DontSpeakDefeat did my weave today and its T-I-G-H-T!!!!

Wow your hair looks great. If you didn't post that you had a weave I would have never guessed by looking at the picture. DSD did a wonderful job and it looks really nice on you. :)
DontSpeakDefeat did my hair today and I love it. We talked and had a merry ole time while she weaved my hair. It was truly a good feeling to be in an intimate setting without all the commercial stuff. I will definitely be going back!!!

:lachen:And oh I saved a ton of money on car insurance by going to DontSpeakDefeat!!!:lachen:I really did!!!

I love your hair, your smile, DSD, your siggy(that's my favorite line from that movie), and your doggy!!!! Girl, DSD did the thang with your hair....beautiful.
Hey Whipz!!! Long time no talk to!!! Your hair is beautiful!! I love the sew in! You make me want to get mine back! I haven't had one since the first time I got one in the fall.

DSD did a wonderful job!
Whipz, you look mahvelous Dahling!:gorgeous: I never would've known it was a weave.

Beasutiful job, DSD!:clap:
Wow I would have never known this is a weave:blush:
I waited all day to se this thread b/c I couldn't see the pics at work,it was worth the wait it looks fabulous:yep: