Eggs and Surge update


New Member
As always I promised to keep those that were interested updated on my Surge progress. I mentioned that I was going to up my egg intake and I must say it's made an INCREDIBLE diffrence. So much so that I had to relax only 3 weeks post relaxer. That's usually a no no with me but the growth was just phenomenal. I didn't have much biotin in the course of those 3 weeks, the only thing i was consistent with was the egg white (about 3-4 a day) and Surging at least once a day. I washed my hair every 2-3 days. This is all I did and put it in my protective bun as usual. I'm 10 days post relaxer and can already feel substantial growth coming through in the back (fastest place for hair growth for me) already. I'm hoping I can stretch to 5 weeks this time, because 3 weeks is not going to be a regular occurance.
Keylargo, with great ease.

I ate all of these eggs in the evening. After I come home from work I may have 2 and then another 2 just before bed.

I'd boil about 8 at a time and put 4 in the fridge. I just eat them hard boiled with the yolks popped out, and add a little salt for taste.
SweetNic_JA said:
LD, did you get a full inch in those 3 weeks? Did you get more?

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I'd say just a little over an inch in the back. That area was riduclous. My hair looked like a cocked out butt in the back where the hair couldn't lie down. The hair was also a lot more thicker than previous months.
London Diva, congratulations on your new growth! Do you eat the whole egg or only the egg white? I've started on the eggs as well, but I consume only about 2 a day. Let me know, thanks!
Gosh, Jada has beautiful hair! oh,.... i digress.

Londondiva, I am so happy for you
I think I may do the egg thing too!
LD, that is GREAT news!! I love eggs and I have Surge, so I'll combine the too for the next couple of months and see what I get.
LD - that's a very promising thing for me to hear because I eat about that many hardboled egg whites a day myself and have noticed an increase in growth rate as well - but couldn't figure out what was going on!
Congratulations on your hair growth!!

I've slacked off on my egg consumption to only 1 per day. I never miss a day but I need to get back to my usual 3 daily eggs because I was seeing some good results. I eat the yolk also and have not had any problems whatsoever. I need that iron and other great benefits the yolk has. The chloresterol scare years back was untrue, from what I understand.
Vanessa22 said:
London Diva, congratulations on your new growth! Do you eat the whole egg or only the egg white? I've started on the eggs as well, but I consume only about 2 a day. Let me know, thanks!

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Hi Vanessa

From your 55 posts I assume you're a newbie, welcome to the board!!

It depends on how long I've boiled the egg. Sometimes I boil it for so long that part of the yolk gets a grey lining and I don't eat it. If the egg yolk is OK but I've put it in the fridge overnight I still won't eat the yolk. I'll only eat it if it looks yellow and was boiled that same day. 99.9% of the time it was just the whole boiled egg white that I was eating.


Note to add (if I haven't already) about 95% if my egg consumption was done in the evening or right before bed. Eggs contain a natural source of Biotin and sulfur. Sometimes consuming foods or vitamins with specific nutrients are best absorbed at different times during the day. I didn't purposefully eat them before rest, but that was the only opportunity I had to eat them. I'd say looking at the results for me it was probably the best time of day to consume them.

<font color="blue">Here is some in depth detail about the nutritional value and content of eggs from the World's Healthiest Foods website Eggs </font>
Tammy said:
LD, that is GREAT news!! I love eggs and I have Surge, so I'll combine the too for the next couple of months and see what I get.

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Tammy add this thread to your favourites. I want to hear an update on your progress real soon!
Good luck
ananas said:
LD, are you still taking the MSM? and how has it been in terms of overall hair health.



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I'm not taking the MSM still, due to pure laziness on my part. I barely drink any water. I have become a health slob. It's terrible I know
Tracy said:
LD - that's a very promising thing for me to hear because I eat about that many hardboled egg whites a day myself and have noticed an increase in growth rate as well - but couldn't figure out what was going on!

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You go on girl wit your bad self

That's great to hear Tracy. Each touch up I can definitely see the difference. This year is going to be a good hair growth year for me..I can feel it already, and the regimen started out so complicated a few years back, to now with something so simple...Eggs, Surge, wash every 2-3 days, Le kair conditioning and protective bun. Who woulda thought???
Armyqt said:
WHOA, over an inch in three weeks. That's phenomenal. Congrats LD. Please keep us updated

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Girl I promise you I will.
Isis said:
Congratulations on your hair growth!!

I've slacked off on my egg consumption to only 1 per day. I never miss a day but I need to get back to my usual 3 daily eggs because I was seeing some good results. I eat the yolk also and have not had any problems whatsoever. I need that iron and other great benefits the yolk has. The chloresterol scare years back was untrue, from what I understand.

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Isis I totally understand I slack off occasionally, but it's the results that I get at the end of the month, which keeps me focused and back on track to scoff those 4 egg whites a day
LondonDiva thanks for the info on eggs. I love eggs anyway so maybe I'll try this. Before reading your post I was always afraid of the cholesterol factor.
LD thanks for the update. My hair is slacking off in the growth department and your regime sounds like what I need inorder to give it a boost. I'm just sooooo lazy though! I have a whole tub of protein powder, a 2lb. tub of MSM, and lots and lotsss of eggs just sitting at home waiting for some indication of an intent for consumption. Maybe a little hair discipline on my part will get me on track.
Joyous you're welcome for the info

I think the cholesterol factor was cleared up by some of the ladies in another thread about eggs. Ihave 2 eggs threads saved so if you want me to post the links I can do that for you, just let me know.

SweetNic, you're welcome for the update, think of it this way every month you don't jump on the badwagon is a potential 1/2 to full inch of extra hair that could have been gained and now potentially wasted.

Silly little things that keep me motivated are:
Flicking through my black hair magazines regularly of long haired ladies just wishing it were mine (will be soon enough

I have a STASH of long haired pics cut out, that I'm going to paste in a scrapbook. They are of different colours/styles for inspiration and ideas to do with my hair when it gets long.

Also a pic of a 'hair idol' on my signature to keep me inspired and on track of what I could be potentially gaining.

I even have a long haired pic of Jada as my background on my comp at work.

I know it's real hard to stay motivated. Believe me I have the same problem. I have my off days but they are very few and I get very angry with myself for not sticking to the plan, but it gets easier, promise.
Okay I'm getting on the Eggs and Surge challenge starting today!!!! I have Surge and I'm trying to remember to use it twice a now I just need to add the eggs. I also need to remember to take my MSM more consistently.