EFA intake question


New Member
I have verrrryyyy dry hair so I have started taking puritan pride essential oils twice a day. I have been taking them for about a week. How long should I give myself to see results with my vitamin regime.
I haven't been consistant enough with them to really give you an accurate time frame.

InBargello's Regime she says that results should be noticable in 2 weeks.

The only thing I would add is to say, if you don't see results in two weeks don't dispair. It takes around 1-2 months to see the effects of vitamins if you are consistant. My doctor explained why, but you should be able to notice a subtle if not major difference depending on how much you needed whichever nutrient you were taking.

HTH /images/graemlins/grin.gif
She is right I am on the Bargello's plan and I started on October 31st and I started noticing a difference this past sunday. I have an inch of new growth and my scalp is not dry anymore /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I've been taking evening primrose oil and flaxseed oil capsules for about 2 months and I notice a difference. I noticed it in my skin first...my manicurist noted my cuticles were looking great(they are usually very dry and cracking). My hair seems to shine on it's on...although I still use my regular pomade. I'd give it at least a month.
I take flaxseed oil and it took about a month to start noticing a difference. For me its in the skin which is clearer and smoother kind of. I read from another board that the facialist of a girl advised her to take flaxseed oil for clearer skin.

Other 'hair' vitamins eg. MSM etc take a bit longer to notice any changes. It took a good 6 weeks+ with regular/daily intake.
How much do you all take.

I'm back on my Flaxseed oil liquid for the winter and hopefully consistently.
I take 2 5ml teaspoons daily.
I take a small tablespoon of it daily. I say small because I use one of the plastic spoons in the kitchen at work which is about that size. Hope that helps.
Does the flax seed oil make anyone break out? I have just about eliminated my skin problems and I would hate to add this to my regime and end up with a spotty face. For the people that take the flax seed oil, what is your skin type?

TIA /images/graemlins/smile.gif
My question exactly Ms Kenesha

I want to take this as well but I heard that borage oil (another EFA) caused breakouts. After my MSM experience I just got my sakin back together and I'd also hate to have a problem. But I seem to remember taking an EFA starting with a half dose and noticing a positive change in my skin. But I'm so leery now. Can folks post both positive and negative experiences and if negative how they were able to deal...I see BRH's - anyone else?
Re: My question exactly Ms Kenesha

I've been taking flax seed oil since the beginning of the month. To help with the dryness in my skin and hair. I haven't experienced any breakouts. I don't have acne, but I do have oily skin and this winter I noticed it was dryer then usual. So that is why I started taking it. My skin is clear and I take a tablespoon daily.
Re: My question exactly Ms Kenesha

I take the softgels. I was told if I start breaking out to just cut back on the dosage. So far I only take 1 of each twice a day(less than is recommended) and I haven't had any problems. These seem to help with more than just dry skin and hair for me. I was having some other 'problems' since I had my hysterectomy in Feb and they have gone away also. So these 2 are a keeper all around for me.
Re: My question exactly Ms Kenesha

I started breaking out a little when I first started taking the soft gels of both the flax seed oil (1000) & evening primrose oil (1000). I was originally taking both of them everyday. I now alternate days by taking the flax seed oil (1000) one day and the evening primrose (500) another. This has helped a great deal. I'm no longer breaking out like I was.
Re: My question exactly Ms Kenesha

I've used FSO in the past and had no problems. My skin is quite oily and noticed no side effects.
Re: My question exactly Ms Kenesha

I was also breaking out for a while and didn't know why. I think I was taking too much MSM. In addition to what's in the GNC UNH, I was taking 2 1000 mg tabs daily. My face and my upper back obviously didn't like that! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Now I only take 1 MSM tab. I'm still breaking out a bit but not as much as before.
It made my skin breakout initially and it was very oily. I stuck with it and in about 2 weeks my skin adjusted.