Doyou think long and healthy hair will ever be the norm for bw??

Do you think LHCF and the ladies here can have a influence on bw's hair in general?

  • No things will never change

    Votes: 76 17.6%
  • Yes we can have a impact on some women

    Votes: 203 47.0%
  • Yes one day healthy hair will be the norm for most bw

    Votes: 153 35.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
We all learn how to take care of our hair and I don't think we will ever forget how to b/c it's just so simple IMO(for me it's bunning and dc and co-washing)

Many of us are passing this knowledge onto our friends,family and most important our daughters.
So do you think that we are slowly changing the way ppl,haircare companies,stylists etc. view our hair and it's abilities?

Do you think that we can have an influence on bw that never visited the board and through the six degrees of separation applied to haircare will change the health and length of xy's hair from around the corner???
Or did you notice a change already and saw more healthy natural or relaxed heads?If so do you think this will continue to happen till most bw will have healthy longer hair?
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No... We all know that growing (and maintaining) long hair is a lot of work. It's pretty much a lifestyle change. All black women are not going to want to put all this effort into caring for their hair. There are always going to be some people that won't or don't know how. And on top of that, everybody doesn't like long hair either.
I say yes. Although having shorter or longer hair would vary, it will be more of a choice to have the exact length and health we want in our hair. As more ladies see what is possible and believe it, it changes everything and what once was rare becomes more commonplace. I see haircare being totally effortless in the future, especially at the rate things are speeding up.

When I look at how much much I've learned in this one forum, even just a couple of months ago with SAA, it amazes me. New and better information is always being discovered. I am certain there are writers and researchers outside of LHCF gathering information from our posts to create new and better hair products. :)
Healthy yes long no. I say that because the majority of the women around me (myself included) don't want super long hair. Most are perfectly happy with between SL and APL but every women wants healthy hair.
Yes, I hope so.
Not every woman may want long hair, but healthy Yes!
And I think many more women will go natural :)
I think more black women will achieve longer hair than was previously the norm and one day yes healthy hair will definately be normal in our community, but I don't think that everyone wants hair as long as mine persay.

As knowledge is aquired we will pass on what we know to future generations and we'll be able to teach our children, nieces, cousins, etc. what our mothers couldn't teach us. And as we teach others, eventually companies will take notice and products will become better. By default, with better products some will have better hair without even trying. No, we can't reach everyone, but that in the very least with have an impact.
Long no, Healthy yes. Most women I know are happy with shoulder length-armpit length hair. Many people don't consider that long. I am happy with health shoulder length hair.
I voted yes. I think that a lot of the problem with black women's hair have been the products we have been provided with. I think that as more "healthy hair" products get introduced as the market becomes more attuned to the wants and needs of black women and their hair (I"m think the black girl on OPRAH who lauched a line, Carols Daughters, all the women on LHCF with products now, and plenty of others) and as these lines develop that things will change GRADUALLY. I mean, change never comes over night. Think about we've been doing these practices...I really think it could take generations but that it WILL happen. I mean on LHCF alone there are something like 25,000 members...well, what if these women, stylist, men, whoever pass their knowledge onto their children or convert just one person. I mean...there are only 30 million black people in the country...:grin:
And another thing, previous to the invention of the straightening comb and other chemical products black women DID have long healthy hair.

AND...think about how many women have natural hair today. I mean, most people thought THAT would never happen. I know I sure as heck didn't. Then they napped me and converted me to the dark side. Those heffas.
Long no, Healthy yes. Most women I know are happy with shoulder length-armpit length hair. Many people don't consider that long. I am happy with health shoulder length hair.

I think armpit length is long to a lot of black women. Most black women I know do not have armpit length hair including me. I can only think of 1 or 2.
I say yes, and it will come down to pure economics. Stylists who can't support what their clients want will starve. More and more bw will begin to demand healthy hair from their stylists, who, in response to the demand, will have to learn how to provide what their clients are asking for.

When someone whom a woman has always known can grow healthy BSL hair, she is not going to passively listen to a technique-challenged SHS tell her she can't do it because of the type of hair she has. As this happens over and over, the stylists with the proper techniques are going to take all the clients (like the Dominicans, for example).
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Only those with an open Mind and willingness to learn. I tried to tell the ones I know how to treat their hair and look at me like I am half crazy.
I think it could become the norm once we pass on our knowledge. Having long, healthy hair is not necessarily a lot of hard work once you know how to achieve it and good hair practices become second nature.
One day it will happen....for years we have been told that the grease that they have been selling to us was the business to keep our hair in check!! we now know that our hair can grow to lengths without that nosense....we just have to train our minds differently. Some people say no black woman will want to go through this much hassle just for long is not a hassle it can be as simple as you want it to be...if you can book appointments for weaves and nails and pedicures and this and that taking care of your own hair(not the one you bought from the store) should not be seen as hard work....whats hard work is when you incorporate far too many things in your regime that you dont have time to do it all... I can see the day when people dont say "black folk hair can grow that long:blush:?" It will just be normal...
It will if we start making LHCF cards and passing them around and wearing LHCF t-shirts. :yep:

I've seen lots LOTS of women I'd love to refer here but how rude would it be to slide them the URL on a napkin. :ohwell:
No... We all know that growing (and maintaining) long hair is a lot of work. It's pretty much a lifestyle change. All black women are not going to want to put all this effort into caring for their hair. There are always going to be some people that won't or don't know how. And on top of that, everybody doesn't like long hair either.

I agree. Not everyone will have long hair, not because we can't grow iy but because not everyone wants MBL or WL hair, me personally I'll be very content with thick APL. And also i can see lots of women saying that that it's too much work to grow it. I told my roomate about this site and she really wanted her hair to grow but when I told her about wearing protective styles she was like:nono:. You dont necessarily need protective styles but I just using that as an example of someone not wanting to do everything.
No... We all know that growing (and maintaining) long hair is a lot of work. It's pretty much a lifestyle change. All black women are not going to want to put all this effort into caring for their hair. There are always going to be some people that won't or don't know how. And on top of that, everybody doesn't like long hair either.
Yep, I have to agree..You have to have a passion for hair, I've always been interested in taking care of my hair..
Yes I think that it can be changed for most.

Most people I know who have unhealthy hair learned those bad habits either from family or from their stylists. I know I did.

The only way it can be changed for everyone is if healthy hair is a goal across the board ( cosmetology schools, stylists, patrons, companies, and consumers. I don't think that will ever happen.
I dont think its that much effort. I just started washing every other day with conditioner, deep conditioning atleast for 15 minutes after a shampoo and following my moisturizer with a light oil to seal and my ends are already getting alot better and not breaking off, which in turn leads to me retaining growth. The only big things that I do that most of the time is a chore to me is I put mn on my scalp after every wash, but that is really not necessary for healthy hair. I really hope all this knowledge will help more women grow healthy hair and keep it at any length they see fit.
I think so without a doubt!

Black haircare info hasnt even been out 10 years....

Look how many hairbooks there
Imagine how many hairbooks have been sold or checked out from librarys
Look how many hairwebsites there are
Look how many members each have
Imagine how many lurkers each have

We are only like geneation one of black women knowing how to grow longhair

Then their are always black women out there who are still wondering, but havent thought about looking on the internet or in books yet (and there are sooo many young black girls on myspace, facebook, black wont take long before they start looking up hairstyles or products and stumple on sites like these)

Then their are all the people who see us with long and/or healthy hair, and we tell them, or they become curios themselves

Then there are our family members and friends, and our kids.......

To say never is just CRAZY imo. 100 years from now there isnt going to be that much ignorance left passed down after all of these black women have long hair.

PLUS---IMO is takes more work to damage your hair then have it be heathy and grow long----The simplest regimen could be Shampoo, Moisture/Protein condtioner every week or two, and wear rollersets, flatirons, braids, twists, ect. in the meantime while moisturizing daily. Doesnt have to be sophisticated or complicated
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I think healthy hair will become the norm....But long hair is a preference...I know black girls who prefer short hair for different reasons...But we all do have one thing in common and that is wanting healthy hair!!
I think so without a doubt!

Black haircare info hasnt even been out 10 years....

Look how many hairbooks there
Imagine how many hairbooks have been sold or checked out from librarys
Look how many hairwebsites there are
Look how many members each have
Imagine how many lurkers each have

We are only like geneation one of black women knowing how to grow longhair

Then their are always black women out there who are still wondering, but havent thought about looking on the internet or in books yet (and there are sooo many young black girls on myspace, facebook, black wont take long before they start looking up hairstyles or products and stumple on sites like these)

Then their are all the people who see us with long and/or healthy hair, and we tell them, or they become curios themselves

Then there are our family members and friends, and our kids.......

To say never is just CRAZY imo. 100 years from now there isnt going to be that much ignorance left passed down after all of these black women have long hair.

PLUS---IMO is takes more work to damage your hair then have it be heathy and grow long----The simplest regimen could be Shampoo, Moisture/Protein condtioner every week or two, and wear rollersets, flatirons, braids, twists, ect. in the meantime while moisturizing daily. Doesnt have to be sophisticated or complicated

yes I agree. hair care shouldnt be complicated and a lot fo women who have long lengths here have simple regimens but a lot of women dont even want to do that.
I agree with glamazon, it's a lifestyle change and some people are not willing to make that change. I've had some women asking me for advice after seeing my hair, but then laughing at me after I explain everything I do to it...'it's only for people who have no social life' they said:ohwell: when really it 'only' takes me 4hrs a week...that's a great investment to me.
No. I don't think it will be because many black women I know are more content to do what they are used to than try something new that will give them the results they are looking for.
I agree with glamazon, too; the amount of consistency required is more than most people are willing to stick with. I don't know that that will change anytime soon.
In all of my years over forty I have yet to met someone bw that wanted short hair, I know some that say its easier to maintain and it doesn't grow but this long anyway so might as well keep it short. Thats what I hear nothing about I love it and I am keeping it this way. I have always had short hair and I hated it the longest it grow was to the end of my neck and I thought that was something, but I really searched to find a way to get my hair to grow I talked to all kinds of people but they all said the same exact thing. Trimming more I was trimming each time I went to the salon. grease your scalp and etc. my sister who had armpit lenght told me the truth but I thought she was crazy. But I listen to some of it and started washing my hair more. My hair grew but would always break and break and I never knew why. Now Thanks to LHCF I know why, I know what to do about it. I know what to do about a lot of things regarding hair but thats because I come on here and I do other research as well. How is the average person going to grow their hair. We all have issues there hasn't been one time that I have logged on and there wasn't a new issue with the hair. My hair is breaking, My hair is thin on the top. We talk to each other if not for here where would we go, thats a major factor you can't go to your stylist who isn't uptodate and the fact is even if she was why would she tell you that. She would loose business if we were doing everything ourselves and not coming to her. I mean I can go to my friend but she has waist length hair and can only say I go to the salon every two weeks thats all she can say about hair nothing else. She has never done her hair. I think we can help some people but not the world unless there is a central place people can go for any questions they might have about hair then everyone will eventually be in the know.
I think as we learn, we pass it on to our children and interested relatives and they pass it down and so on. I know that my daughter has long hair and its because of the healthy hair practices that Ive employed from my mother, aunts and sister in laws