Dream About Fish


Well-Known Member
The other night I had a dream about fish. It stuck in my mind all day because the fish were coming out of my mouth in the dream and when I woke up it was like I could still feel that sensation. It wasn’t good or bad it was just a distinct feeling. Another detail that stuck with me is that the fish were bright and colorful. The colors were so beautiful. I remember blue, orange and purple. Also, it seemed as though I was under water because I remember seeing little air bubbles coming from the mouths of the fish. I was standing in my den and kitchen in the dream. I also remember fanning the fish away to get them out of my eyes. It was like as soon as they would leave my mouth they would go for my eyes so I would fan them away so I could see. And their eyes….I remember the eyes of the fish. Very big eyes and they were watching me.

I know that fish are referenced many times in the Bible. I also read that fish can be symbolic of fertility, eternity, creativity, femininity, good luck, happiness, knowledge, and transformation. Does anyone have any insight on what this dream could represent?
There could be someone newly pregnant around you. Those fish dreams usually represent that...in my life anyway.