with this either.
I basically was the same length after my first year at LHCF b/c I went overboard with cutting my hairThis discouraged me greatly about my reggie and my ability to grow hair so now I just maintain my length for a few months when I reach certain goals like APL,BSL and so on to thicken up my ends:yep:
There are quite a few ladies on here who grew their hair very long with out touching scissors. They trimmed, clipped, cut, etc. when they hit their benchmark. They are on fotki but don't post their hair pics on here because their route is not the mainstream. However, I do agree with the OP. Some folks don't trim just to get hair length glorification.:nono: And that's not a good look, IMO. Folks like myself don't trim because I don't trim straight...and I have trust issues with other folks hands with scissors in them. If I start experiencing severe breakage, I clip some ends here and there. HTH Oh yeah, be proud of your hair results. Your hair is in it's own learning/growth stage. Everyone learns from someone's journey on this board.

:look: Indeedly. I don't trim, and I won't trim, no matter how 'thin' my ends are, unless they are unhealthy - ie. split/damaged.
Why? Because, in the long run, the thin ends will fill out without delaying my progress, but the snipsnips delay me, and because of how my hair grows, won't insure that my ends 'stay' full........
Thanks for the encouragement, but I'll maintain my patience and allow my hair to grow in it's own way and it's own time, and trim when I feel the need to..... :rolleyes:
i think we need to clarify the difference between THIN ends, and DAMAGED ends. sometimes as your hair grows out, certain hairs grow longer before others. this will give the appearance of uneven hair, but it does not mean your ends are damaged or eaten up. in this case, trimming is not for getting rid of unhealthy ends, but for cleaning up the appearance of your hair. now if you see splits, knots, scraggly dry messed-up ends... you are trimming to get rid of the damage.

i understand holding on to heathy ends that are a little thin because only half your hair has made it to WL and the other half is a few inches shy. :yep: i do NOT understand holding onto 6 inches of bad-looking ends just for the sake of saying you are WL. :nono:
I agree! My old stylist used to dust my ends after every relaxer and it kept my ends full and healthy. Plus, it didn't stop my hair growth.
I just trimmed my ends yesterday. Its the first time I did it myself now that I'm relaxed and I must admit I want afraid to do it in the least. I was puttig it of out of laziness. I kept saying, I'll do it on my next wash and when the next wash cme, I would say the same thing.

I had some splits from flat ironing that indeed were splitting up the shaft. I always thought that was a myth but it does happen.

I agree with you OP: Cut dem raggedy ends!!!
i think we need to clarify the difference between THIN ends, and DAMAGED ends. sometimes as your hair grows out, certain hairs grow longer before others. this will give the appearance of uneven hair, but it does not mean your ends are damaged or eaten up. in this case, trimming is not for getting rid of unhealthy ends, but for cleaning up the appearance of your hair. now if you see splits, knots, scraggly dry messed-up ends... you are trimming to get rid of the damage.

i understand holding on to heathy ends that are a little thin because only half your hair has made it to WL and the other half is a few inches shy. :yep: i do NOT understand holding onto 6 inches of bad-looking ends just for the sake of saying you are WL. :nono:

Indeedly. And a picture isn't going to show the difference between the two - esp. since everyone's hair/layers progresses at different rates. I have natural layers. The difference between the bottom of my crown layer and the bottom of my nape layer is well over 6 inches - I have a big head, too :lol: . It's going to be a long time after never before I cut off six inches of perfectly healthy hair - esp. since I'm not chasing a blunt cut.

I don't know. It seems rather rude and pushy to try to tell other grown women when they should cut their hair just to fit your view of what hair should look like - I'm pretty sure, just like being fat, there's no need to point out that their ends are thin, as they are QUITE aware of the fact.

But that's me. :rolleyes: