Dyeing natural hair


Active Member
Sorry for the gazzilion threads haha butttt I am really thinking about dyeing my hair but I'm so scared of damaged. Any natural ladies have experiences they would like to share ? I'm sure there's others like me who are on the fence haha oh an can I dye like soon after doing 100% henna ?
First: Hello! I hope you are having an amazing journey and that you find this helpful
I have dyed my hair twice, once a very light honey brown. The dye did damage my hair somewhat and the top left side of my hair was whispy, stringy, and limp. It took only one protein treatment to get my curls back but my hair felt weird for a while.

I recently redyed just one week ago, to a dark purple red. It had been about seven months from my first dye job. I dyed my hair and immediately put in my protein treatment: Aphogee Two Minute and some Aubrey Organics GPB and slept on it for ten or so hours. My hair was and still is amazing!

My only suggestions for dyed hair are:
Have a reliable protein and use it as often as you see fit. I know when my hair needs protein by how it curls when wet and how quickly it gets frizzy.
Sorry for the gazzilion threads haha butttt I am really thinking about dyeing my hair but I'm so scared of damaged. Any natural ladies have experiences they would like to share ? I'm sure there's others like me who are on the fence haha oh an can I dye like soon after doing 100% henna ?

No, dye and henna don't mix.
I've never had any bad experiences using semiperm dye or henna on my 4b hair. Granted I've only ever used black dye before. FYI I got tired of using henna/indigo so I went to using dye instead. Also I started using dye two years after my last henna treatment.
I dye my natural hair. However, I also go to a salon for professional coloring with no real issues. You will need to maintain your moisture-protein balance for best results in between coloring visits.

My first attempt to color my natural hair after using henna was approximately 6-8 weeks after an application. The stylist didn't ask about any pre-service questions (and I had forgotten about the henna). This led to a botched job because the henna turned out one color and the rest of different since I was trying to go lighter. I wound up going to another professional who had to lift the henna off in order to fix the color.

My suggestion is, the henna shouldn't be a problem IF you want to go darker - but should be discussed with a stylist if you want to go LIGHTER. They need to know about the henna to determine if that needs to be lifted off FIRST.
I dye my natural hair. However, I also go to a salon for professional coloring with no real issues. You will need to maintain your moisture-protein balance for best results in between coloring visits.

My first attempt to color my natural hair after using henna was approximately 6-8 weeks after an application. The stylist didn't ask about any pre-service questions (and I had forgotten about the henna). This led to a botched job because the henna turned out one color and the rest of different since I was trying to go lighter. I wound up going to another professional who had to lift the henna off in order to fix the color.

My suggestion is, the henna shouldn't be a problem IF you want to go darker - but should be discussed with a stylist if you want to go LIGHTER. They need to know about the henna to determine if that needs to be lifted off FIRST.

I henna'd my hair and then, months later, wanted to go lighter. I went to a colorist and while she asked if I had "anything" done to my hair, I totally didn't think about the henna and told her no. I desired a honey-brown/blonde color with highlights, but I got closer to orangey-copper. Thankfully it still looked nice on me, but definitely not what I wanted.

So if you want to go darker, henna shouldn't matter. But if you want to lift your color, the henna will definitely alter your results.
I've dyed my natural hair. I think I used Texture Tones, I think. I'd have to look at a box to tell you specifically what I used. I was nervous about it, but I did it anyway. I've had no problems at all in terms of breakage, dryness, etc.

I dyed it on a Friday, May 30, 2013. Yes, I remembered the date. I was talked into dying my hair by my son's hair stylist. He was getting maintenance on his locs and I was sitting in the stylist chair next to him. Well, it got hot in the shop, so I just snatched my wig off and started fanning myself with it. I didn't care at all. Women were looking at me like wtf...but whatever...it was hot as hell in there. The shop just opened, so we had to wait for the air. So I made my own fan. :ohwell:

The stylist was amazed at how much hair I had and started questioning me as to why I wore wigs to begin with. So yeah, she talked me into dying it and I let her. Just a simple box color. No mixing of bleach, etc. It was called a Sassy Red (I think, but i know the box when I see it).

It also allowed me to track my growth too! Since it's been almost a year, I have this Ombre thing going on. The color came out like a pretty burnt orange/dark auburn color. Matched my complexion.

I may retouch it. I may. Not sure. I actually like the Ombre look, especially when I wear it two strand twisted.

I don't wear the wigs all the time, but I will tell you this. I'm Queen Snatch'em. If it starts getting on my nerves, i'm snatchin it off. Dats it n dats all. Those little pesky hairs around the bang area get on my nerves sometimes. I could be driving, or at a light. if the urge hits me, she comin off and she'll just have to ride shotgun on the passenger side until I get her home and place her on the head stand. :ohwell:
I've dyed my natural hair. I think I used Texture Tones, I think. I'd have to look at a box to tell you specifically what I used. I was nervous about it, but I did it anyway. I've had no problems at all in terms of breakage, dryness, etc.

I dyed it on a Friday, May 30, 2013. Yes, I remembered the date. I was talked into dying my hair by my son's hair stylist. He was getting maintenance on his locs and I was sitting in the stylist chair next to him. Well, it got hot in the shop, so I just snatched my wig off and started fanning myself with it. I didn't care at all. Women were looking at me like wtf...but whatever...it was hot as hell in there. The shop just opened, so we had to wait for the air. So I made my own fan. :ohwell:

The stylist was amazed at how much hair I had and started questioning me as to why I wore wigs to begin with. So yeah, she talked me into dying it and I let her. Just a simple box color. No mixing of bleach, etc. It was called a Sassy Red (I think, but i know the box when I see it).

It also allowed me to track my growth too! Since it's been almost a year, I have this Ombre thing going on. The color came out like a pretty burnt orange/dark auburn color. Matched my complexion.

I may retouch it. I may. Not sure. I actually like the Ombre look, especially when I wear it two strand twisted.

I don't wear the wigs all the time, but I will tell you this. I'm Queen Snatch'em. If it starts getting on my nerves, i'm snatchin it off. Dats it n dats all. Those little pesky hairs around the bang area get on my nerves sometimes. I could be driving, or at a light. if the urge hits me, she comin off and she'll just have to ride shotgun on the passenger side until I get her home and place her on the head stand. :ohwell:


Just quoted you to say. I love reading your posts. I've been missing you around here.
awwww thank you, msdeevee -- Life circumstances chile....it's always something, so I haven't been online as much. I miss you guys. I've been posting here and there, but not as much as I use to. But that will change :)
I dyed my hair about a month ago after using henna multiple times on my hair with the last occurrence a little over a month before I died my hair. My hair colour came out great although I was going for a red colour. Maybe if you're going for a colour other than red the henna might affect it. Did you dye your hair using henna or was it just used for conditioning without allowing time for the dye to release?
It seems like my experience is not the norm around these parts, but permanent dye absolutely messed up my hair. It looked amazing right after, but the first time I washed it, I could tell something was off. It loosened my curl and thinned out my hair. It got worse as the months went on. No matter what I did, it got progressively dryer and more frayed. I didn't big chop again, but I had to eventually cut all my dyed hair off. The dye messed up my hair more than relaxers ever did.

I had numerous tones in my hair. Some parts were lifted, some were reddened. I have light brown/goldish blonde hair to begin with, so it wasn't extremely lightened. Also, my hair is very fine. I went to a professional stylist. I say proceed with caution.
I dyed my hair about a month ago after using henna multiple times on my hair with the last occurrence a little over a month before I died my hair. My hair colour came out great although I was going for a red colour. Maybe if you're going for a colour other than red the henna might affect it. Did you dye your hair using henna or was it just used for conditioning without allowing time for the dye to release?

My hair is still the same color I just mixed it with water and put it on my hair for two hour
Others might disagree but from what I've seen from my friends who have gone lighter in hair color I would say don't do it is you are trying to grow your hair longer. Its hard to maintain you ends enough for fast growth after the damage of bleach.
I have bleached and dyed the front of my hair blue. I have not experienced any damage, but what worked for me was lifting my hair in two steps instead of all at once.

I have thick type 4 hair, I wash and DC religiously every 2 weeks. I usually wear my hair in 2 strand twists. Here is a pic with it out.

I've dyed my hair for years. When I was relaxed and dyed, my hair was dry most of the time. Since I've been natural my hair was damaged once when I got it professionally died blonde and light brown. But honestly I believe it's because the stylist didn't know what she was doing and over processed it. I chose to grow it out vs cutting it off because it looked decent and was still manageable. After that fiasco, I've been coloring my own hair and I haven't had any problems. I do protein treatments approximately once a month and I deep condition once a week.
I went for a consultation and was told she would need to lift the henna with bleach if I wanted to go lighter. I have stopped henna about a year ago and I am just going to wait until it is all gone before I color.
I went for a consultation and was told she would need to lift the henna with bleach if I wanted to go lighter. I have stopped henna about a year ago and I am just going to wait until it is all gone before I color.

Good idea.....
I also dyed using Clairol Textures and Tones. I used burgandy. I had no damage or anything and my hair was amazing for about 4 weeks. I washed and cowashed my hair so much that the color faded pretty fast. It wasn't that bad because I finally was able to use different color rinses and you could actually see the color in my hair.
The only thing I don't like is that as my hair grew out, the dyed part was definitely weaker than the rest of my hair.
I think dyeing hair is a roll of the dice, but if you do I say go with T&T and make sure you use more protein.