EKOMBA was not kidding! Silk Worm Conditioner is Great!

Thank you Dstdiva!:)

lol @ Qtpie:lachen: :lol: :grin: yessss girl whale sperm oil i know i know it can seem gross i was at first but this domenican lady with the striking long hair at the bss store in el barrio gave me this with the avocado and the rosemary oil. I was grossed at first but my hair loves it, if you dont want to try it you can always use jojoba oil it has the same properties and seems less scary so i looooove whale sperm oil but i just have to not think about what it is:eek: :lachen: :look:

bee said:
What's the difference in a rinse and regular conditioner?

Hey Bee to me it s a conditioner (that s the way i used it) and the creamy other one is more of a deep cond but you can use either one. I really like the silk worm rinse. The only major difference between the two is the silk worm rinse has no parabens. I want to try the other one too but i m too hooked on the first one lol:D ;) i dont use shampoo so when i want to wash or deep cond i use the same rinse. I also like to deep cond after the rinse with the hair mayonnaise or the lekair sheabutter cholesterol on occasions but usually i just use the rinse by itself once a week
i unfortunately got temporary moisture from it and it dries my hair out soooooooooooooooooooo bad i thought it would all just break off
but it was only 4 bucks so no waste there
Oh lawd! When will I learn to stay off this board?? I already spent $100 bucks on hair stuff this week, knowing I should be spending it on school stuff :lol:

I'm broke hell and y'all got to stir up my pj tendencies :nono:
The Sally's BSS that I went to did not have this product. However, I found it in a BSS store in Brooklyn (on Nevins street- downtown brooklyn to be more specific).

I tried this product today and it is REALLY, REALLY good so far!!! Thanks Ekomba!!!!

meek&quietspirit said:
Does Sally's sell this? If not, what store does?

yourleoqueen said:
Thanks but I'll still prolly get both.

Where is the PJ-Anon meeting being held this week?:sekret:

me too. where is the meeting. i think i will email anky too.
ekomba said:

You can find it in any bss where they have a large selection of dominican products or if you want to buy it online:
http://ibeautyny.com/goods_detail.asp?goodsIdx=3032 i dont have breakage ever since i incorporated this cond and my hair is so strong wow and thick and moisturized i really need minimum oil/or grease and dont even need to apply any products afterwards cause thanks to the cond the hair stays moisturized.

i would love to get that whale sperm treatment too. http://ibeautyny.com/goods_detail.asp?goodsIdx=3196
i looove whale sperm oil it s the same consistency and benefits of jojoba oil. i used it a lot while transitioning mixed with castor oil. i have less shedding when i used to use it
thanks so much, your hair is beautiful!!!
I tried the conditioner in the jar and it was okay but not great.
I also have the rinse, I haven't used it yet.
Praital Silk Worm is the bomb! I just tried the Praital rinse and moisturizing cream deep comditioner because of this thread, and they are the best. The rinse is really good as a rinse(it detangles so well) but even better as a leave-in; my hair has never felt this soft. :D And, it only cost $5.99 for a 16oz. bottle! These are my new staples.
pinayprincess said:
im concerned about the protein content.
how often do u use this stuff?

I don't think there is a lot of protein in them. I've been using the rinse as a leave-in everyday with no problems. My hair has never been softer. I know some people won't like the conditioners because of the mineral oil but my hair loves them.
anky said:
In my opinion it is better than Salerm Wheat Germ. I don't know about you but that mascarilla dries out my hair after three applications in a row, plus... My hair is so thick, that one jar only lasts two applications. I am serious!

Well I spent my entertainment budget on the silk worm line and I think that it was well worth it. it's still on http://cabello.vze.net in the shampoo, conditioning creams, and conditioning rinses section.

Don't let that cheap packaging fool you. It's good and yummy. and I am going to use it again tomorrow... and the day after that and the day after that. Let me go stock up. tata.

Hi Anky!! :wave: Im confused. Do YOU have a website where you sell products?! that link you provided shows some eletronics/pc stuff, nothing related to beauty products??
I see there has been a change in the ingredients for the Pratail silk worm rinse. It now lists as Ingredients:

Silk Protein, Coconut oil, Vegetable oil, mineral oil, lanolin, Cetyl alcohol, preservative, fragrance, citric acid, color and fresh water.

How does this new one compare to the old one? I've never tried the old one and am just now getting around to trying it out I hope it is just as good :ohwell:
ekomba said:
Hey S_Terry, Here are the ingredients of the Praital silk worm rinse: silk protein, coconut oil,vegetable oil, mineral oil, lanolin, cetyl alcohol, preservative, fragrance,citric acid,color and fresh water.

Oh Gorgeous i never tried the silicon mix but i always wanted to so maybe someone who tried both can tell you but i tried another one i forgot the name now dominican product that did not do anything for my hair i think its called 10-in one i forgot the name

Oh, nevermind my previous post.... I went back and saw where Ekomba lists the same ingredients!:)
ekomba said:
AHAHAHAHHAHA YOU welcome Anky i promise you i never big up products but i m so in looooooooooooove with that Praital silk worm rinse it s ridiculous and i use the one with no parabens and the list of ingredients is not long like all the conditioners. i m so glad you love it i have the gallon bottle it s the best i m say it BEST EVER EVER CONDITIONER I EVER HAD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. and i dont care if your hair is 4z or 2b or 1 you have never experienced something like this, the moisture is incredible, the smell memorable the slip everything i cant use anything else and even hubby cant touch it hahahha they even have a half gallon but i have the gallon one my hair stays moisturized and soft you cant tell my hair is 4b so elastic, shiny so for naturals, relaxed, texturized i m telling you it s the truth. You know Anky one day i was at the bss and i stay there 2hours:eek: studying every but when i say every dominican conditioner's labels and only the praital silk worm rinse had the good stuff first compared to all of them so i bought it cause it looked the most natural not a zillion lines ingredients i dont understand it s so great just use it and believe me you wont be able to use anything else. it s sold out now in my bss except for the gallons and half gallons bottles (yeah i passed the word to all my friends:grin: :lachen: :lol: ) good as i use the gallons ones hahahha i tried other conds after that i cant.

Girl I just bought this, cause you know I trust you. I will give you an update as soon as I get my shipment from ibeautyNY. lol ~Bauderlady P.S. I got the rinse, conditioner and shampoo, so let's see how it stacks up to my precious alter ego.:)
I'm now hooked, this stuff is great but I want to know where to get the supersize Praital in the pics. I haven't tried the rinse yet, but I'm tempted.
I order some from sick bay the container doesn't look like the one in Ekomba's picture but it is awesome.
CreoleBelle said:
bump....anymore updates?

Hey CreoleBelle i m still using it. I dont use anything else matter of fact i threw away all my conditioners:lachen: Praital rocks!!!
Last night, I used ( for the first time) the Conditioner (with heat for 30 mins) and then applied the Rinse as a leave-in -- all I can say is WOW! :eek:

Ekomba was not JOKING! My natural hair is so soft - I've been touching it all day.

I need someone in New York to ship me that Gallon size:clap: