Quick - Help! On dyeing human hair extensions


New Member
I bought a monofilament human hair wig in F27/613 (in hopes of dyeing it to a more suitable shade of blonde) but it is too blonde for my tastes. I tried dyeing it T&T Bronze but the color did not take at all - the 613 is still white as can be. Does anyone know how to successfully dye human hair wigs/weaving hair? Would I have better luck and sticking power with a semi-permanent rinse? I'm thinking of Beautiful Collection Honey Brown right now... If this helps any, I didn't wash before dyeing - it was straight out of the package.
hm. your trying to get darker and the color wont take? thats unusual. what brand are you using? how long are you leaving it to process?
Maybe you should could cut off a few pieces and do a strand test. What about a dark brown semi perm since the hair doesn't seem to be very porous?