Dumb Immigrant Gets Fooled


Well-Known Member
Like I said in another thread, I need to write a novel. I also will obviously need an editor.:grin:

Anyhow, my long time best friend never told me she married a guy from Liberia.She knew I did not like him at all. Still a little mad at her for that. She said she didn't tell me because I tell everything.?????ok

She met the guy at work, she is a nurse, he an orderly. He has an ex-wife(I think she is an ex) in Liberia with two children but was living with he's new baby momma in the states.

They have a LUST affair. Oh, yeah, my friend was unhappily married at the time to a man who did nothing but provide financially.

My friend divorces her husband and moves new man in.

My friend caught him cheating and lying but said she loved him.She supported him financially because he paid NOTHING toward household expenses.smh

Well, long story short(again!) she discovered he married her for a green card.

Here is the dumb part:
She said as soon as he thought he had all of the paperwork ready to get a green card, he left to be with another woman, not the baby's momma.Little did he know, he was no where close to getting a green card. He was then placed on the deportation list for fraud and because they discovered he lied to get into the country.

Also, yes there is more.....She recalled that the baby's momma and his cousins would make strange statements to her such as "thank you for what you are doing for us". It was because he lied to them and said she married him just to help him become a citizen.

I have no question here just wanted to relay another true but strange story.

I think she would STILL take him back if given the chance.
1. Youre friend was right you talk too much :lachen:
2. This did not deserve its own thread.
3. This title is real disrespectful
4. sucks for him and her. :ohwell: